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Everything posted by MikeG

  1. I will be cheering louder than ever... but I'm not sure that this "fixes" the game... and that is more important to me than watching hockey this year... I just want the game fixed so a team can stay in Buffalo for the long term and be competitive. They are thinking of the fans... I hate that point of view that they don't care about the fans... they do care, but this needs to be fixed and the owners know if they don't fix it, many teams and maybe even the league won't be around for the fans... I can do without hockey for a year so that it stays in Buffalo for decades to come. Just my opinion...
  2. I saw it... LOVED it!!!! and you are right... after it was over I was thinking "how could anyone write this?" because it's almost like if someone thought of this story, they must be a little messed up and have some murdering tendancies... but I love the movie. I will end up buying it at some point soon... it's that good. I love the way it was done... it wasn't a straight forward straight line of events... I love that. Can't wait to watch it again...
  3. thanks for everyone's input. I just thought I'd run it by you guys and see if I was correct in my thinking... sounds like I was... thanks again
  4. I am wondering if anyone knows about this site called buysusa.com? I searched the web to see if there were any cheap places to buy Adobe Illustrator 10 and in Google, this was the first highlighted link... seems kind of shady to me. It is WAY too cheap for me not to be suspicious. And when I went to their "shopping cart" and "secure checkout" pages, a warning came up saying their certificate was issued by an "unknown" and it may be a fake... meaning that they are trying to steal my info or something... anyone have any help or comments or anything?
  5. steve.... I love your post... laughed outloud when I looked at that picture. caught me way off guard. Thanks!!
  6. great show... McCartney rules!! He still rocks. The best halftime show I've seen in a LONG time. I usually don't watch the halftime shows because they are usually annoying... but I watched every second and even recorded this years. No one else could have gotten all 80,000 people to sing along at the end... the ENTIRE stadium was rocking and singing, in years past there are always people there bored out of their minds and not enjoying it... for the most part, everyone was loving it. I think everyone loved it. This is one more event proving that The Beatles are the best ever... and McCartney is a one of the best if not THE best song writer of all time... and at the top of the list when it comes to performers as well... He's like 62 yrs. old and he got the world to sing along and smile. Loved every second of it.
  7. that is Hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm a huge SW fan, but that is really funny!!!
  8. do you have a link stating the numbers? where did you see they are that far over?
  9. have you even thrown anything not perfectly round into a basketball hoop? it gets caught on the net... NO WAY she goes through without her feet getting caught. Use your head!
  10. saw this the other day... I think it is faked... no way her feet don't get caught on the net.
  11. proflowers.com are awesome! super fresh and last a long time... if you have a discount the first time you order, it's good too... click on the microphone on the top right corner of the page and type in "mike and mike" or "madden" those are radio discounts...
  12. dude.... minor cut... pour some peroxide on it, then some neosporin and a band-aid... you'll be fine. Unless you got cut by an old rusty fence post or something, or need stitches... no big deal.
  13. if we do, it will be against the Pats... probably at NE... that's my guess anyway...
  14. 30 min.... but I usually take longer
  15. it's "official" now... got it on the home page www.azcardinals.com I guess the uniforms will be unveiled later in the spring....
  16. here is a pic of the new logo... old on the left and new on the right old and new Cards logo leaked early... but they are having a press conference today to announce new logo and uniforms....
  17. 1 Steve Martin and John Candy -Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
  18. NICE!! love that... makes me crazy that I usually name more players on everyteam than their so called fans... good story theNose76
  19. boring now....
  20. doesn't work....
  21. i don't know what Steeler fans this guy has met, but apparently he hasn't met any that actually live in PA... these are the most obnoxious and annoying fans anywhere. They go way overboard on both extreme's, good and bad... they can never look at their team logically or reasonably. They also don't have a humble bone in their bodies, they are always trying to get under your skin. I wear my Bills coat proudly everyday and everyday some dumb steeler fan tries to get a reaction out of me... and when I don't get all bent out of shape, or talk logically about football... they don't know what to do, they realize they are morons and walk away. I hate watching games in public places in "steeler country", it never fails that the guy wearing the most "steeler gear" and yelling the loudest always has to ask "Who's number 28?" come on, you can't be a "die hard" and not know every player, you can be a regualr fan but you should at least know the starters and their numbers... COUNTLESS steeler fans that I talk to everyday (unfortunately) don't know names and numbers. that is a big pet peeve of mine... wow, I just went off... apparently I had to get that off my chest...
  22. FRED is awesome and way underappreciated (maybe not by Stern, but by fans) ALL the sound effects come from him... he can do impressions of anyone, interviews wouldn't be the same without Fred in the background doing his sarcastic impressions. I agree with Steve, he doesn't talk enough and they don't prompt him to talk enough... but if he left the show, you would really see a difference and parts of it wouldn't be a good. If Artie left, and got replaced by another guy that they've had "sit-in", it would still be the same show and I wouldn't miss a thing... but I really think that if Fred left, many fans would see a HUGE difference. I think Stern knows all this and really appreciates him, but I think he could get a little more credit. but these are all just opinions, so don't anyone take these comments personally. Everyone on the show is great
  23. it still baffles me how they play such a violent game and don't wear cups... baseball players wear them and football players don't... crazy
  24. looks fine to me too....
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