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Everything posted by Ed_Formerly_of_Roch

  1. So what team in the league has backup linebackers better than Stamer, Crowell and Haggen? You mentioned the 85 Bears. Who were there backup linebackers? I don't recall? And if you don't know the answer to that question, then how do you know that Stamer, Crowell and Haggen aren't better?
  2. Had the tivo set up tonight and everything. What went wrong? Then realized that this thread was from Sunday. Oh well, guess I'm a day late and a $$ short!
  3. Talk with an eye doctor that in no way can benefit from you having surgery or not having surgery. See what he says. I work at a large company who has their own internal eye doctors. This person has nothing to gain or lose financially to me and he says don't do it! Still way to risky.
  4. Everytime I hear that comment I want to puke. Seems I recall last year before season started, people were talking about Seattle being a Super Bowl contender and St Louis was expected to also do well. Last year many people expected Cinn to do better than the year prior when 8-8 Pitt and Baltimore were certainly decent to good teams. My point is so much can change from year to year, there's no way you can look at the schedule now and say it's tougher!
  5. I second the Weber Grill! Sears Tower is good if it's a clear day.
  6. If this were Strat-O-Matic football, yes sign him. Cause there the players immediatly play at their potential. There's no getting use to the offense and the players around him. I think unless someone absolutley stunning is cut, it's too late to pick up an O-lineman as a starter. Other positions it's easier to bring a guy in at the 11th hour and start him. See L Milloy! You might still sign a guy as a back up, that's fine, but to late for him to jell at the line. Mike Gandy starts and plays there all year unless he stinks up the joint. If that happens you move Teague to tackle. TD has already stated next years draft is deep at tackle. Then you can pick up your long term solution then.
  7. I ususally shoot around a 12 too. But then I go play the second hole!
  8. Going to Fredonia, the route up I-79 probably isn't to bad as you're half way to Erie. But going to Buffalo and/or east, I'd also take route 15 through Pa. 15 has got better over the years, amost 2 lanes each way now. There are still some sections one lane, though they are near the NY boarder in a less traveled section. There are also sections, as described, two lanes each way, undived, with 65MPH! It can be a wild ride.
  9. Darien Lake is worth a day trip. But the park is run terribly. There really isn't all that much as far as rides go. Superman is a top ride, but otherwise, nothing special. Hershey is nice, good family atmosphere. Kinks Dominion does have good rides, but I agree with the comment about it being Getto! Busch Gardens in Va is much nicer, though rides aren't quite as good/wild. From Buffalo to Hershey is about the same as Buffalo to Cedar Point which blows them all away If I were going anyplace from Buffalo, I'd head west to CP. Plus I get to stop in Cleveland for White Castle's.
  10. Yes that is correct, however he also was in Rochester less than 6 months prior and in Buffalo one year before. Where was this announced? I don't see anything posted anyplace??
  11. Check other cities. Find someplace that doesn't give the kids off that week. I live in Rochester. For spring break, here the kids are off the 3rd week in April regardless of when Easter is. I was looking to go to Florida right after Easter (and not for a family vac) I could go round trip on Airtan for around $200. I couldn't believe how cheap it was. So I compared Buffalo to Florida same week, but now the kids there were off there, $450 round trip. Then just for the hell of it I looked at the third week in April; $400 from Rochester, $200 from Buffalo.
  12. Actually that did happen to me. I bought a copy of XP Pro at one of the shows, and when I went to install it, told me serial number had already been installed. I had to call Microsoft, expected a hassle, but really didn't get anything from them. They just asked, where I bought it, the vendors name and location and gave me a new number to use. My guess is they put the name in a file. If they rarely ever hear about a particular company, they ignore him and figure, mistakes happen. But if the same name keeps coming up, they go after them. Was that fairly recent when they raided the show?
  13. Yeah I kind of think thats the problem. The Peter Trapp shows were pretty decent. Market Pro shows were pretty poor anyway. You could get some good deals there on hardware, very little software. But I noticed there hasn't been any in months.
  14. There use to be computer shows in western NY once a month or so. The two companies that regularlyl came were Market Pro to Buffalo and Rochester and Peter Trapp to Syracuse. Neither seems to have been here for months and their websites don't even show a schedule. Anyone know if these companies are still around or did they go under or something??
  15. Speaking engagment! The way he talks. Someone on the radio this morning called him a whiney little girl and that's an insult to little girls! I guess he's an honest guy , but you have to lie some on this show and whenever he'd get caught in even the slightest lie, his answer was: "uh, duh uh, blub blu blu...." For that past two weeks he just kept digging himself deeper whenever he'd get caught. And to Aussiew Yeah, the final episode was Sunday night.
  16. Usually during the show they tell what the final vote was. Tonight never heard any mention. Was it 6-1, or did I miss something? I'm assuming since they only showed Katie getting one vote, that might have been it for her? Was glad to see Tom win, but thought it might have been closer.
  17. Airline tickets are charged to some type of corp. card. I was also wondering why they couldn't borrow money from the other contestants who were waiting at the finish line? I know you can get money from other people still in the game, infact they gave money to others who had been in same deal, starting a leg with no money. So they can borrow from strangers but not from the others who were no longer in race??? I also agree I think they would have done something to reduce the lead if they weren't on that plane. I also felt that Rob and Amber got alot of help because people knew them from Survivor that really gave them an unfair advantage over the others. Considering all of the help they got, it was kind of amazing they weren't always further ahead. I will give both Rob and Amber credit and the two who won as neither couple ever yelled at their partner throughout the race. Even Meredth and Gretchen snapped at each other a few times.
  18. He also stated after the draft that next years draft was much deeper at tackle. That to me means that while he could have drafted an O-lineman at 55, he didn't think that anyone there would be better by Sept 1st than a Mike Gandy, or even a Jason Peters. Plus he could pick up a June 1st cut too. Could the #55 guy turn out in two years or so to be better than Gandy? Sure, but the way I read it maybe TD doesn't think that guy will be a franchise type tackle and will be there for ten years. So then why draft a guy at #55 who's no better than Gandy right now and likely next year, you may end up using a pick on that guy who could be a ten year starter. You don't necessarily need young guys for depth, but rather a guy who's been around a few years. If every year you start replacing players who might just give a small improvement, you'll get nowhere fast. You need to pick your spots, stand pat when there isn't a large improvement and make your move when the time is right.
  19. 25 yard line of scrimmage + 10 yards for end zone + 7 yards behind line of scrimmage to point of spot = 42 yard kick. So Lindell kicking when LOS is 25 yard line = 42 yard attempt. And Lindell is fine from 25 yard line. It's past 30 where he strugles as does this guy. They appear to be a wash.
  20. That is one thing that kind of pisses me off regardign the NFL/Union rules. Henry can show up at the Bills doorstep week 11, totally out of shape and the Bills then have no choice but to either welcome him with open arms and pay him or cut him. Either way, he fulfills his year of free agency eligability and can walk. At least if there were provisions in the contract to cane him or something prior to cutting him would make most fans feel better!
  21. Anyone see the interview yesterday with Suzy and Mike Suzy: "Mike what was it like saying goodby to Randy Moss?" (What I expected his answer to be) Mike: "Suzy I partied for 3 days straight!. Hell I've barely sobered up yet" Suzy: "So you don't think you'll miss him and are happy with trade?" Mike: "Suzy, I'm so happy, I'd could kiss you!" Suzy: "Back to you Boomer......"
  22. Or could it be that there wasn't anyone there by the 55th pick better than either TT or Peters would play this year in that position? You're assuming that someone picked up 2nd or 3rd round is going to come in and play better. So who would that player have been that would be an instant upgrade over anyone on the current roster at LT???
  23. Just questioning, Idon't believe JP come out as a junior? I thought he had used up all four years of eligability?? From what I can find online, he played four years at Tulane. I think the question that has been raised was if the Bills hadn't made the trade last year, they would have picked a QB with the 20th pick which likely would have been the guy from Cal that went to Green Bay. And Bledsoe still would have been our QB in 05 which would have meant we would have paid his bonus this March too. Ironically from what I read last year, if we hadn't traded up and drafted JP, Green Bay was ready to grab him then. so we'd likely now have the oposite QB's I thought TD was comparing JP to this years QB's not that JP could have been there as a senior this season, but just more putting into terms if he hadn't made the trade could the Bills have picked up someone as good as JP.
  24. Well does anyone have any suggestions on improvements? I'm sure TD realizes that Lindell has weaknesses. But is there a better option? We could draft Nugent, but besides that who else out there is decidedly better??
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