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Everything posted by Ed_Formerly_of_Roch

  1. It would be tough though to get a draft pick as he was a owed a signing bonus on MARCH 2nd. So that meant the Bills had to trade him before that. Since other teams also know that, why trade with him as opposed to wait till after the 2nd when you know the Bills are going to cut him. Travis Henry is a bit different. If the Bill's don't get a good offer they can keep him, or atleast till some one makes a better offer. In the meantime, it's not costing the Bill's anything additional to wait.
  2. The most amazing thing about it was back then it wasn't even on live TV. I recall watching the tape delay arounf 10:00 at night or so.
  3. Part of his problem I think is the Bill's jerked him around somewhat. He was great as a rookie playing the #3 WR spot. After his rookie year, the Bill's made this mistake of moving him outside once PP was gone. Reed is a good slot guy, but was terrible in 03 when they moved him outside. This past year, he again started the year outside, went through mini-camp, training camp as outside guy. Season started he was still outside. 5 or 6 weeks into season, they switched to Lee Evens and finally moved him dow nth the 3rd WR. Then he got hurt and missed a month or so. Once he came back he was #3 guy, but thne was too late. I'd like to see the Bills give him one year where he plays entire year, including offseason penciled in as slot guy. Then lets see how he does before I'd totally give up on him.
  4. So Denney has averaged 3 sacks a year for past two seasons?? I wonder what the average number of sacks is for all players? (including backups) I'd be surprised if it were much higher that that.
  5. No that's not what you said. Your entire second paragraph was: "TD has some sort of public image disorder where he or his mistakes can never be portrayed in a bad way. In fact, surfing among us is someone in the Bills organization that reports directly to Tom letting him know what is being said on TBD and other internet websites. A little crazy if you ask me." Your whole post seemed to be aimed at this ego thing of TD which you or no one around has absolutley no facts to back up with other than pure speculation. Oh and of course Sullivan and Felser will agree with you. If TD's ego is as big as you say it is, why doesn't he have a couple of full pages on his accomplishments in the media guide? Why didn't he keep Bledsoe for another year as many here thought he would have? I realize boards like this are mainly for people to post things and argue back and forth. But at least post on "semi-tangable" things like who should start at QB or how much trade value Henry has. They instead start posts based on the fact that they must be mind readers as they know exactly what he's thinking and what goes into all of his decisions. PS: Based on the last two posts I just wrote on this thread, I must be that guy you're referring too!
  6. No surprise, many in the media don't like TD mainly cause he doesn’t kiss the media's ass. He's given them some shots particularly last year, so many like Sullivan take every chance they can to dump on him, which just will cause TD to further treat Sullivan like he has the plague. It's funny too how many in the media who espouse this ego/paranoia theory aren't any of the regular beat writers. They instead are columnists who can write an article on the Bills once a week, then go hide and not have to really deal with the Bill’s on an every day basis.
  7. I think once DB is officially released sometime next week, JP will have a press conference. I think they just wanted to let the dust settle first.
  8. Considering the shortage of good QB's in the NFL, I think some team will sign him as their starter. I'd like to see him go to Baltimore only cause they have a good running back and a good OL. It would be a good test to see if some (or alot ) of his problem were related to the line he had in Buffalo as many people felt. If he can't succeed there, then he better give up.
  9. Typically teams use a draft pick value chart when figuring trade value. If you go to the draft pick value chart, each pick is worth so many points. Typically they tell you that a pick in the following years draft is worth the same as the current years pick minus one round. Therefore the Bills gave up a first rounder in 05 one year ago. which turns out to be the 20th pick Since they gave it up a year in advance ,you'd use the value of the 20th pick in round 2 or 380 points. They also gave up the 14th pick in the 2nd and 5th round, each worth 440 and 35 points respectively. That totals 855 points. In turn they got Dallas 22nd pick in the first rount which was worth 780 points. So they lost 75 draft points. Considering the Bills were asking for the trade, the only way the other team is going to agree is is they get something positive in return, therefore 75 draft points isn't too bad for either team. Infact 75 points is about equal to ironically the 14th pick in the 4th round. So if you look at what the Bills gave up to make the trade, they lost the value of one mid fourth round pick. I'd be willing to bet that Dallas thought Buffalo's pick was going to be alot higher than it turned out. In fact if The Bills had won the last game and made the playoffs, I know at least St Louis and Seattle would have picked higher and I think one other team. Hence the Bills would have had the 25th pick which was worth 50 points less. All in all I think the trade was pretty even for both teams, considering the Bill's were the team pushing for the trade.
  10. 10-6, you're in the playoffs. Yes I think he'd be the starter next year. But again Drew proved when playing a good team, he stunk up the joint and that did him in. I was hoping he'd work out, but I agree, time to move on.
  11. I agree with the guys you'd likely let go. I'd also let Reece go, but don't know off hand if that saves much $$ or not? No way would I give up a draft pick for Witherspoon. People seem to think Posey is terrible cause he doesn't get the stats that Spikes and Fletcher get. If Posey is our weak link defensively that we need to improve on, we're in great shape! If you want to bring a guy in as a backup LB fine, but no way I'd give up a draft pick to improve there. I agree we likely will need a replacement for Jennings if he leaves which I think he will. I also think you're way understating Teague's abilities. Another option too would be to move Teague back out to tackle and instead pick up a FA center which likely would come cheaper anyway. Then maybe also pick up a FA guard with the extra money Tight end improvement would help, though I thought Wiggens had a history of being injured alot??
  12. Yeah and it would be tough to gethe cruise ships into Buffalo. Be a hell of a long trip dow nthe St Lawrence.
  13. The only part then that is tough to explain was, if Mularkey wanted his own guy, why then didn't he just not hire Jones in Feb? As I recall he interviewed all of the coaches. In fact didn't he not hire a couple of the coaches? If it was Ralph didn't want to pay Jones' salary not to coach, they brought another guy in anyway. So Ralph could have paid both to coach, which he did, or the new guy to coach and Rusty to do nothing. Either way, same amount of $$ to Ralph. Seems to me, makes the theory that he didn't like his new role more believable?? The telling thing may be what the Bills do now. If they replace Jones, then I think it was more Jones didn't like the new role and after one year had enough and quit. If they don't replace him, then maybe Mularkey did want his own guy, but maybe was afraid to fire Jones as he felt after 20 years he was too popular here in town?
  14. I question if the whole thing isn't just talk to make NE game plan for TO. Come Sunday, the Eagles state, he's not playing.
  15. I don't think it's fair to compare the two. Marv and BP didn't have to deal with free agency either, except the last few years. Today, you have to be somewhat cold and corporate to succeed.
  16. Reed has been jerked around to some degree by Bill's too. He had a very good rookie year playing essensially the slot all year. Then his second year, the Bill's dump PP and decide to move Reed outside as a wide out. In hindsight, bad move! Then this season, they again started him outside, and then after Lee Evens came on strong, he gets the starting role, so they cut Shaw and move Reed back to the slot. Then Reed gets hurt and misses a month. I'd like to see the Bill's give reed this entire upcoming year to concentrate on nothing but the slot, through mini camps, pre-season, practices, everything, just slot. Then see how he does by year end. If he doesn't get his hands back, then I agree too, label him a bust. But really hate to give up on him quite yet. Give him one more year!
  17. It would seem it's even more ludicrous to expect TD to state we are going to cut DB until they do cut him. Maybe TD is waiting to find out if DB will take a pay cut. And maybe they gave him two weeks to respond. I didn't hear Mike and Mike, but if that is what he said, I'll be surprised if he isn't cut unless he DB takes a pay cut. And maybe DB has indicated that he's not going to take a cut?
  18. #1, 2 and 7) You still need a running back to be a good blocker and good at catching passes. #9 and 10) Your either going to pay him like a free agent and extend his contract in which case you've now given up a draft pick for essentially the same as signing a free agent. In that case may as well sign the free agent and not lose any picks. Or you don't resign him, then Henry is a bargin at $1.25 mil. However, you've now given up a draft pick for a guy who might only be with you for one season. #4) You are right, he does break heads alot, Trouble is often it's his own. Another thing not even on the list is, he tends to be injured alot which is due to the style of play he brings to the game. Not knocking him for this, but it's just a fact of life. People have applauded him for playing hurt and beign a "tough" player. The other side of that is, if he weren't willing to play hurt, he likely wouldn't be playing at all cause he is always hurt. He also is somewhat of a head case, with suspect charactor issues and questionable intellegents. He signed an extention two years back cause he was flat broke. That doesn't help him much when trying to prove he's a stable person. I hope you're right, and they get a second rounder, but I'm not holding my breath waiting.
  19. Wow, I didn't know that Modrak makes up the depth chart. Silly me, I always thought the coaches did that!
  20. What about Oakland? Davis is still living in the 60's with the long ball. Drew will give him that. I wonder if Big Al goes to many Dead concerts out there. He'd seem to be a perfect fit!
  21. From what I've heard, some people show up on Wednesday before the game.
  22. More often ends up being draft picks. I doubt the Bills would want a player in return. If you trade a player away, you're taking the hit on all the remaining salary cap, so thats why in NFL there are few trades with the exception of disgruntled players such as Henry. Having said that, the Bills will likely trade Henry and take hit on remaining cap, which in this case isn't too much anyway. But for another team to return a player, then they also would be taking a cap hit. It could be that the other team was going to cut the guy anyway, so then you look at it and say, well we were gonna take the hit anyway. It likely won't be a high profile player so probably won't be a big hit for the other team, but still a hit. But then, if the Bills accept a player in return, they have to honer the remaining contract, or often increase it. I doubt any player would come to Buffal in a trade and take a salary cut. So in most cases, the type of player that the Bills would likely get in return, would soon be available as a free agent cause the other team was likely going to cut him anyway. He likely under-preformed, thats why he's available, so his value will go down. As a free agent, you could pick him up cheap, with low signing bonus, but as a trade you may pay more.
  23. But, he's never won the Super bowl withour having Belechick on his sideline. He made it one time with NE, but lost when BB was at Cleveland. Parcell's probelms is his ego's has gottin in the way too much. Ever since he's tried playing GM, he's gone downhill.
  24. Definetly been done before. I recall the Giants doing it one time around 30 years ago.
  25. I have a Kodak that has a rapid shutter setting. It will take like 6 pics in 6 secs or so. If you only want to take one pic, but want to take it at a precise time, for most camaras, if you hold the shutter down half way, that sets all your values. Then when you click it the rest of the way, will take the picture right away without the delay.
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