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Posts posted by Ed_Formerly_of_Roch

  1. I think the past few years, there was hope. Plus for every poster here bashing TD, someone would defend him. I was one of the defenders. There are very few posters left defending him, and even the ones not calling for his ouster are basically suggesting he return only cause we may not get any better choices. there are very few left defending him. So I think if he is somehow rertained, there WILL be a large drop off in season tickets next year. And I think RW has also figured that out too.

  2. I think the offensive line is more than one player away from being good. I think you need to make more changes there. You're also making a big assumption that Spikes comes back close to 100% from his injury. On the other hand his situation is different from Cowart in that he's already under contract. Unless he's due a big signing bonus, I'd be willing to stick with him for one more year anyway and see how much speed he gets back.

  3. God, I hope not!


    Nothing agaisnt Modrek, but I have to believe many of the suspect personal moves were made at Modrek's recommendations. TM seems to like working for TD, so I highly doubt that TD is over-riding TM's recommendations. If anything maybe that's TD's problem? Maybe that's why TM likes him so much as he goes along with every move TM wants. Who knows if that's true, but I doubt TD is over-riding TM's choices mnay times.


    Tell me then if the season ticket holder don't renew their 2006 seats what will happen. Ralph surley doesn't want an empty venue. TD will be removed and Modrak will take over. That's where Ralphy is going.


  4. If you bring 10 out of 11 players back on a unit that was rated #2, it's totally reasonable that you'd expect good things the following year. In todays age of free agency only losing one starter is almost unheard of.


    While it would have been nice to have Williams back on the D line, I can't hold that move responsiple for the Bill's D going in the toilet. I think TD made the right move in letting him go. Whats killed the D this year I think were a couple of injuries, though even before the players got hurt, they got real old real fast in 3 or 4 spots on D. Adams, Milloy, Vincent, Posey, and a little bit of Fletcher.


    Should TD have anticipated that? Maybe, but when you look around there doesn't seem to be many teams good at predicting when that will happen until it's too late. I think it was reasonble to think you could squeeze another year out of them, and with some improvment on offense, be in the playoffs.


    Where TD should have known better was on the O-line

  5. Well then you're also saying TD stays as there is no one who'd take the GM job without being able to hire the head coach ot thier choosing. The one exception would be if they gave the job to Modrek, but I'm hoping they don't as no one here knows how many of the bad personal moves made were at TM's request. If you'ge going to dump TD, then don't give it to TM either.


    Start fresh, or don't bother!



    Of course MM will keep his job.

    Ralph's not going to choke on his contract for three more years.


  6. I agree!!


    The fact that he said very little about TD and singled out MM for support tells me he's not happy about things from a GM perspective. Supposedly from what I've heard in the past. Leo Roth has an inside track to Ralph, I guess for some reason Ralph likes Leo and talks with him "off the record" Since there was only a passing reference to TD, maybe this interview was done on the understanding of " No TD questions" as he didn't want to have to answer them.


    Regarding the quote ....."with the material we have"..... tells me Ralph feels the Bills don't have as much talent as other teams. Well he knows who signed the players on the roster, so again that comment to me is a shot at TD for not signing better talent.


    I have no problem with TD being moved to position of President in charge of business decisions, provided we don't make Modrek the GM as he's likely the guy making many of the recommedndations to TD as to who to sign or not sign. Bring in someone from the outside. As mentioned, if TD's supposed ego won't allow it, then he's totally done. If it's true that he's only signed through 06, dumping him now would mean Ralph would only have to eat one year of salary for him which isn't too bad. Likely if you dump TD and bring in a new GM, you're also dumping the coaching staff too. Are some of coaches contracts up this year? They often aren't signed as long long term as the head coach. Again may not cost him too much $$ to dump TD and the rest of coaches. Plus new staff may retain some of coaches, and/or they get new jobs which lets Ralph of the hook for remaining $$ If you dump TD, you're likely looking at eating one year of TD's salary, plus maybe 70% of MM as he likely would have to settle for a coordinators job at a lower salary. Therefore Ralph would have to pay the difference.


    In the grand scheme of things, how many empty seats would pay for that amount of eating lost salaries? Probably less than 10000 empty seats per game, over the course of the season would take about $2.5 mil away from Ralphs share of the home team receipts?? Thats assuming each seat costs $40 on average which is likely a low number when you figure in food spent and concessions, plus parking. ($40 X 10000 seats X 10 games X 60% home team share) $2.5 mil would probably pay for most of the salaries. I think if TD comes back another year, the Bills will be hard pressed to sell as many tickets as lat year, as people are at he point of saying: "I've had enough!!"




    I took that comment, the comment about losing fan support, and the direct silence towards TD as a vote of no confidence.  Who knows though...  TD isn't dumb, ralph isn't dumb, us fans aren't dumb.  Everyone knows that the GM position is up in the air...  I'm all for TD staying as the head businessman for the bills, however (and all parties listed above probably agree), a real GM, who's only job is to evaluate talent is sorely needed.


  7. Seems I recall three years back or so when Marcus Sullivan got demoted as a starter, one of the criticisms was that he accepted being demoted to easily. Seems the pattern has repeated itself with Mike Williams as he also didn’t seem to upset. Maybe that’s the problem with who TD drafts. He goes after good “corporate citizens” types, the ones who won’t likely hold out, which isn’t a bad thing. But maybe those same players are just too soft.


    For the most part, with the exception of Travis Henry not being able to count to 18, the Bill’s have stayed off the police blotter for the most part. Not ripping TD for this, BUT, maybe that does impact their play.

  8. There was one big difference between the two. Willaims was a FA so letting him leave didn't cost anything. If you kept Williams you would have been paying big bucks to someone who only played 58% of snaps. And then you would have taken a salary cap hit to let Adams go as you suggested.


    If Williams were here, would we be better? Yes, but I think the biggest problem we have on D is we got old real fast, plus some injuries on top of that. But the biggest problem was age. (Which with Williams was also an issue too)



    Letting Pat Williams go and keeping Fat Sam Adams (I love the beer but hate this loafer), another fine decision by our fearless white-haired leader at 1 Bills Drive.

    This article says it all


    Pat Williams was asked if he had an explanation for Buffalo's decision to allow him to hit the free-agent market after last season.


    "They are dumb," he said. "That's all I can say. They are dumb as can be up there."




  9. The bargin Basement idea has worked for New England. But the difference there is, they seemed to again have built from the interior as opposed to TD building with the well known players.


    Maybe it's based on TD's grandsons football card collection??


    I really doubt at this point Pat Williams would have made much difference as I think the rest of the D has got old real fast around him.



    Let's also remember that John Fox interviewed the day after he lost the Superbowl to the Ravens. He also was unprepared and probably worn out from prepping for the Superbowl, so he didn't interview well. It's easy to say now that TD made the wrong choice, but at the time Gregg Williams probably blew away every other candidate simply because he was prepared.


    That said, I've been less than impressed with Donahoe's personnel decisions. He's taken the approach of trying to get bargain basement players and build a team from the scrap heap. Bad idea, as we can see from the performances of the OL and DL. The one thing he should have done in the offseason was pay Pat Williams, which he didn't.


    I'm willing to give TD & Mularkey another year, but right now, I'm not impressed one bit.


  10. But how does that prove that these guys would have done any better in Buffalo? With the Bills O-line, can you honestly say that Lewis or Fox would have been any better. I don't see how anyone can know the answer to that other than trying to assume that all players are equal.


    A common theme I see in all sports are lousey teams that fire the coach, bring in all new players, three years goes by and they fire the new coach and get another and bring in more new players and they are still bad What's the comon thread? The GM! The Bill's were the same way till they brought in BP in the mid 80's. Then we became winners. Mary Levy got canned in KC, then went to Buffalo and goes to four Super Bowls. Did he really get smarter, or did he just have alot better talent? Scotty Bowman was a great coach in Montreal. He comes to Buffalo, becomes coach and GM, and pretty much does nothing. He remakes the team over two or three times with new players, and still does nothing. One difference was in Montreal, he was just the coach. The Giants were terrible for close to 20 years. The early 80's they bring in George Young and they become winners. Same way with the Mets of the mid 80's. They get a good GM and they win the Series


    While TD may not have picked the coach of the year in GW or MM, I think with good talent around them, they'd be doing alot better. Not to say either that all his player moves were bad. He's made many good ones, but he seems to have a little bit of Dan Snyder in him in that he goes for the glamor players and not enough of the guys in the trenches. And what players sell more seats, the glamor boys! Again TD's moves tend to look better from a marketing point, than a talent point.


    Does anyone know if TD was critisized for same thing in Pitt? Not getting good interior players??


    The candidates he passed up:

    Marvin Lewis took over the Bengals in 2003 and has since gone 23-19.

    John Fox took over the Panthers in 2002.  In 2003 Fox led the Panthers to their first ever NFC title.  In 3+ seasons Fox has tallied a 32-26 record, already passing Donahoe in the win column despite 1 less year on the job


  11. Well thats true, but it's hard to get someone to take over for a month without giving an extension. I'd prefer firing TD with about two weeks to go and just wing it for two weeks




    You know, I wouldn't disagree, but in a battlefield promotion today - I think we would have to go with Modrak for the reast of the year to at least manage contracts and run scouting for the next guy....


  12. Phat Pat is the least of our problems. If 10 out of 11 returning players isn't enough, we got problems. Pluse he only played less than 60% of the snaps. Our problem on the D, appears to be that we've got real old real quick, like Adams and Milloy, and to a lesser degree Vincent. Losing Spikes just compounded things.


    But I'm glad Williams is gone as it looks like D will need ot be rebuilt and having him here would take up more $$ that can be spent elsewhere.

  13. I can't seem to figure out why a number of people seem to think Modrak would be better. He's the guy doing most of the scouting around here, particually for college players which seems to be a big part of outr problem. Unless someone has inside info that can bring to light many occasions where Donohoe has clearly gone against Modraks recommendations, why would anyone think he's an improvment?


    If we're going to make a change, then lets clean house and don't bring in his assistant to take over.


    Let's face it - TD has had ample time to make this thing work.  If he had any integrity, he would hand the keys to Modrak and walk away.


  14. I think he may replace TKO when TKO comes back. Coming back from an achillies is no easy thing. If TKO loses even 5% of his speed, sad to say, but at the NFL level he's nothing.


    Personally speaking after tearing mine, I never went to the pro bowl again. Prior to that I was able to get tickets one year!



    Do you think Crowell will replace Posey next year when TKO comes back?


  15. I find it amazing how someone who being a jounalism major likely took all these english classes, writing, etc can screw peoples names up so often. Bob's OK, but he's not a rocket scientist!


    Do you enjoy listening to Matthews?  I always find it hard to listen to because his takes are so off-base.  That and the fact that every print media guy seems to have problems pronouncing guys names I've heard a thousand times.


  16. OK, Fassel and Billek have at least done something, though their success rate was brief. But what has Scot Piloi done? Yes, he's the personal man for the the Super Bowl champs, but how does anyone know that all their success isn't due to Bill B? It's just like teams who hire coordinators of Super Bowl teams somehow think that will make them a great head vcoach too. Maybe, or maybe not!


    TD had a good record in Pitt too, comparable with Wolf, other than Wolf I believe was still the GM in Green Bay when they won the Super Bowl. So I don't see where dumping TD for either of them two as GM is any kind of guarentee that we'll be in better shape.

  17. I can only hope that someone, somewhere, had a bathroom CAM installed! By Monday it sould be on the internet someplace


    Actually I think this story is a plant by Ralph. He just wants to get those last 3500 seats sold for the Carolina game. Imagine the lines outside the ladies room for that game! I may go wearing a dress

  18. I'm not so sure about that. JB was the anti TD. Butler's problem was he was a players type of GM. He could scout talent good but wasn't good at contracts. It seemd he'd give in quicker to get a contract done, but overpay in the process. Yes he could have got the salary cap fixed, but just as quickly got back in trouble again. JB was like an addict who goes to re-hab and comes out clean, but within six months is back to their old habits. I doubt JB could ever resist over paying.



    If RW really wanted a winner, he wouldn't have hired TD, he would have kept Butler here to sort out the cap probems and rebuild the team. 


  19. Well again, publicly he has to say that. Whether he thinks they suck or not, he's not going to say that. I doubt players would play very wel lthe rest of the year if he came out and stated so and so is terrible.


    guess again.........if his comments from "ask tom donahoe" are any indication, he still thinks all the pieces are in place and that "we need to be more consistant" and "we still have the potential"........he still doesn't get it, just like last off-season where he didn't spend for quality and settled for other team's rejects.......


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