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Everything posted by MikeG

  1. LOVE Dave&Buster's!!! where are they building, anyone know? that's weird about the no pool tables????? [edit] I read the article and it answered my questions...
  2. i think there needed to be a touch of yellow added... the black piping needed to be yellow. would look much better. now, the red unis look too similar to Falcons... bring the yellow in and not so similar anymore...
  3. when I grew up in Buffalo, I started K when I was 4. I was no "super genius" or anything, they just let you start early if you could do it. My birthday is in November so I was only 4 for the first few months. I went to a catholic school. No problems in school ever, except laziness ... but sometimes I really wish I would have been I started later just because of basketball... I got scholarship offers and played in college, but if I had one more year of high school to play, I would have been even better. BUT, that being said, if the only reason is sports... unless you can be 100% sure (impossible) that your child will be a GREAT super athlete... I say let them start school when they can do it. If I didn't play basketball but was a year later, I would have been soooooo bored and wanting to get out of school when I was only a junior. I'm glad I started early, even if it "hurt" my basketball life a little, but I wasn't going to the NBA or anything so I'm glad I got out when I did. besides, I made up for getting out of HS early with the extra years in college... transfering twice and taking a year off... so maybe waiting the extra year is worth it in Kindergarten. who knows? glad I could "help"
  4. I was at my girlfriend's house in western PA, sitting quietly on the couch for the first half in disgust... took a shower at halftime and then really thought it was over when I came out just in time to watch the INT to start the 2nd half. Then sat in amazement as the comeback mounted... and then laughed at my girlfriend's family for all the crap they were giving me during the game. Then I didn't know my girlfriend's dad had two tickets to the next week's game in Pittsburgh, but he surprised me with them before I left that day. My girlfriend and I went to the game fully decked out in Bills gear and by the end of the 3rd quarter, all that was left were Bills fans... Hell YEAH!!!! my brother was at the game with 5 other people... and they are some of the crew that left... he and one other person didn't want to leave, but their ride was leaving so they had to go... they pick on the driver from that game every chance they get, he'll never live down making everyone leave.
  5. with the exception of Brian Cox, I don't think we ever threw bags of urine or batteries or coins at dolphins players... like I said, excluding Brian Cox, I admit to nothing...
  6. i don't care how much "soccer is their sport" and it's a sense of national pride... basketball was our sport and we've lost to other countries and I don't remember hearing reports of bags of urine being thrown at players, or coins, or batteries beign thrown by US fans... if some country made a football team and beat a US team, american fans wouldn't take it to that level... at least I don't think so. Fans in other countries are just strange... I will cheer and scream and yell like crazy for any US national team for any sport, but I can't see a point where I would try to harm another country's athlete simply because they are from another country. people like that have issues... big time
  7. great story, except it's about the red sox... so it's his fault the sox won
  8. i agree... the NFL has enough money. Keep in in America. Did anyone see the Outside the Lines piece on ESPN yesterday morning about the mexican fans? it was good, the players are treated like crap... bags of urine thrown at them, batteries, coins.... one of the mexican players told a US player "I will find your mother and kill her!"... they need to relax, it's soccer... who cares??? in my opinion, soccer is dumb, I don't like it... but I totally respect the players that are good at it, it is hard to play... but it's still just a game, those mexicans need to relax... you didn't see our fans doing that when the US was losing in Basketball, or in danger of losing. I think the Soviet hockey players felt more secure back in 1980 and the hatred between the USSR and USA was a million times worse than US and Mexico... unreal.
  9. Hull fires back... “It’s false, I can tell you that,’’ Hull said from his home in Mississippi. “I hate to hear it. I may have to give him a call.’’ Hull was listed at 275 pounds in 1988, two years after coming to Buffalo, and 284 when he retired. “I have never weighed 300 pounds in my freaking life, even now when I’m retired,’’ Hull said. here is the whole story ... http://www.democratandchronicle.com/apps/p...2/1001/BUSINESS
  10. Haslett's last year with the Bills was '85 and Hull's first year was '86... and Hull was never over 300lbs that I remember... if he's not talking about Hull, Ed Bouchette should get smacked for throwing his name out there without stating these facts and possibly hurting Hull's chances of making the HOF. But like Haslett said, he only took them for one offseason and was still a pro-bowl LB without them... IF Hull did take them that first year to make the team, I highly doubt he was using during the SuperBowl run when testing was in place and more strict (and making all his pro-bowls too)
  11. we won't do that... we sell out our games, the Cardinals don't. if we couldn't draw fans and couldn't make money, we would have a game in Toronto, but WE can, AZ is way different than the best fans in the league in Buffalo.
  12. my disliking has NOTHING to do with talent... and the thread wasn't asking anything about talent... I can dislike talented musicians, just because you are talented and can play an instrument doesn't mean what you play is loved by all. I personally can do without all the "jam bands" as you guys have called them... that is me... and to be honest with you I think their fans have actually ruined them for me and I think I hate fans of these bands more than just the bands. hard to explain, but hopefully some people will get it.
  13. Add the Grateful Dead and Phish to my list.... I forgot about them and am proud that they don't exist in my world... along with Gay Matthew's Band
  14. Gay Matthew's Band... oops, sorry I mean Dave Matthew's Band
  15. Buffalo(north/Kenmore)/31/Greensburg, PA (35 miles east of Pitt)
  16. John Cusack Kevin Smith Wesley Snipes
  17. Indiana University of Pennsylvania... IUP same as Chris Villarrial, Tom Donahoe, and Tom Modrak.... (mentioned before I was there during Villarrial's senior year)
  18. it figures.... that is the only picture of him this year that I don't have on my drive... I may have it at home. I thought I had it... sorry to give you false hope. I will still try and get it
  19. i have a high quality pic of it... I'll make a wallpaper using it and put up a link when I get it done... what size do you want?
  20. he'll sit out if we don't trade him... he will hold out, I'd bet my life on it. Afterall, he really isn't losing that much $$, what's his base salary, like $400,000... for them, that's not alot. BUT he may need the money considering his past wonderful financial planning
  21. $45 for parking is too much... that alone would keep me away if that was the only parking option, but split four ways isn't bad. (if you have 4 people to split it with) But you can bet I would be there when the gates open and stay until they kicked us out. The ticket prices are different, the prices now are nothing to complain about... everyother team's fans would love our prices, BUT there always is a limit... right now if I had to pay $100 for a game, I would maybe, MAYBE go to one game. But, I couldn't even get to one game last year, so how can I truely answer that question. And the year before I did pay about $100 a seat for my one game. it's a hard situation, everyone's financial situation is different... For some of us the cost isn't just a ticket and parking... it is hotel rooms, gas and extra food for traveling... all kinds of stuff. It's a hard question to generalize
  22. he sucks!!!!!!!!
  23. you have to save your SETTINGS after the game/season that a record is broken in ... then they will be saved. it's a weird place for them, but that is what you have to save for these to get "updated".
  24. you know what's really funny.... that is like 15 minutes from my house... 20-25 max. as soon as I saw the "drive thru" part, I thought of Climax... not thinking it would be that place, but it was. I drive on RT.22 occaisionally and when I saw that sign a few years back, I thought "WOW, that is really bad"... now it's a "selling point"...
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