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Everything posted by Passepartout

  1. Happy Fathers Day!

  2. Well maybe because people perceive him as not smart or bright. And that really he is a bright guy. As he hates for people not to see the real him.
  3. RIP Christopher Lee!

  4. Would love for Secretariat to come out of the grave and race American Pharaoh. There is always CGI there.
  5. Well Ray does need a job. To put it mildly. But where he will land who knows?
  6. At least for now in Jersey but that could all change.
  7. Happy Memorial Day!

  8. They call him a player's coach like that! Wish they all were!
  9. Happy Mother's Day

  10. Will you upset those that love Santa Claus then? LOL!
  11. Happy May Flowers!

  12. This could be Tebow's last chance in the NFL. It seems for him here today, gone tomorrow!
  13. Happy April Fools!

  14. Happy April Fools!

  15. Not a boxing fan but this could go down as the fight of the century!
  16. Have a safe Easter!

  17. He is just promoting an ad that's all.
  18. Happy St Patty's!

  19. Well Suh is really a great addition to the team. As the team paid him big bucks to be the kind of player he was at Detroit.
  20. Live Long and Prosperous!

  21. Valentine's of Hearts!

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