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Everything posted by BradRiter

  1. How many posts until I'm off of the practice squad?
  2. The day that he's the best QB on the roster or they're eliminated from the playoffs, sure. Until then, nope.
  3. That's funny. Seriously. In retrospect, should've labelled this thing LAMP. Sorry. I suck at posting.
  4. Hasn't changed... I still think it's Bledsoe.
  5. "Valedictorian of summer school" is my favorite version of that same point.
  6. I hope he calls again. That was great.
  7. Weird that she dressed as Skeletor, and Halloween wasn't until today.
  8. Thanks. Gotta remember that the camera adds 100 pounds. I said 24-20 Buffalo and if they'd scored on that last drive, it would have been 23-21. Close enough... they would have had to say really nice things about me. Oh well.
  9. seriously? nothing?
  10. Does the whole "Tedy Bruschi playing after a stroke" thing remind anyone else of "Travis Henry playing with a broken leg?" Bruschi's stroke wasn't like your grandma's stroke and Travis Henry's broken leg wasn't like the one you had when you fell off of your bike in 4th grade and had to wear a cast for 2 months. Nice job, welcome back, congratulations, but settle down.
  11. I'm definitely a moron, but I'm not sure which is the strongest indicator-- my participation on TBD, my employment at WGR, or the helmet I have to wear when I drive my car.
  12. Just Vikings being vikings. They had boats, right?
  13. Actually, it didn't sell out. They announced a little over 17000 and there were far fewer actually in attendance, but it was still a good sized crowd.
  14. That was R.Rich? Cool. Hi R.Rich. BTW, I walked past TSW tailgate early in the AM with Jerry Sullivan and thought of stopping to say hi, but thought we (or at least he) would be the object of projectiles, so I opted not to steer him in.
  15. Was that supposed to be something that made people decide that Ruben is a bad guy?
  16. Especially if Hair o' the Dog is playing. I'm going to Saratoga this weekend too, but waiting until Sunday to go to the track. We'll probably hit OTB before the Travers though.
  17. I'm hearing the LOHS-man thing everywhere and I've been tolerant, but I just heard Al Michaels do it when discussing DB's departure from Buffalo and I realized something needs to be done. Anyone have a plan?
  18. We're across from the Big Tree Inn like we were at the end of last season. I'll be out there with Howard Simon for the GB game on Saturday, actually. I don't know how much we'll actually be on the air, since we're not on until the Yankees' game ends, but we'll be there.
  19. I think you are missing something, actually. I was reading a message board that I check out almost every day, and the top thread had my name in the subject line. Therefore, I read it. When I felt I wasn't quoted accurately, I replied. Then everybody decided to talk about how much they don't like the place where I work. Oh, and the Clements thing I was talking about is in the Audio Vault at www.wgr550.com. I'm sorry for ruining your day by posting on a message board.
  20. I can handle it, I swear, or I'd stop reading/writing here. And yes, I AM aware that it wasn't a requested step backward. Thanks.
  21. Here's a step forward-- check out the vault for audio of Clements and also his agent regarding the contract. Some of the Nate stuff is "wow inducing." I'm on for another 2.5 hours, so I'll be sure to take that requested backward step at some point.
  22. Um, both? I'm kind of a schmuck, and I'm also Brad. I'm writing during commercial breaks.
  23. I'm actually one of those people on the fence about buying season tix, which is why it stood out to me. And today we get "I expect him to play on Saturday" despite the fact that "we'll see if he can practice tomorrow." It just isn't sitting right with me.
  24. First, thanks for listening. Second, yes I was checking out the board during the commercial break. Third, I didn't intend to insult anyone. My point is that there are certainly people out there who don't read this board, listen to WGR, read the paper or watch the news everyday. If they happened to be at practice, they are the only ones who could be fooled, and there's no other explanation for Willis' pads and helmet (especially the helmet, which to me looked like a prop.) On the show, I told a true story from today about a kid and his dad. They were sitting behind me in the bleachers. The kid asked "Is Willis even here?" presumably with no clue that this injury even exists. His dad said "I don't know. Oh, there he is." Then they changed the subject. Worked like a charm.
  25. You wanna talk about a great band (for one album at least) that NOBODY seems to know? I give you... The Refreshments. There are three topics to the songs on that album: 1. Drinking 2. Mexico 3. Drinking in Mexico
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