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Everything posted by Ed_Formerly_of_Roch

  1. So besides the clock, what power do they need to play the game? Lights aren't an issue now? Seemed like the broadcast was OK, plus they usually have their own power?? What do they need the scoreboard clock? and 40 second clock?
  2. Sometimes it's about ten minutes after the start before you'll get the link on most of the sites As Dean stated, password not needed on Stooge, don't know anything about the Mac world.
  3. They stop the chat? Guess I missed that as that is the biggest knock I have on using Stooge is trying to catch the links flying by. If they do stop it, must be for a very short time, like seconds. There also is a problem after it opens where it gives an error, can't recall the words, somethign about not having permission. But you just need to keep re-trying. That's where it can get hard though as the link may already be scrolled off the screen. I don't think it's the same feed as the two games I used Justin, the feed was out of a Canada station, G1 from Toronto and G2 from I think it was Kitchner or someplace near there. The two games I wached on Stooge had a US/CBS feed, though can't recall where the local commercials were from. That being said, Stooge TV is still my first choice!
  4. Would that more benefit the teams with deep pockets as they could better afford a high paid 53rd player. Granted you still have a salary cap to work with, not sure how that would work?? Supposedly the reason for adding to 53 is to better level the playing field for teams with less money to spend, so one would then think along those lines, more is better?? But not certain of the impact?
  5. So is Preston starting because Fowler is out hurt? or is it a combo of he's maybe not 100%; couple that with he's just not playing well, so he's being benched?
  6. As much as I hope the Bills win, I can't disagree with their reasons. The media team's job isn't to hype the Bill's unless you're their flagship station, (which is why WGR tends to bash the Bill's to push up the Sabres) but to be objective. Prior to the start of the season, very few people thought the Bill's could win this game. The Bill's started out very well, though admittedly some of their win's are a bit suspect looking at the quality of their oponents. Couple that with each week, the Bill's playing a bit weaker themselves, makes it a scary game. And the last thing is SD has been a very up and down team. Last week they played like people expected them to play all year and looked like a potential Super Bowl team. Then other weeks they looked as bad as Seattle did against the Bill's. SD is also about in a spot where every week is becoming a must win game for them. They can't afford any more loses and desperate teams tend to play stronger if they really are a good team. So the question to me is which Buffalo team is going to show up, the team that played agaisnt Seattle or Jax, or the one that barely beat Oak and SL. With the injuries, wouldn't be shocked to see them lose, but am hoping SD plays like the typical west coast team that comes east and is thinking of London.
  7. Here's the link in plan text as for some reason what I posted isn't right. Guess I need to take link posting 101 as this is the second time I've screwed up a link. Must be I don't knowhow to do it. http://www.justin.tv/sesame_street
  8. Yes it was justin TV. Here's the address: Justin Personally I thought the quality of the picture is better on Stooge as you can resize the picture to whatever size you want. On Justin you have two choices, about a 3X3 which is kind of small to see very well and full size which is very grainy.
  9. In todays NFL, everyone has that look. Until you have 5 minutes left in a playoff game that you're behind by 30 points, almost all the players have that who cares look. I saw someone, may have been Lynch, laughing on the sideline. It's not like it was 40 years ago.
  10. Yes at times, but he's had more better times in between, and he still was able to win the game in the end. Not that I'm blaiming JP fro the loss, but as was stated earler, JP did nothing to help himself to a big contract next season and may have hurt himself as maybe he could hope there are some GM's as delusional as people here are and would have thought with Turk calling the plays and this offense, JP would have been better than TE. After last Sunday, that cat has now been let out of the bag. Consdiering the serverity of the bad plays, I really don't think he did overall have more good than bad. JP played a pretty good game as a backup as well as you could expect, but if you think he can be a good starter next year, I'd be shocked. Based on what we saw Sunday, he's still the same ol JP. Considering how many teams have very bad QB's he may get a shot as a starter, but will be surprised if he lasts all year as the starter. As many other stated, I don't hate JP, but I've come to realization that after four years he just isn't as good as a guy with 1 1/2 years. There's hope that TE can improve based on his lack of experience, but after four years for JP, there really isn't anymore hope. Admitedly after 1+ years there was hope for JP too. Maybe TE will also hit that wall and never get to the next level. I'd be surprised though as many of the things TE has exceled at are the things that are diffuicult to ever learn such as processing information, sensing the rush, etc.
  11. I was a JP supporter up until last year, so I'm not saying this as trying to knock him, or praise him, I certainly think TE is clearly the better choice now. In his defense, he didn't practice much the past week as being the backup. He did score 17 points, which isn't bad for a second stringer QB. His second half was horrible, one one hand you can argue that Az had their ears pinned back and blitzed the hell out of him. On the other hand typically when a team is way up in the 4th quater, the losing team can pile up big yards as the leading team is in the "typical bend, but don't break" mode, however that didn't happen here. JP played like a typical backup and there's a reason for it, that's about all he's capable of. For those predicting next year JP will go elsewhere and be a sucess, in my opinion Sunday's game was more evidence that that isn't likely to happen. For those knocking him for what he did as a back-up are way off base, he did fine, AS A BACKUP. For those expecting great things of him next season, what you saw Sunday is likely what you'll see next year in some other stadium. And BTW if for some reason he was willing to sign with Buffalo next year as a backup, I'd take him as he still is better than many teams 2nd stringer. In fact even as bad as he played Sunday, he still is better than some teams starters, but only cause many teams have a terrible 1st string QB
  12. "Almost certainly" does not equal conclusive evidence. Therefore unlikely would ever have been over turned. It's one of those plays where if Royal had been ruled down by contact and Arizona challenged, they also would have lost the challenge. Not matter what happens, will never be over turned. So the only argument for challenging IMO is that it occurred at such a big point in game, that it was worth taking a chance on even if the odds are 100:1 against being over turned. As others pointed out, it may have been he was waiting for a better answer from upstairs, or their answer was don't bother. Seems also there's something about if the first thing to hit the ground is the ball, then the ground CAN cause a fumble kind of to prevent people from just blinding sticking the ball out in front of them when going down to get an extra yard. They still do it, but they take a chance in doing so as there are some potential negative consequences if the ball slips from their hand on contact.
  13. Thank god we lost this game. As was pointed in earlier in the week in another thread, it was better to lose today as it will help us in the tie-breakers
  14. I can't find the link on Stooge TV as it's scrolled off the page
  15. Are you getting this "Windows media player can not acces the file" error? on Stooge TV Anybody have a code for Justin?
  16. Oh no,......... losing to an AFC team just means you lost a game. Am I missing something, do you automaticially get credited for one win for each game you lose to an NFC team?? If so, then great idea! If not then stupidest thing I've ever read. You're just making some kind of crazy assumption that if you beat NFC teams means you're losing to AFC teams I hope you are joking as no one can be this dumb!
  17. I'd recommnend Stooge TV over the others as you can adjust the size of the viewing window to what looks best, and little of any buffering when watching. This week I'm planning to go watch the game in a bar.
  18. In case anyone wanted to read about the history of the NFL in HD, here's the entire history. Packers, Gmen, Coygirls, and Pats have had the most games. Bills appear to be a bit below average, but considering how poor the team has been in past ten years, and as small of a market you have here, I'd say not too bad. NFL in HD
  19. I liked JP and thought he was developing pretty well. The problem though is never seemed to be be mentally keep up with the game. That part I'm not sure if he'll ever get. He certainly won't be along in that respect as that's one of the things that pushed many QB's to the bench. Thinking on their feet kills them. On the other hand these are the things that TE seems to be very good at.
  20. As an FYI for next week, it's just www.stoogetv.com At abou 1:00 the links started appearing for all the games. The thing that I liked better about Stooge is you can size the viewing window to whatever size you want. Justin TV gives a choice of about 3 X 3 or full screen which is real blurry. I made it about 5/5, was large enough to see pretty well, but not too large to be blurry. There's links there to just about anything baseball, all the football games. It's kind of like Sunday ticket, just not a real clear picture. Actually I don't understand alot about this whole thing as to how it works, but am wondering are there things I could do to make the picture sharper? Settings, hardware, other??
  21. No it's not incomplete becasue it never hit the ground. What the refs are saying is Evens was juggling it, then the Raider player got a hold it as they went down.
  22. Well what do you find fault with? If there was a law that you needed to have even half a brain to have an internet account, the web would be very loney place!!
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