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Everything posted by MikeG

  1. Batman and possibly the Star Wars movies and The Beatles
  2. Milo, where in Steeler Country do you live? I'm in Greensburg. I have the game TIVO'd... will transfer it to tape soon...
  3. leave him neutral feedback... stating that the tix didn't arrive on time even when you paid extra for them to, but he was polite and did refund your money. that's what I would do... let's people know that he is still pretty honest but there was a mix up. Neutrals really don't hurt the seller that much
  4. Criss Angel is awesome... I've seen everyone so far as well and he is amazing. I like the small tricks he does sometimes better than the one big event every show. the one with the butterfly coming to life from the lady's drawing was cool, the one when he turned the girls glass of water into beer was wild and the one where he threw the deck of cards against the windshield of a moving bus and the girls card was stuck on the OUTSIDE of the windshield was amazing!!! all good stuff, I'd love to see him in person or be involved in his illusions.
  5. i should have a cool one of McGahee's stiff arm soon.. I'll post it when I get it online... and any others that I get I may make a cool wallpaper... we'll see how much time I have (just bought a house and getting ready to move)
  6. all I was saying that in MY opinion, from viewing the trailer, I don't really know that much of a story and I think the effects look bad right now, and I really don't think it looks that cool. I wasn't comparing it to the original or anything like that... if you re-read my post, it is about the trailer, not the original or the movie as a whole, all I can comment on is the trailer. I don't care if it's exactly like the original, in my opinion this trailer didn't make me want to see the movie, quite the opposite. So before you start being a smart ass, read my post and understand that I am stating that this is my opinion and everyone is entitled to one, you dumbasses!
  7. some of you that think this will be a great movie, are you really thinking that or just saying that because you think "you should"? I watched this trailer and along with everyone I personally know that has seen it, thinks this looks bad. I was optimistic, hearing Peter Jackson's name, Jack Black's name and all the great film and effects that was LOTR, I was really excited to see the trailer... and I must say, I won't be seeing this movie. It looks like Jurassic Park meets an oversized gorilla, with some Mud people thrown in. I hope the effects on the trailer aren't final, they looked really bad sometimes, like when that one guy kicks someting... all the digital effects that were mixed with live shots looked bad in my opinion. And I don't get the story from this trailer at all... how does this gorilla get back to NYC, there was one scene with him in NYC... all the others were with dinosaurs... DINOSAURS for chrissake!! sorry, in my opinion this looks dumb... but I think Ep. III was awesome and some on here do not... so we all have our own opinions...
  8. Nick, what are the copyright laws and all that stuff in using the Bills Logo? I was wondering about that... I saw that they just have a button that you click to say that you have permission to use whatever you upload and if there is any dispute, you are responsible not them. Do the Bills and the NFL let you sell stuff with their logo because it is for an official Backer club? just wondering... they look good by the way! thanks for finding that site, I will be taking advantage of it shortly...
  9. super dooper looper is not good anymore... especially if you are over 6ft tall. boring ride and not enough room, I'm 6'5" and my knees were all bruised after that ride... just wanted to let you know
  10. Hershey Park is awesome, especially if you like roller coasters. I only ride the coasters when I go there, they are so good... they are awesome. The Great Bear is awesome, it's got the track above you so your feet dangle, you MUST sit in the very front seats, you'll probably have to wait an extra 15 minutes or so, but it is SOOO worth it. The front seat is a must!!! they have some good wooden coasters, two they just built like 5-6 years ago, ... good stuff
  11. I've never seen any of the Godfather movies...
  12. Casablanca - wouldn't mind trying to watch it, but I think I'd get really really bored... Titanic - NO desire at all to see this, just doesn't seem interesting to me at all Sleepless in Seattle - would watch it, I love You've Got Mail, and I think it's along the same lines... there is always something that I KNOW I like on at the same time as this The Terminator - just never saw the whole thing, I loved Terminator 2 though.
  13. Star Wars Empire Strikes Back Return of the Jedi Return of the Sith Raiders of the Lost Ark Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Back to the Future Back to the Future II Clerks Mallrats i could go on... but since the topic says 10....
  15. I liked the movie, but there were many many flaws. I guess it's a little "more true" to the comics than the 1989 film, but there are still many many flaws that bother me. I'm a HUGE Batman fan and have collected comics for years and years... I consider myself a Batman historian and let me tell you, for everything cool and "correct" they did, they did have something different or totally wrong. Being a Hollywood movie for the mainstream non-comicbook fan audience, I understand the changes and knew there would be many. I could deal with all of them except three. If you haven't seen the movie yet, stop reading now...... 1. Bruce was too much of a wuss when he was a kid and even until he "went away"... and even towards the end, after his house burnt down and he and Alfred were going to the cave... he was going to give up and Alfred had to convince him to keep going. Bruce wasn't a wuss and he wasn't a scared little kid shivering and being haunted by his fear of bats from the time he was little. 2. Ra's Al Guhl didn't "teach" Bruce to overcome his fear and all that other crap. I see why they did it, but I just think that it gives "The League of Shadows" (league of assasins in the comics by the way) too much credit for the making of the Batman. Being told to "become the night" and turn the fear against the criminals, etc... Batman didn't get those ideas from Ra's. Batman is an extremely intelligent kick ass character and I think they gave other people too much credit for his "creation" 3. Bruce thinks his parents died because "he made them leave the opera"... again because of his fear of bats. WHATEVER... I think this is an un-neccessary change. and I HATE when Hollywood changes things important to the original character for no good reason. Again, I understand what they were doing with the entire movie, but I think they changed this for no reason. If they were going to use it to have Bruce vow at his parents grave to avenge their deaths or "take back the night" or whatever, I could deal a little better... but they didn't even do that. anyway, there were many many cool things in the movie and I can't wait to see it again and I think the next one will be AMAZING. I think Bale kicked ass and can't wait to see him in the suit again!!
  16. I understand why they are trying to protect it... but I PAID FOR IT!!!! and I can't listen to it... WTF? I can't even hear the acoustic CD... how is this justice? I shouldn't have to jump through hoops to listen to a CD that I PAID FOR!!!!!! burn me once, shame on you, burn me twice .... I won't be purchasing ANY more CDs that have this protection on them... I'm content with my music collection and if I really need something new I'll wait until someone finds a way around this new crap. I PAID FOR THIS AND CAN'T LISTEN TO IT.... screw them
  17. anyone else get the NEW Foo Fighters CD that came out today? anyone have any problems with it working on your computer? It won't play in any program except it's own player and then I can only play the first CD (it has two CDs). It always thinks I am putting in the first CD... I can't use Musicmatch or media player to listen to the CD, it sounds like it's skipping and all messed up. They have some new copyright crap on it and it's pissing me off. I paid for the CD and now I can't even listen to the entire thing. WTF? my brother bought it too and he said it works fine on Musicmatch on his computer, he didn't have to do anything. what the hell?? before I get all kinds of "moron" responses, I work with computers and I am pretty knowledgeable so I don't need responses like "open tray, insert CD, close tray, hit the play button"
  18. the list started with REVENGE OF THE SITH and ends with BATMAN BEGINS. Those are the two events of the year, everything else is just a movie
  19. even if he plays for "league minimum"... that is too much. Do you know what the league minimum is for a 20 year veteran??? WAY TOO MUCH for a #4 or #5 WR that won't play special teams. no one will sign him because of this reason... many teams would want him, I'm sure... but the NFL is a $$ numbers game, and a 20 yr veteran costs too much for what little they bring to the table.
  20. I really don't think it is going to be a "throwback" EXACT replica, I don't think that would look good with our current helmets... If they wear true "throwbacks" then I want them to do it all the way, the pants, socks, helmets, jerseys... everything. Half-way throwbacks may look strange..... kinda like when we put the white buffalo on the red helmet
  21. those look really good... especially the packaging... wow. Too bad the Gannon figure really does look like Gannon, but it's still sweet! great job!!
  22. didn't know what to expect, and then I see it... still laughing... what are they thinking? can they make it any more blantant?
  23. I'm just wondering where the topic went that had a link to the HOT pics taken from that Vida chicks cell phone? if anyone has the link and can PM it to me, I'd appreciate it. need to look more closely at home. hopefully this won't get deleted too quickly...
  24. no pool tables doesn't bother me, I think it was over-priced anyway. I just thought it was weird, until I read the article. Now I totally understand. They should never have less video games, that is the whole point of the place. A place for adults to go and play and have fun without dealing with the kids. If they had less games, it would just be another bar/restaurant. More games, more games!!!!
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