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Everything posted by Ed_Formerly_of_Roch

  1. Why is everything around here a conspiracy? Good God!! I'm a skeptic by nature, but this is ridiculous.
  2. Maybe that's their problem. At a certain point, bigger isn't always better! Smaller quicker players blow right by them.
  3. I wouldn't say he made bad decisions, other than holding the ball out trying to get the first, but there wasn't much consistancy all game. He's show moments of the TE play of earlier weeks, then throw at a guys feet like he was doing last year particually early in the game. Often like the pass to Hardy that was out of bounds, his throws were off a bit. Is that a bad decision, no, but just wasn't very sharp. All in all I agree with Anthony, he wasn't moving the ball up and down the field. And even when he did get them moving somewhat, he couldn't get them in the end zone like ealier weeks and instead had to take a field goal.
  4. In a somewhat strange way this injury could be a longterm blessing. Everyone here is up in arms about the little production we've seen from both Hardy and Mckevin (or whatever his name is) One post stated he's already labeled a bust. Well I think this is the first year in awhile that the Bills have decent enough players that our draft picks aren't needed to play much right away. And if you don't play and start, you don't practice much either as the starters get the bulk of the reps all week. So it makes it tougher to get better quickly. With this injury, it will force Hardy into the lineup and should help him come up the learning curve quicker. I'll make a wild prediction here, if Reed is out more than four weeks, Hardy may just keep the starting spot even when Reed is ready to come back. As bad as both of the mahve looked, it usually doesn't take too much for the light bulb to all of a sudden come on and shine bright.
  5. Intersting how during the game they showed that stat about the Bills having the tallest line in the NFL. Maybe there's a connection between that and getting low!
  6. Suggestion to you, why don't you find some other message board to post on where people won't all think you're a total moron. Not sure where that might be, hear they're booking flights to Mars these days. Maybe that will work.
  7. No not at all. Yes we should be them if you truely believe we're an elite team as the 5-1 record indicates. Do I think we are we better than the Dophins, yes, but I'm not sold on the Bills truely being the 2nd best team in the AFC as their record indicates. So do you also think we should beat the Jets and NE. I assume if you think we should have beat Miami in Miami, then for certain we should beat the at home. So then who should we lose to. What should their final record be? 15-1? Legit I'd estimate someplace between 10-6 and maybe 12-4, so where are the loses going to come from? Games like this.
  8. Yes they are better, but the gap isn't that great so that they can overcome "turnovers, penalties, and more turnovers" and still win
  9. The Bills are 5-2. Could they be 2-5, yes, but they are 5-2. And they are what they are as they say!! However if you're going to make this argument that Miami sucks, isn't even close to a .500 team, etc. as some here are stating, then it's valid to challange if the Bills really are as good as their record! Bottom line Miami is a much better team than many people give them credit for and the game was played in Miami. Yes good teams need to win on the road. The Bills did win in Jax and StL, So they are 3-0 at home, and 2-2 on the road. Still not bad. Teams also tend to play better at home after getting beat bad on the road as Miami did and the Bills did last week. And BTW When Marv stated good teams need to win on the road. He stated that way before free agency was around. Today, there aren't many totally dominant teams. Everyone loses at some points. If we were going to lose one of the upcoming three games, today was the best one to lose. Win next wek and in NE, still in very good shape.
  10. Well there are no stats as every play is different.But looking at the play, there's no way you can claim it was a bad call. Sorry you can back yourself up with stats to prove you're smarter than everyone else!
  11. I'm not really knocking TE for the play. It's a sign of his inexperience. I't's just comical listening to these people claiming it was trerrible call by the refs. Take off your Bills colored glasses!
  12. Whne you're prone to the ground, yes they will call you down, but when you're standing up, legs moving and pushing the ball out in front, DUMB. It works at the goal line since once you cross the goal line, they play is over, but anywhere else it's a live ball.
  13. I had a total tear. You can walk on it, sort of. It's not like the foot is going to fall off, so if you walk back on your heel, you certainly can kind of limp along if you want, though you're not going anywhere very quickly and why even try. When I tore mine, I just sat down and they took me off in a strecher. It really isn't even painful, just a very long recovery. I was on crutches for over 3 months. I did it about 6 months after Marinot tore his and at the time he described how it felt, like someone kicked him in the back of his ankle. That was exactly what I felt.
  14. Every year the NFL shuts down sunday Night Football against the World Series. Funny part use to be when the series started on Saturday, a potential game 7 would occur on the next Sunday. So here you have the possible biggest game of all in the Series, and that week, the NFL would have a game. NFL would bet against the series going 7 and most of the time, they were right.
  15. It really isn't about what the odds makers think, it's what people think. If the Bills were favored by more than 1, then all the money started to go to Miami. The bookies want it balanced 50/50 so make it attractive to bet the Bills. That being said Miami and Parsells are a cozy pick. People who don't know much will bet on Miami as they think Parsells means magic so that reduces the points given by the Bill's. Admittedly, that somewhat contradicts my first point, but that is how many people view this. In the NFL home field is worth 3 points so on a neutral field that says the Bills are 4 points better. I nthe NFL you don't see many games over 6 or 7 points, so when you consider Miami beat NE and the Chargers, the spread doesn't look too bad. BTW, does anyone recall the spread for last weeks games agaisnt San Diego? I Don't recal lthe line??
  16. Yeah, they made a mistake on the McCargo deal. However I doubt Whitner still would have been available at #29, so to have got both players, you would to have trsded up higher and therefore given up more to get both. Could they have got a better player at #29 than they got? certainly, but it wouldn't have ben Whitner. And has been stated many times, you needed someone to trade with to pull it off.
  17. You know what, the problem is much worse than that. IMO it has NOTHING to do with being fans of a player. It has EVERYTHING to do about being able to prove that your point, whatever it was was right. If a person stated that JP was great, then to support that and look smart, they will argue every way they can to prove themselves right and cheer for the other guy to look terrible, (and likely lose the game) just to make their position look better and prove themselves correct. Conversely, if you're one that says JP sucked you'll argue every way and cheer for him to do bad again to prove you're smarter than everyone esle around here. That's the problem with the internet, (and society in general) everyone needs to prove they are the smartest person! The internet and hiding behind a handle allows that behavior to increase by a factor of 10. One of these days, you're read about a murder someplace cause someone dished somebody on a message board and they hunted them down. It's just a matter of time.
  18. That's why you didn't go for 2 after the last TD, If you missed now we're only up by 8. Instead now SD needs two scores.
  19. Yes they stop it until the reset the ball. Then it winds down again, so no big deal.
  20. Well this is wild, TV is showing game, but audio is coming from CBS in NY Have Greg Gumbul doing the audio
  21. SD is short for 1st down, 3rd and lewss than 1 Got the 1st at Buf 27
  22. Here's a link to the audio http://radiotime.com/WebTuner.aspx?StationId=31210&
  23. It probably was Time Warner balloon planned to take out the TV feed so no one could be mad ad TWC for missing the game as now no one can see it.
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