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UN-Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by UN-Hazed and Amuzed

  1. Who would be the guy and who would be the..eh not guy?
  2. At this point I think it may be a toss up between the Pac and B10, I' may give the edge to the pac10 though.
  3. Can we finally put to rest the idea that the Big10 is anywhere near the SEC?
  4. 8 months sober as of yesterday, then again I had to go to rehab to accomplish that.
  5. Didn't see the game, Moats stat line reads 1 tackle 1 asst. What was so beastly about him?
  6. The riot will begin in 3...2...1
  7. Yeah it is amazing stuff but it's not magic however, if you don't train hard and eat properly you are putting it to waste. There are also some roids that are more harmful than others. Testosterone when administered properly isn't harmful, you're body makes it anyways, the problem comes in with those that abuse it. I could safely inject up to 300 mg a week. If proper post cycle therepy is in place ie antiestrogens and natural test boosters you should be fine. The problem most have is that they inject <1 gram a week and then jump off the cycle and expect everything to be peachy. The problem with that is your natural test has been dormant for a while and not producing while your estrogen is through the roof due to your body's homeostasis trying to keep up with your new found surge of test. The synthetic stuff such as Tren, Winny, Dbol and Deca can cause havok unless your very careful and pay close attention to your body. I am nin no way advocating the stuff, I don't do that !@#$ anymore, just spreading some knowledge.
  8. I'm crazy. Allow me to amaze thee. They say I'm ugly but it just don't faze me.
  9. I've done a couple of cycles... Was very careful about it though and had no real side effects other then a 25lb gain in weight and 70lb increase on my bench. Then again I'm not a pro athlete.
  10. Isn't that the show where they go into haunted places and basicly talk !@#$ to the ghosts?
  11. Those wishing Losman to fail need to get a clue, go root for the Eagles.
  12. I'm with you on this, I think Dareus is going to be a stud. He reminds me of Bruce in a way...
  13. Gogol Bordello Robert Cray Black Keys
  14. My Morning Jacket Authority Zero G Love
  15. Why would we want to trade a top of the draft pick(probably the first pick over all) for a 2nd rd QB who lost his job to Vick? I'd do it only if Philly threw in their 1st, 2nd and 3rd this year with their first next year. Then we can talk turkey.
  16. Does it really matter if Trent looks good in Jax or not? He didn't look good in Buffalo and thats all I care about. Everything else is just ego play for the people who need to be right in one way or the other.
  17. I see sober Steve-O all the time, he really is doing great. We go to a lot of the same eh-hem "functions"...
  18. I'd LOVE to see Alabama DE Marcell Dareus here. He reminds me a little bit of Bruuucce. Not saying he'll be nearly the player Smith was but he's definitely a man amongst boys out there. And plays on a good football team in the BEST conference.
  19. I know, I was just answering your question.
  20. LOL. They wouldn't beat Auburn, Arkansas, LSU or Alabama. Now I know you're a homer.
  21. Troy Smith has a Heisman.
  22. Let me say that this is not an endorsement of Newton but rather a testament of how bad I think Pryor will be. I'd rather have Luck or Mallett but wouldn't mind Newton in a later round if we don't get either.
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