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Everything posted by Wiz

  1. Another possibility is that the Lions front office sent out this story to explain away how they allowed such an (sarcasm on) outstanding interior lineman that would certainly shore up their o-line get away. "We did our best, but the Bills front office dropped the ball!!"
  2. Both teams were full of flaws, i.e. Steelers o-line, Cards' young db's. I couldn't help but think how the Bills coaches would have f'd up either of those last two drives with their time management and play calls.
  3. How about Ralph's fat daughter? I hear she's a candidate. But, who's gonna scout offensive lineman????!!!!!!
  4. Ralph is just tickled to death to own a team that's turning a profit with all the attention he gets from it in his elder years. Winning or losing is not important until it begins to affect his bottom line.
  5. That's will be one hellacious sneeze if they have to travel east to New York. The Eagles at home they have a shot.
  6. I was hoping the Lions would extend his contract just to keep him out of the booth. Their gain is our loss!!!!
  7. This is great schitt. Sad, but true.
  8. I would agree, but for the fact that I don't know what type of contract Peters is expecting. I say we should pay him the average of the top five left tackles in the league. I just don't know that he would accept that. I think he has allowed his news clippings (and his agent) to get into his head and wants to be the highest paid tackle in the league.
  9. Unfortunately, owning the Bills is a pipe dream for Kelly. He doesn't have a pot to piss in and any partnership he's putting together will not be able to compete with the players who will come out after Ralph dies.
  10. Get off your f'ing soapbox. I didn't say it "automatically means that he won't win football games". I just don't see skin color as a "qualification" and definitely not something that should be taken into account when choosing a head coach.
  11. And what does that have to with winning football games?
  12. I don't care if our coach is sexy. He can weigh 300 lbs and have the face of a bull moose as long as he knows how to win. BTW, why doesn't Dick LeBeau's name ever come up. I know he sucked in Cincy, but who hasn't. Is it that LeBeau has made it known that he wants nothing to do with being a head coach again.
  13. The ONLY motivation I see Parcells having for coming to Buffalo is to be able to brag that he brought each team in the AFC East to the playoffs. Russ, your a marketing hot-shot, get the Tuna on the phone and sell the idea!!!!
  14. Agreed. Marv f'ed up in the most important decision for a GM.
  15. Yeah, don't mess with Smithers. Others have before only to be forced out of the "inner circle" and lead another team to a Super Bowl win.
  16. I wonder what type of quality input Jeff Littman, a f'ing accountant, is going to have concerning Jauron's viability as a head coach? Perhaps, he will discuss Jauron's contract and he will assist the "inner circle" in crafting a strategy to have Jauron resign instead of firing him.
  17. Didn't Ralph first use the term "inner circle" when referencing Modrak's entry into this distinguished group? What a dope!!! I'm surprised he didn't have a press release when his daughter, Linda Bogdan broke the gender barrier to enter such a select club.
  18. That is genius, SNL couldn't have done a better job parodying your typical Boston fan: A couple months ago we posted a blog with Hank Steinbrenner complaining about how the Yankees got screwed out of the playoffs because of the way the playoffs are set up. At the time I made fun of him for being an idiot. Well I’m not laughing anymore. (You see the irony, HE is the idiot now.) Honestly there needs to be an asterix next to this year’s Superbowl Champion because they didn’t go through us and we’re as good and as hot as anybody in the league right now. (This overstatement of the Patriots abilities brings back memories of "Da Bears" skits. Plus, mis-stating asterick as "asterix" in a thick Boston accent would be priceless) And 11-5 should get you in the playoffs every single year. That’s how the founding fathers intended it to be. (The founding fathers reference is a great touch. It is a perfect display of the ignorance of your typical Boston sports fan.) It’s just not fair that the Cardinals, Eagles and either Broncos or Chargers will be in the post season and we won’t. The league has to take a hard look at this and figure out a solution to rectify this problem. And I’m not talking about for the future either. I’m talking about right f-ing now! I don’t know whether that means declaring us the winner of the AFC East or creating a new playoff spot or what? But rules are made by human beings and human beings can break them when they spot an injustice and this is a friggin injustice. (Just ask Ted Kennedy, he breaks the rules(and laws) all the time. In fact, Teddy should be called on to have a Senate panel immediately to examine this GRAVE injustice.) Seriously if the NFL wants this post season to be taken seriously then Goodell has to figure something out. If not this will just be like when the US boycotted the 1980 Olympics games. It will tarnish the entire competition because everybody knows they didn’t beat the best of the best. Is that what the country wants? (This last part perfectly displays Bostonians notion that Boston is the center of the universe. The only thing I would add is a reference to the Boston Tea Party.)
  19. Is that where his glazed stare is at? I always thought he was preparing his bs explanation to make for his teams pathetic performance at the press conference.
  20. Belichick does looks like a genius in comparison to inepts like Jauron and others. I maintain that the cronyism practiced by NFL teams in selecting head coaches from an "old boys network" limits the pool and, thus, most coaches pale in comparison to good coaches like Belichick. Belichick works harder than most coaches as well. I mean, how many coaches would go through the trouble of having team photographers steal opposing teams signals.
  21. Anyway, with the tenth pick we should have the chance for a player that can make an immediate impact for the new regime. I say best player available except running back.
  22. SKOOB, quit making up stuff to explain away your douch-baggery(a new term coined for your condescending self-aggrandizement).
  23. How did you get THIS inside info?
  24. Nah, you have to have had your picture taken with a Bills coordinator?
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