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Everything posted by MikeG

  1. Germans??? wasn't it Japan?
  2. usually the most exciting game, closely contested.... this week will almost certainly be Steelers/Jags.... but may be the bengals game. I was hoping for us, but with these two games going down to the last seconds, one of these will be chosen and aired...just my 2 cents
  3. OH... I thought someone made something different... didn't know "moose" was the person who did those... good job though
  4. what wallpaper? I'm WAY out of this loop.... where can I see????
  5. you really haven't listened if you think the quality of his work hasn't fallen off... like I said above, he gets everything wrong, players, teams, stadiums, cities, plays, yardlines, penalties.... they barely let him talk and when he does they usually ignore him or cut him off... I hate all the dumb western PA talk too, all the made up words and crap, makes him sound even more un-intelligent than normal
  6. Cope is still here... but they barely let him speak because he gets everything WRONG and can barely tell what's going on... he rarely makes sense. Listening to a game on the radio makes me want to drive into a wall. (since the only time I would have the radio on is in the car... thank God I rarely leave the house any more on Sundays...) he was injured a little while ago... fell in his house I think... I don't like his radio work, but like I said in a past post, I don't wish him harm and hope he is ok.
  7. wasn't Charlie Joyner our WR coach? I don't remember Lofton coaching our guys... could be wrong though...
  8. I'M WITH YOU... I miss Tony Kornheiser sooooo BAD!!! these two, Guy Junker and Eddie Crow, are actually worse than the moron they had right when TK left... I didn't think it was possible, but they get it done everyday.... sucking bigtime that is. I used to love listening to ESPN 1250 during my workday travels, now I can't stand more than a few minutes of Junker and Crow... I tried, I gave them many chances and listened to almost entire shows... but I can't stand these guys. I don't like local guys being on the radio anyway... national guys are much better for me. I can't stand Mark Madden either, they take off one hour of Dan Patrick for him... pisses me off. (although sometimes Madden is funny but in a "wow, I shouldn't laugh at that, but I can't help it" sort of way)
  9. YES, Quinn Early played for the Bills... same WR played for Saints
  10. how about the always brillant and beautiful actress by the name of WHO GIVES A F#CK!
  11. why would someone make that??? he never wore that type of jersey, and it looks like he signed it "WMG #2" What is with that? that is weird, like getting a new style Kenny Davis jersey... why would you?
  12. i think it desegnates what region the dvd is for. Different regions of the world have their DVDs formatted differently. I am not sure if all DVDs play on all DVD players, I think it depends on what region is was made for. I'm not sure if this is correct, but I think it has something to do with it. maybe not, hopefully someone who knows for sure will post.
  13. steve... you have to take the midget off of your avatar before I can reply to any of your posts seriously.
  14. it was rumored to have happened to Mogilny... probably did. Happened to him and many others. The players that still had family over there were the players that were targeted. I wouldn't be surprised at all if they tried it with Max.
  15. it's hard to disagree with him. But I'm sure many people will. These athletes think it's their right to earn $14 million a year, instead of a privledge. When they realize this, things will get better. They have the "I don't care what you think" attitude, and they are allowed to have it, but don't get mad when that attitude has you out of a job.
  16. totally agree with "guest". Kids are going to play that and try to shoot JFK along with his wife and everyone else and think it's funny. Although, I can see this "game" being used in History classes in High School until there are complaints. I really think we could do WITHOUT this "game"
  17. WOW... although I understand why they are saying they made the game... I have NO urge to try and shoot President Kennedy in the head and have a hard time wanting to make a game out of shooting the President.
  18. how can they possibly make it illegal to fast forward commercials in my house when I tape a program I am not home to watch??? this is silly... we need to oppose all of the things mentioned....
  19. thanks Steve...and everyone else... I appreciate it sidenote: I just found out that my brother works with Playboy's December Playmate of the Month. TIffany Fallon. He forgot to mention that to me until today... sheesh... (ps. I sent you a PM about the html stuff... )
  20. since today is my birthday, I will wish myself a happy b-day today and happy B-day to nervous guy tomorrow...
  21. if you want to email me the pic... and tell me what areas you want links... I can write the HTML and send it back to you... let me know. Image Mapping is easy if you do it a lot, but it's one of those things that goes away fast if you don't use it.
  22. there are few running plays that work regularly... I only use three, maybe four running plays, and I just switch sides... sometimes I get no yards, then I will break one for ten. But I have found there are only a few plays that actually work. depending on your playbook, one that works well is the BIG formation in the offset I. Change all your blockers to the best run blockers in the formation using the substitution screen. Take out your TE and WR and put in your best run blockers for the running plays. I use the Vermeil playbook. You have to use the Playmaker option to switch sides, read the defense and run the the side where you think you'll have the best chance. If all you do is call a play, line up and run it, you will have NO success. You have to shift, use playmaker, and read defenses constantly.
  23. get rid of her... especially if the law backs you up!! ICE has it right.
  24. what about all the McGahee lovers.... I didn't see him doing anything T.Henry wouldn't have done... but I'm sure if it was Henry in there, you McGahee lovers would have blamed him too.... don't get me wrong, I like Willis... I just want equal un-fair complaining
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