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Everything posted by Ed_Formerly_of_Roch

  1. The trade renewed alot of interest in the Bill's and sold alot of tickets. It also gave the Bills credability as an up and coming team and might have helped convince people like Spikes, Adams, and company to sign here as FA's So no way was it such a terrible trade as you makje it out to be. Most people around here embraced the trade too. It's easy now in hindsight to call it a bad trade, but at the time the clear majority of people thought it was a good deal.
  2. Maybe T Henry, D Bledsoe, Josh Reed and a third or fourth rounder could get a number one back. Would I take that deal? Sure. The one thing in the favor of Dallas making a trade like this is Parsells seems to be in love with over the hill QB's. However as someone else pointed out, I also think he there's a good chance he's not coaching there next season either.
  3. I will be surprised if Parsell's sees that pick. My guess is he'll quit again by year end. I wonder how many years this will set back his being elected to HOF? Considering how often he'd treat he media with distain, maybe never? I'd imagine alot of voters are just looking for a reaso nnot to vote for him. This might be enough!
  4. Since he's the third string QB he can only play inthe 4th Q. If he plays prior to that, then niehter QB 1 or 2 can come back itno the game if J were to get hurt
  5. I'd like to hear what the "Numerous communites" are? LA yes, but besides that don't see too many others. Times have also changed. These days there doesn't appear to be a bunch of cities lining up with sweetheart deals either. There are enough larger NFL cities struggling these days too that would likely make other cities take note about offering great deals to move a team. If Indy, or Minn, or New Orleans can't make a go of it, why should some other city spend millions to get a team to end up in ten years in the same boat as these other places. LA is the one exception as the population there is so much larger. But besides that, there aren't many other cities currently without teams and that have massive populations that can support a team.
  6. I read posts last week from people happy that Howard Simon was going to WGR and talking about Empire in past tense. Did Empire officially pull the plug or are people just assuming with no hockey and no Simon that Empire soon will be gone? I noticed a crawler across the bottom of my TW cable screen this weekend stating that Empire will no longer be available on their sports package. Anyone know??
  7. Williams is getting up there in age, so not so sure he will get many high salary offers. If we can sign him for reasonable amount great, but if not, We'll be OK with Edwards and Anderson. You can't afford pro bowlers at every postion anyway.
  8. Yes, but the question is, would Drew make one of these teams lines look bad?? Is it all the line, or is it partially line and he just makes it much worse?? Don't know for sure, thats's why I see a good test in going to a team like Baltimore and see what happens then!
  9. Actually the team that I thought would be an interesting fit would be the Ravens. Excellent defense, great running back, (when not in the slammer) and a very good offensive line. Not the best wide outs, but a good tight end. Would be interesting to see if all of a sudden their O-line is no good.
  10. JP isn't ready to start yet. Yes he's back and practicing, but that's still a long ways from playing. I predict Nov 21 he'd be ready by. Maybe the 14th, but I doubt they'd want to give him first playing time at NE
  11. In that scenerio, probably not at all. If they were to win like he'd proposing, they'd likely keep going with Drew. That could be the down side of winning, JP wouldn't play.
  12. Maybe, but true. I'm not trying to put down Henry, but I do feel that he's the type of player that will not likely have a long career cause his style of running always is leaving him a bit nicked up. Many people feel he should start because they were so impressed with Henry playing hurt in the past. I do think that if he wasn't in the past and again in the future able and willing to play "hurt" he'd have no career at all.
  13. Do you still have to pay to get into the field house prior to games? I know a few years ago you did, but thought it now was free? I have suite tickets. would it possibly be free admission with them?
  14. Actually my money is on Jacobs! The other thing going on in Buffalo's favor thesedays is it seems the trend of cities giving teams great stadium deals has turned the other way. Other than LA, what cities are being talked about for a team? There also appears to be other teams in higher need of moving, such as Minn. and Ind. Just curious, the comment was brought up that the NFL charter doesn't allow Green Bay type ownership. I wounder if the NFL could prevent it if for example Ralph's will decreed that to happen?
  15. One thing I will say about Henry, he was always given credit for playing hurt. However Travis is the kind of guy that had to play hurt cause he was constantly nicked up.
  16. Uh.... The trade deadline was a week ago. Sorry, you're stuck with them till year end.
  17. Why do the Sox batting helmets look like they got them used (for around 2 years) from some inner city little league program that has no money to replace them? Did they spend too much on Pedro instead? Is there some supistition behind replacing them??
  18. While I don't disagree with anything you say, I also think that the Yankee's haven't figured out one other thing. There's a shortage of good pitching in baseball (just like QB's in football) Any real good young pitchers are either resigned with their existing teams or are used as trade bait for other good young prospects. In the true Yankee tradition, they figure they can just keep spending tons of $$ to buy the pitchers they want. Trouble is, they haven't figured out that there's a reason the people they are signing are available. For most part they are no good! So they have a great fantasy rotation, just not very good on the mound. The other thing that it appears has happened. After the Yanks won a couple of series in late 80's they tailed off. George S decided for awhile to stop spending money like a drunken sailer. So instead he let young players develop; Jeter, B Williams, Soriano, (Paul ONeal??) and a number of other who all played at Columbus. Then in mid 90's they started winning again. George then got greedy again and wanted to keep winning every year, so went to his old ways and started trading his young prospects at Columbus for older mostly over the hill playes to fill in holes. They've made some good good deals but also many bad ones. At this point they have a team with good offensive players, but no pitching and no prospects to speak of to trade with to get any good young pitching. So the only thing George can do is to continue spending money blinding and subscribe to the "even a blind squirrel finds an acorn on occasion"! They will likely get lucky on some, but not likely enough.
  19. Did TD keep bring ing up what a great move it was to sign Posey so quick or did the media and fans? Seems every move that fans and media are are ripping TD for these days they applauded him for at the time they were made. If TD loves to look great and thump his chest out like everyone seems to think, then why isn't he even listed in the media guide? The thing about TD is he's a much more politically correct GM than we had in the past. JB and BP were two people who wore their emotions on their sleeve and the media liked that. TD is very calculated in what he says. And granted TD did take alot of heat from the media (in this case maybe deserved) for his comments last year about being embarrased about people in Buffalo.
  20. Just curious, did anyone here what had better ratings last night, the baseball game or the debate?
  21. JB did a good job of keeping Free agents happy that were originally signed by Polien. JB was a very good scout, but I don't think he was that good of a GM. In the end though in order to keep the long time Bills here, he overpaid and got out of Dodge just before the ship sunk. Butler/Polien also had a number of bad first round pick; Flowers A DB last name was Williams in early 90's (can't recal lhis first name?? Actually as I'm writing this I think the entire problem the bills are having is with guys named Williams! Pittsburg did pretty well with him there as far as having a talented team. So I'm not totally convinced he can't pick talent. His choice of Gregg Williams certainly didn't work too well, but can't fault too many others. I find it funny to how people are complaining about Mike Williams pick. If he hadn't picked him or BM (who's not exactly lighting things up) he would have been ripped for that too.
  22. Regardless of when it's on, it's an AFC, so will never be on Fox. It will be on CBS.
  23. Well From what I recall Pitt. fit that bill when TD was brought here. He won there. Which brings up a good point, for those sayings he's such a terrible GM; He was canned in Pitt supposedly for not getting along with Cowler, not for losing. The talent he's brought in here certainly looks good on paper, particually on defense. Most of the people around here supported the moved he made when he made them. Afterwards when they didn't work out, then the moves were questioned. Did he make a mistake in hiring Williams, yes, but over the years he's probably drafted, signed un-restricted free agents, signed un-drafted free agents totalling in the 1000's. But he's only signed 3 coaches and I'm not even sure he was the GM back when Cowler was signed?? So he certainly has less experience there. Considering at the time RW felt it would take five years to straighten things out, I'm sure he'll get at least one more year to turn things around.
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