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Everything posted by Ed_Formerly_of_Roch

  1. There really are very few "bad ass's" in the Olympic's except for Allen Iverson and the female weight lifters. That is the most discusting sport to watch!
  2. If you note his sig, Unix geek, he's implying that Windows is just a "kids" program. If you need something powerfuul obvious according to him, yuo'd use Unix. Unix is a fery powerful program, that is rather on the complicated side, so is only used by geeks like him. It's sort of in the same boat as Mac's. Everyone says how great they atre, but no one uses them anymore as they prefer popular priced, mainstream solutions!
  3. With Free Agency today, you don't get three years just to make it as a special teams ace. Not saying he is or isn't gonna get cut, but doubt he'll be kept strickly on how he might develp as special teamer.
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