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Everything posted by Ed_Formerly_of_Roch

  1. The difference I see between Price and Winfield and Jennings is that there was a pretty good likelyhood that Price would get an offer higher than the top 5 average, so it was a low chance the Bill's could get stuck with the contract. Jennings and Winfield both had some baggage, Winfield, Great hit no cover, Jennings always nicked up. Therefore, Jennings might not get an offer within the top 5 average. So you then run the risk of Jennings taking the offer. Would he likely take it in a week? Probably not, but also unlikely that anyone would offer a sign and trade within that period either. S owhat purpose does it solve except tying your hands t osome degree as to other moves you can make. I do believe, TD was OK with keeping Price at the offer sheet price, and would have been a decent deal for the Bills. (Not great, but OK) Jennings due to his injury history, not so sure. I believe there also is a limit to how often you can use the tag, so if they use it on Jenning and even if they pull it, they might not be able to use it again? Not certain, but I know there are some rules regarding how often you can use it. They may want to keep it another year for Clements instead??
  2. If our defense needs as you suggest serious upgrades, then we'll never win the Super Bowl. First off, you can not afford to have both an elite offense and defense in the age of salary cap. You also can't afford superstars at every position. Assuming Pat Williams re-signs, there isn't much to do different other than giving T McGee another year of experience, and maybe pick up a backup def-end who's a pass rushing expert. Secondly, if we need to make a bunch of changes on the D, they will again likely take over a year to jell. By that time holes will be showing up elsewhere. Third, if our defense is so bad, what about Pitt? 7 out of the 16 games we played were against the same teams as Pitt played. So if our defense was over rated cause they played weak opponents, same could be said for Pitt too. And New England played 14 of the 16 games against the same teams. If the biggest problem this team had to worry about was the D, we'd be in great shape!
  3. The other huge problem created by taking the best teams regardless of conference is tie breakers. Every team plays the three other teams in their division, plus four in another divison, plus two more in the other two divisions for a total of 9 out of 15 within their conference. In the other conference, you only play 4 out of 16. If the Bills were tied with the Vikings for the last spot, You can throw out head to head, division, and conference tie breakers. So it would come down to common games. The Bills and Vikes both played Jax and Seattle a total of two games. Two games would then determine who goes and who stays home. This year was a wield one, but I'll vote to keep things as they are as the alternatives could produce chaos.
  4. My vote would be for: LT - Teague LG - Williams C - Tucker RG - Villarial RT - FA Backups: Price, Smith, 1 FA(maybe two if you can find someone better than Smith), one rookie, or last years pick, McFarland??
  5. Another reason also too not go is you'd miss out on alot of offseason coaching. I'd be surprised if JP doesn't spend most of the off-season here in Buffalo working with Clements and SW studying film and stuff. Playing in Europe, you'd lose that.
  6. The question is, can you get someone better? You could take a chance on a guy out of college, but unless you get real lucky, he might miss a bunch early one. (Can you say Gary Anderson) Then when he starts missing what often happens is, the team cuts him. We cut that guy Graham a few years back. Now he's doing well.
  7. No, because following your plan, once the Bills were to sign someone like a Brees, then everyone know we'd want to trade Losman, so his value drops. When the Bills tagged PP, we had something Atlanta wanted, so they paid for it. Unless you can create bidding war, for Losman, you'll likely get less than you gave yup to get him. Thats true of all your moves cause you want to dump these guys. It's the same reason why the Losman trade was a decent value trade. We wanted the pick, so we had to give up extra value to make it happen.
  8. Well enough other people resonded too, figured might as well join the crowd. I agree though, this guy is nuts!
  9. What about Henry, Bledsoe and our #3 to Dallas for our #1 back?
  10. Your plan will also cost a fortune in dead cap money as you just paid for both Moulds, Bledsoe, and Losmans cap hit in one year. In addition, in Brees, you're also taking a big shot on a guy who had one good year, after was it 2 or 3 bad ones. Who's to say that Bree's wasn't a one year wonder? If you dump Moulds as you seem to be in favor of, what makes you think we won't repeat what happened last year to the offense and Moulds once Price was gone. With no other weapons, Moulds had a bad year. Evans isn't ready yet to be the primary guy, and even if he is, having a guy opposite him like Moulds makes him alot better player too. You seem to think it's easy to use 3rd and 4th rounders on linemen and you'll be in better shape than we are now. I think you're sadly mistaken and would take years if ever to recover from your plan. Do we pay Moulds $8 mil? No, but don't dump him either!
  11. In fairness to Reed, he's been jerked around alot in that he played his rookie year in the slot and did real well. Then second year as a wide out. This year played wide out in training camp and beginning of season till Evens became starter, then got hurt, then moved to slot. I'd say give him one full year with off season workouts and training camp playing nothing but the slot. I think he has one year left on a cheap contact. I'd give him one more year to see how he could do as a pure slot reciever.
  12. I'd franchise DB. If I get a good offer, I'd trade him. If not keep him for at least one more year and see if he can put two back to back years together. If so, then maybe trade Rivers as after two years his cap hit will start to go down. You're taking a big chance giving up on a guy who might really have finally figured things our in DB, to keep a guy who has proved nothing. Would definelty set San Diego back a couple years at best.
  13. Nope sorry to disapoint. One of the guys. I believe it's Jim Seydel (sp)?? I guess he goes to a different stadium each week, unless there's a hurricane or something. Next week he's in Green Bay.
  14. Hey, the Jets have to also play NE and I believe St Louis and Seattle?? I can see them losing three of four and the Bill's catching them.
  15. The Weather Channel has been broadcasting this morning from the Ralph. They were talking about Beef on Weck among other local treats.
  16. Yes Buffan (or is it Bufoon?) That is your point, but there are rules that are over your head and you don't understand thta prevent that! You can't put an inactive player in at running back if they all got hurt. But you probably could have your tight end play half back if you had too. But since QB is kind of specialized, it would be too difficult to do that. So they allow a 46th inactive player to come in and play, BUT only under certain curcumstances, and under certain specific rules.
  17. No! there are very particular rules related to when and how you can use your 3rd QB Simon might be right, not certain. It would seem that there would have to be some type of penalty involved for skipping QB#2. But I could be wrong, and Simon may be correct, however there are still cetian rules to be followed. To totally reject my comment as being ridiculous is stupid in itself. Since you think it's ridiculous, I'd suggest you go to the NFL rule book and find and post the rule before rejecting posts when it's pretty obvious by your response, you're just talking as an un-educated fan. Not as someone who actually has any knowledge of the depth of the rulebook.
  18. If the 3rd QB comes in prior to the start of the fourth quarter, then neither the 1st or 2nd QB are allowed to come back into the game. So if the Bill's were to bypass Shane M and bring in JP, if he were to get hurt or totally stink up the joint, then they can't go back to DB or Shane for the rest of the game.
  19. If Clements does leave I'd think a rather obvious replacemrent would be Sam W. However does he want the job? For all we know at the end of the year, he might tell the Bill's that the past year was too much for him related to his health problems. Or may not want the additional stress of a coordinators job. But I think if were to take the postion, we'd keep going in same direction without losing any steam.
  20. I'ts got to be the idiot that calls up WGR every week on his rank. There he has to tone it down a bit or risk being cut off if he started the racial comments.
  21. Josh Wright looked pretty good. Some of the passes he made were pretty damm good for a freshman. They had their second team play most of second half and it was a pretty good squard out there. Watkins also looked real good. Lets eee if he can do on a consitant basis. And Froth.... well he played, you can see his name in the box score under fouls committed.
  22. Don't disagree with much of your suggestions. If we lose Jennings, I'd consider moving Teague to tackle or see if Petter could play there and then try to sign a top notch center as they'd come cheaper than a tackle as a FA. Woul first thoug htry to keep Jenning IF he really wants to be here. Tight end. Yes, would be nice to improve, but can live with what we have. On offense, would rather see them try to improve line. Vincent has been hurt most of year. I'd give him another shot Don't know what he "hasn't done to help the Bills" as you allude too? Depth at linebacker would be nice, but not sure you can get better guys than we have as backups and be affordable. Agree Baker may be capable FS. Lindell can kick consistently from inside 40 yards. If we can get a proven kicker who can be just as good out to 50 yards and can put kick offs five yeards longer, sign him in a minute. But it's tough to find that guy. More ofte nthat not , you need to take a chance on un-proven guy and get lucky.
  23. I agree Lindell has kicked well this year, except the coaches won't give him many oppourtunities at long ones. The weather, even when not windy is n't very good here. Cold air means a harder ball to kick. 70% from 40-49 to me means you can't call them a gimmie either. All in all, are there better kickers around the league? Yes, but how many better kickers are available?
  24. That's true, but you wouldn't have Evens then too! We likely wouldn't have hada second rd pick to use at all.
  25. Stong defense?? Well smith and Hanson have since retired. Washington seems about on his last leg. Sam Cowlert has never been the same since he was hurt. Winfield was one good defensive player that has left, but who else did he rip apart on the defensive side that went on to bigger and better things since leaving the Bills? the Bills were an old defense that was stuck toget using glue and paper clips. It worked, but seems I recall in Wade and JB's last year the defense wasn't doing too good anymore either.
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