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Everything posted by MikeG

  1. i posted a similar thread a while ago.... I agree, it's horrible and it may be the worst on the web
  2. until we get a TEAM and not just a bunch of guys who happen to be Americans that are good NHL players, we will not win a thing. With the exception of a few players on this team, the olympics (representing your country) don't mean as much to them as it does to the other countries. These players go out there and think they can play together at a high level because they are all good NHL'ers. That does not make a TEAM. They all had less than 72 hours to get to know eachother and most had less than 24 with the delays. I honestly think that the Sabres team would beat the USA squad because the Sabres play as a TEAM and are fighting and care about a common goal, and they TOTALLY buy into the system that Ruff has for them. If the current US squad would play like the Sabres, work hard and care a little more (and replace a few players that have mentioned, Chelios and Liles...) I think this team could play with and beat the other countries. Why did the Swiss play so well, because they cared, played like a team and worked their butts off. USA needs to listen to what Herb Brooks said 27 years ago "I'm not looking for the best players, I'm looking for the right ones!", they would be better off. I'm not saying they'd win the Gold, but I would rather cheer for a team that cares than a team that is a team in uniform only. Just like the first Basketball Dream Team, watch those games again, they played like a team. Charles Barkley loved playing for his country and worked his ass off even when he was winning by 40, now the pro b-ball players act like it's no big deal and that's why even they have sucked. now I'm just ramblin' but while I'm at it, is anyone else pissed that one of the players that cares about winning the most, Drury, is playing like 5 minutes a game?
  3. Harry Carson getting in should leave some hope for Darryl Talley, because that's all Carson was to the Giants. I LOVE Talley, absolutly LOVE him, but would you put him in the HOF before Thurman? Carson was a good player who benefitted from playing with LT. What did Rayfield Wright accomplish in the last year that he didn't accomplish in the last 25 years to make him all of a sudden a HOF'er? Puzzles me. And the Moon issue has be well documented in this topic so I won't bother repeating how he shouldn't be in before TT.
  4. the Paris Hilton wannabe was by far the funniest part of the show... Simon had to tell her to talk about her tan three times before she knew what he was saying... and even then she was clueless. Bringing her mom in was classic. People like that amaze me and confirm that American society is continuing it's downward spiral. (further proof is in the pics of the 'hottie' boys from another thread)
  5. my wife and I spent over an hour last night laughing at these "guys". It was well worth the wasted time. Some of the insults he got from that martial arts board were hilarious. we saw a few videos as well... damn this is funny. I would love to go to where they live just to see them in person to laugh in their painted faces. I love the one pic where all there faces are bronze/orange and their hands are as white as can be... what is with people? Only gay men wax their eyebrows, end of discussion. WOW
  6. Mediaman, can you please post who the revelations belong to when they are announced as well. Thanks for posting them!
  7. I watched and listened to it... very disappointed with this PC... all it was for was to say TD was OUT... nothing more. We all thought we were getting more than this. Ralph knows more but for some reason he didn't want to say... he screwed up several times, he called Donahoe, Marv, once among other slip ups. Why make everyone wait another day or whenever he decides to tell us?
  8. I was at that game!!!
  9. dude, have you watched our #1 "cover" people this year? Mr. Playmaker, Nate Clements, is consistantly getting burned and isn't worth the pile of cash some other team will throw his way... Did anyone see Clements get pushed back a good two yards when trying to stop Chad Johnson from getting a 1st down and then later McGee totally stop a guy dead and not move an inch , therefore preventing a 1st down... I'm perfectly fine with letting Clements go get his cash elsewhere and having McGee for the next few years. If anyone is NOT happy with McGee over the last two+ years, you haven't been watching this team at all.
  10. none of the above are reasons to drink too much... making excuses doesn't make sense, unless you are a drunk moron yourself
  11. The fans need to control themselves... if the fans think night games are important then they should act like it. A night game isn't a license to drink all day long and then act like a total a-hole at night during the game, and this is what many fans do. I went to a night game against the Jets a few years ago and I brought a friend of mine to his first NFL game ever... needless to say I was embarrased as to how the Bills fans acted. All the Jets fans acted like morons too, but there was more hitting going on in the stands than on the field. I don't blame the managment or the city/town about not wanting night games, they are a disaster and have been for a long time. I went to a Monday night game back in '91 against the Bengals and it was great. Watching a game at night is one of the coolest things, I enjoyed it... I enjoyed both night games I went to, but the fans (of both teams) need to act like fans and not like drunk idiots.
  12. i had a neighbor for a few years that had a child with this disease. She was the most loving child, she always wanted hugs and wanted to give hugs. She always smilied at you and was really excited when she saw you and was glad you were there. I could never imagine making fun of her or tolerating any one making fun of her. She was the most innocent, loving person. It's sad that these people feel the need to laugh and make fun of these types of people.
  13. Ok, did anyone hear about this guy that watched all 6 movies at the exact same time and listed a bunch of things that "sync-up"? One of my fellow SW GEEK's found this and shared it with me earlier this week. Originally he tried to view them simultaneously overlaping eachother, but that got too messed up so then he watched on 6 different "screens".... worth checking out. here's the link, there are some interesting coincidences with things happening at the exact same time in several movies... you have to check it out and read and look at the pics of all six at the same time http://www.weirdhat.com/swsimultaneously/
  14. didn't try it yet... the day after thanksgiving is a good day to do it... I wish I had the day to use that way... yes, I too am a GEEK. Over Christmas break, I have all week between christmas and new year's off, so I may try it then... I'll be home alone so I may put one whole day to that... just to say I did it. although I will be fast forwarding threw the pod race in Ep. 1... does that still count?
  15. Great show! But I agree, it can be depressing at times, but it can also be happy. when the people actually go to treatment and stay clean for long periods of time and they talk to the camera and say they are so glad their family did this for them and how happy they are now, etc. If you have anyone in your life that suffers from any type of addiction or problems, this can be a good and bad show to watch at times. But we watch it all the time. we TIVO it so we can watch football if it's a decent game.
  16. it's going to be Larry Johnson... they will bring up all the stuff about being called a baby and blah blah blah and how he stuck with it and worked hard and now he's THE man in KC. These guys make up their minds what they are going to say before the plays even happen... does anyone remember when the Browns where pinned at their own 1 foot line and McGuire started saying how big and strong the Steeler D-Line was... then the Brown run up the middle, granted, maybe gained 6 inches but to hear McGuire call it you'd have thought that they pushed the Browns out of the endzone. "Watch the black shirts, they go forward and all the white shirts go backwards" is what he said, but then they showed the sideline view and that is exactly NOT what happened, the white shirts moved about a foot forward and the browns gained about 6 inches. Why not just state what happened, the Steelers D didn't let them gain more than 6 inches, isn't that still REALLY good? This is what I mean, he had that in his head no matter what happened, he was going to talk about how great the Steeler line was.
  17. saw it last night also.... AMAZING. I agree that it was probably better than the first. most sequels of movies like this aren't as good... but this was awesome
  18. I'm not saying I agree with the dress code, but I say if that is the rule then that's the rule. A few dumb asses screwed it up for everyone, maybe in a few years when players stop talking like morons and looking like gang members, the code will get relaxed, but until then deal with it. I can't wear jeans or a sideways hat ( ) when I am representing my employer and I get paid next to nothing for my job. These guys are getting paid milions to play a game, deal with it.
  19. it's all about money. the league wants to get rid of the negative press that they get every year from several different ways. They believe this is one way to try and fix part of that. The majority of people conduct themselves differently depending on how they are dressed, that is a fact. If you try to deny it you are insane. Before you react to that statement, really think about it, or better yet go into work tomorrow dressed exactly the opposite of how you normally do. If you normally wear a suit and tie, wear a t-shirt (untucked), jeans, and sneakers. If you normally dress casual wear a suit and tie, you will feel differently about yourself at different times throughout the day. You may walk, sit and talk differently... it is true. It won't change who you are or how you do your job maybe, but certain things will change. These players should wake up and realize that this is actually doing them a favor and will get them more money in the long run. Why did Michael Jordan get all the endorsement deals long before he was recognized as "the greatest ever"? Because he didn't come off like a dumb ass hoodlum. He carried himself in a respectful way that the company's with the money liked him and wanted him to represent their products. Granted, this may not help the 12th man on the team score any endorsement deals, but it will certainly help the ones on the bubble and it may even catapult them in to the limelight in the NBA. And just because you wear a suit and tie doesn't mean you will be a role model (look at Kobe). But it will curb some of the negative sterotype that is out there about the average player in the NBA.
  20. Hide and Seek is pretty decent... they hyped it up like it was the greatest thiller ever, but if they wouldn't have done that it would have been much better. I was expecting some earth shattering event, and it was just a good movie.
  21. When I saw the "re-design" a few months ago, I didn't think I was going to like it. Now I KNOW that I don't like it. It is very annoying and doesn't really make sense. After winning the season opener on Wednesday night at home, you would think that that would be the first thing you see is a story about them winning and scoring, etc. But no, you see a picture of Gaustad and an article about him, which is great, but not as the first thing you see and read after winning big on opening night with all the hype of hockey coming back. I think they are trying to be too fancy with the layout and the tech stuff on it. Also, you have to be an "insider" to view pictures, hear audio, etc. That's extrememly annoying when viewing the page from other places other than home. I compared it to several other teams sites and everyone I looked at is better, easier and makes me want to read or look at other things about their team (if I was a fan of them). anyone else dislike sabres.com???
  22. ididn't bother to read every post here... but does this effect people outside of WNY that buy NHL Center ICE?
  23. still 34 behind... it's a conspiracy
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