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Everything posted by MikeG

  1. I play on All-pro, in my third season and Bledsoe is up to a 98 overall and has lead the league in every QB category every year, won Best QB every year and the last season and a half he split time with Losman and he still gets the stats. Both he and Losman make the pro-bowl. I average about 6-7 INTs a year, that is really good. you have to read the defense more this year, don't blame a computerized Bledsoe when you are the one pushing the buttons. It is harder, but keep playing you will find your way. The first games I played were EXTREMELY tough, but once I found some plays that worked and learned what I had to read in the defense for which plays, it got easier. Keep playing and you'll be fine.
  2. Lucas won't release the Holiday special on DVD because he HATES it, and he really didn't have anything to do with it when it was made the first time... long story, but don't hold your breath on that... but allegedly I have a copy on DVD and you can find someone who transfered it to DVD if you really want it... allegedly
  3. bought it at a midnight sale, been watching/analyzing for day and a half... too much to type here.. most of above I agree with, with a few exceptions... but the color is amazing, the sound is amazing and the crispness of the picture is amazing... I will leave the rest of discussion for another place, I'm sure we will piss everyone off because this has the potential to be the biggest thread of the year so I won't add to much more... but you know how us Star Wars fans are... we can't stop talking about it
  4. yeah dumbass, because Henry is the problem unless you mean play McGahee on the O-Line... he can't do any worse than what we have in there now...
  5. yeah dumbass, because Henry is the problem unless you mean play McGahee on the O-Line... he can't do any worse than what we have in there now...
  6. THERE IS NO OFFENSIVE LINE! what QB could have got rid of the ball on most of those sacks? Drew is not to be blamed for everything, you people are unbelieveable. how many potential 1st down balls were dropped? Drew can't catch it for them too, or block for the o-line. Did you people watch the game or just watch Bledsoe with bliders on all game? you people act like if we had ANY other QB, our problems would be solved... you are ALL sadly mistaken, no QB could do anything with the O-Line play we got yesterday. I love Jim Kelly too, but he's not coming back so quit trying to run every QB we get out of town. I got news for you, even if we did have Kelly, he couldn't produce with this O-line either.
  7. i know he hurt his ankle, duh! that doesn't mean he is on the injury list... when I went to the official nfl injury list, he wasn't on it. do you not know what the "injury list" is?
  8. henry isn't even on the injury list....why would you think about henry being OUT of the game? we need Travis Henry... but I agree, worst case scenario and Henry goes down... I wouldn't mind seeing Williams.
  9. I don't have a problem with that at all... we all know that if we arrive to a meeting at the second it is supposed to start, we all take a few minutes to grab a seat, chat with a friend, get you folder out... whatever, he has made it a rule that everyone is in seats ready to go at 5 minutes to the hour... that is the rule, deal with it. It is their job to do these things, it's not like they are going to meetings for free just to waste some time... come on, I understand Coughlin can be a tough ass, but sometimes I think that is what is needed. Everyone is so babied now a days, everyone wants the rules bent, or an exception made... sheesh, deal with it. Like Dennis Leary says "Life sucks, get a f*cking helmet!"
  10. with Criqui, every and I mean EVERY, pass play is a timing pattern or a timing throw. He doesn't know what else to say, go back and watch the game again, every pass is "timing throw" or "Reed, on the timing pattern"... what is his deal with that?
  11. if you look at the replay, he got both his feet down anyway... his one heel hit inbounds so it really wasn't an issue...
  12. the regular guy... Mike something, I think... is sick and was in the hospital (not sure why) I think he had surgery of some kind... anyway, Summerall is only filling in until he comes back. Hopfully that will be soon!!! Thank God, he is tooooooo old.
  13. I'm sure the other networks that are showing college football bitched to the NFL about taking ratings away from them if they let the game air on direcTV... just a thought, but why else would they not air the game. It's a money thing and the networks don't want to get slighted on ratings (which equal advertising $$$) because they lost viewers to an NFL game that wasn't supposed to be scheduled. It's all about money... which sucks. If this were a Bills game and I didn't get to watch it until tomorrow, I'd be EXTEREMELY pissed off!
  14. why do I still think it will be a pass??? maybe Gilbride totally ruined optimism for me, but I really do think it will be a pass.... that is sad. but I HOPE it is a run, like someone said, I don't care if it is a one yard loss, just run the damn ball!!!!
  15. she's a writer too and a very good one from what I understand... but she is more well known here as the hot chick that was in playboy and married a guy from Buffalo that is on ESPN
  16. long story, but here's the super quick explanation... Nick Bakay is from Buffalo and he's been on ESPN for the past few years during football season doing a funny segment called "Living the dream" that's all about betting on football and the ups and downs of gambling.... and I think he is a writer too... he is married and his wife, who also appears on the segments, is still very attractive and especially for a guy who looks like Nick. He always points out that he is from Buffalo and loves the Bills.... that is the SUPER fast explanation... anyone else, feel free to elaborate or correct
  17. that's really cool that we got some recognition... lord knows I got enough PMs, about the link to the pictures, to set records for page views... sheesh by the way... qantrules... I can't believe you haven't seen the pics yet... maybe you'll mysterously come across them somehow
  18. i love how he says God told me to play again, God will give me the quickness, speed, knowledge, etc... did you see that??? Listen, if God is taking time out to talk to Deion about football... we are all in trouble. let me say it again for the cheap seats...."GOD DOESN'T CARE ABOUT FOOTBALL!!"
  19. he was always thankful that the Bills gave him a shot and always shows his appreciation by wearing Bills stuff... i've seen him countless times with Bills hats on...
  20. cool, thanks for the "heads up"
  21. I can change jpg's but I can't get an animated gif to work....what is the deal!!
  22. Scott PMed me and said it was fixed, but mine is still screwed up... hopefully it will be fixed sonn...
  23. mine is the same way... delete, upload new one... old one shows up... WTF? I PMed scott about it but he hasn't gotten back to me, the only think I can change it o is one of those little heads in the gallery... WTF?
  24. Christie's salary would be too much anyway... league minimum for him is way too much for a kicker... uless we have room... do we have room under the cap?
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