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Everything posted by MikeG

  1. I'm sure another HUGE reason that he was cut was that his veteran minimum salary is HUGE and it probably doesn't justiy a team keeping him when they can pay 90% less and maybe only lose 10% or less of leg... just my opinion anyway... one small problem with the salary cap, if you have noticed, the amount of good kickers have dwindled over the years and some good ones go without jobs sometimes because they've been in the league too long and must be paid too much for a just being a kicker, so some teams sacrifice chance at the 45+ yard field goals for about a million in salary cap. again, just my opinion, but it seems to make a little sense
  2. very true... i feel bad for him ... but at the same time, he's annoying!!! he tries too hard to "be black"... my friend interned at ESPN for a summer and said he's nice, but helped the black intern WAY more and talked to the black intern everday and hardly spoke to my friend... while everyone else was nice and helped out both interns equally... I don't know why ESPN makes him the host of most of their shows... he makes me not want to watch the cool shows they have had... "Dream Job", "Stump the Schaub", and all the 25th anniv. crap... he's unbearable
  3. using Mozilla and it wasn't loading... I opened it in IE... OH MY LORD!!!!!!!
  4. hahahahaha
  5. you know what I mean!!! good for the spur of the moment thoughts and discussions... and wasting a ton of time at work... as I do all day long, if I'm not here, I'm there
  6. searching for free porn?? i know a GREAT site, more than you could ever want and ALL FREE!! not that I go there... I just know about it, I'm no pervert
  7. I'm with lunarpages.com we have a message board for our friends and family and it is pretty active for the 20 members that we have as well as our regular website and we have had no problems. The "private" message board we have has been one of the greatest ideas we came up with, my friends and family are very spread out all over the U.S. so it keeps us all in touch and discussing topics on a daily basis without having to be on the phone constantly. I know, that is way more than what you asked...
  8. to add to my above post and get this thread back on topic.... I get 40 GB bandwidth transfer a month 800 MB storage space unlimited email accounts a kick a$$ message board subdomains, parked domains, add-on domains MySQL database easy webmail and a lot more....look into it, there are many companies offering really good packages for less than $10 a month
  9. if you go to lunarpages.com you can have a great server package that is SUPER easy to use for less than $8.00 a month... that's what I have and it is UNBELIEVABLE all the options that I get... here are some comparison sites that rate the cheap server packages... http://www.web-hosting-reviews.org/ http://www.webhostinginspector.com/index.php?from=1 http://cheap-web-hosting-directory.com/
  10. Dat Phan is hilarious, I know what you mean. some of the others are funny, I thought the black guy from season one, wore a gray suit on tuesday, was really funny... I watched season one and it was good but I really like season two. John Heffron is my favorite, I relate to him, he is about my age and everything he says is dead on in my life... I like Jay London too, amoung others. I can't believe Ralphie May's dad just died of Cancer and he's still doing the show, I wondered why he looked so mad and depressed when they introduced him the first night. I feel bad for him the only problem with the show is that sometimes the comics have to repeat things and we've already heard a lot of their stuff... John heffron was on Howard Stern after he won and said that basically the show ruins every comics set... they all go on tour after the show and if they do any of the stuff that was on tv, audience just sits there. so it kinda sets them back a few years because they have to come up with 100% new stuff... and we all know comics do recycle their sets. Love the show!!
  11. I love CSI and looking forward to CSI: NY but can't stand CSI Miami love Without a Trace love Last Comic Standing love Cold Case will probably get sucked into Survivor again, just because it's on right before CSI love TLC and DISCOVERY... Mythbusters, BIG, OverHaulin', etc WPT, Celeb. Poker are always on too
  12. this server is VERY slow... PMs are being a pain in the butt... sorry, everyone be patient... taken me hours to send like 10 PMs... this is getting very annoying what if I post a link... to the link?? is that allowed?
  13. they are up... PMs will start being sent... they will be up until tomorrow night
  14. how do you think the 49ers are going to cut T. Rattay???? he's their starter
  15. i couldn't find the topic either... so I didn't know who wanted them... but I'm having some trouble connecting to my server right now... but they should be up soon... I'll PM the people that I know of when that happens...
  16. not working.....
  17. hey Scott, how come it automatically changes .gif files to .jpg files for avatars? My animated avatar is only 5KB... are we not allowed animated gifs anymore?
  18. that's classic!!
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