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Everything posted by MikeG

  1. KFC popcorn chicken and potato wedges... cherry pepsi
  2. don't drink at all... that's kind of dick to do that to her
  3. Campy... well said, and I will agree with like 95% of what you posted... finally an intelligent poster
  4. have YOU ever watched a game the last three years??? don't question me about watching games. Henry had a reputation for NEVER going down on the first hit and breaking more tackles than most backs in the league.. have you watched a game the last three years??? he ALWAYS fights for more yards, you can't pick out two or three times when the line doesn't open a hole and henry gets stuffed, that happens to McGahee too, did you watch the games?? you must have a selective memory... I'll send you copies of all the games from the last three years if you want to really watch them with an open mind this time, I have all of them. If you truely watch the games, not with your "I want Willis to be good" glasses on, but watch them like a football fan, you will see that Willis misses holes or "dances" around a little too much, isn't explosive and really hasn't done anything that Henry wouldn't have done with 90% of his touches this year... it just happens that he was in. Everyone is taking me the wrong way, I'm not saying I don't want McGahee to be good... I think he will be GREAT, but this year we need both of them and McGahee won't be "his old self" until next year... ask Ed. James about knee injuries and how long you REALLY need to be back 100%. Just be realistic, don't say things like McGahee is awesome and always has leg drive, he doesn't, if you hit him in the shoulders, yeah he drives the pile... if ANYONE comes near his legs he gets scared and stops moving. I don't blame him, I'm just pointing it out. Watch the tapes, it's all there.
  5. stats for the year look pretty much the same too....
  6. here are the stats from sunday's game... looks pretty similar to me att. yrds avg. long TD Willis McGahee 16 58 3.6 15 0 Travis Henry 7 27 3.9 19 0
  7. does anyone truely believe that our problem is who is "running" the ball? come on, you people want Willis to be good soooo bad you are willing to fool yourselves into thinking he's the better back. He's not 100% yet, and he still is iffy on a lot of plays, he gets up limping all the time... I don't really care who starts, I just want them to win... but just because Willis starts doesn't mean the O-Line will show up. we still need both backs and it doesn't matter if we had Walter Payton back there, our O-Line sucks
  8. Al Michaels said that, but the graphic said "Stadiums named after people that played or coached in the NFL" I was pissed too, until I saw the graphic. Al Michaels screwed it up by saying the wrong thing...
  9. i would love for them to get approval to have true throwback uniforms INCLUDING the old helmet, white with grazing buffalo. That woud be AWESOME!!!!!
  10. can we stop the talk of putting Shane Matthews in the game, please. Matthews was sitting at home playing with his kids doing NOTHING when we called him... if he was any good at all, he would have been in camp somewhere. Matthews is NOT an option so stop talking totally stupid and just deal with Bledsoe until Losman gets healthy.
  11. once again... MORON <dibble voice> not as simple as "he's an alcoholic"... because he was a drain on my mom and my family, he always picked alcohol over every other correct decision in his life. It would be different if he was an alcoholic that accepted it and wanted help and wanted to be a better person (those people I embrace and WANT to help) but he didn't do that... and continued to choose alcohol over EVERYONE and EVERYTHING, there is only sooooo much people can take, and I reached my fill with him because he NEVER wanted to help himself. you're like a politician, you only hear what you want to and quote things out of context. it's obvious to me that I can not have a logical reasonable conversation with someone who does drugs and thinks they can justify it.
  12. once again... go read my posts AGAIN. My original point was directed towards the media and people who say it is a "shame" or a "tragedy" that he died. No it is neither of those things. I just want the media or people in general to admit that this is NOT a tragedy. Walter Payton was a tragedy, Ken Caminiti is NOT! I wasn't saying, "good ridence" to his wife's face or anything like that, I wish his family well, I was saying "good ridence" because he obviously wasn't being a productive member of his family and he wasn't being a good family man. I would say "good ridence" to a family member if they were a drain on my family and made the decisions to take drugs over being a good person. I don't want those people around me. You are only seeing a VERY small part of what I am saying. I actually said "good ridence" to my step-dad, that raised me for 15 years, because he turned into a drunk. I don't deal with him anymore and don't think twice about it. He refuses to get help and it will kill him some day, and when that day comes, again I will say "Good Ridence!"
  13. Once again... he misses the point
  14. that's your opinion, and I have mine. I don't think it's classless. I think it is classless to say he was a good "family man" and a "good teammate" and call his death a tragedy. That is classless.
  15. I would feel the same way if he was in my family or on my team... that's life, take the responsibilty of your own actions and don't expect people to see thru your stupidity after you die... live life so people don't have to make excuses for you and always take responsibility for your decisions
  16. this is getting out of whack... my points were originally directed towards people/media who are saying it's a shame or a tragedy...as soon as some dumbass drug-head dies, it's a tragedy and people make excuses for them... WHATEVER, people are dumb they do dumb things... some dumb things get you killed, it doesn't make it a tragedy it makes you DUMB! If I jump off a roof to see if I can fly, would it be a tragedy? NO, it would make my death un-necessary but I was DUMB and like I said, if you do dumb things, some dumb things can kill you and it's no ones fault but your own. doesn't make it a tragedy or a shame
  17. I was pointing out that this isn't a tragedy... tragedy is a disasterous event, not some dumbass drughead that killed himself. And stating how pissed I was about people saying he was a "family man" and a "good teammate"... by my definitions, he wasn't even close to any of those things. Maybe you have a different definition of "family man" and "good teammate", but if your definitions include steroids, cocaine and heroin... I do NOT want to be in your family or on your team. How can you defend people that destroy their lives and the lives of others because of drugs? and for the record...I can judge whoever I want about drug use, I don't use them.
  18. why do you defend total morons like caminetti and drug users in general??
  19. This is NOT a "shame" or a "tragedy". I have ZERO sympathy for him and people like him. It pisses me off that on TV they were saying what a "family" man he was... BULL SH#T!! He obviously wasn't thinking of his family when he did all the steroids, cocaine and heroin. NO ONE should think this is a tragedy, he brought this on HIMSELF. Deal with it! It would be a tragedy if he wrecked his car while HIGH and killed some innocent family. It sucks for his family, but hey, "YOUR FATHER/HUSBAND WAS A DRUGGY!" it sucks for them, but I'm not feeling bad for anyone, he brought it on himself and all this talk of him being such a good guy is pure BS! I about pukeed when I was watching the segment on ESPN and people were saying he was a family man and a good teammate. It makes me sick when these people say what a tragedy it is, the tragedy is that he apparently had talent and pissed it away on drugs. Good ridence, that's what I say. and YES, I AM BEING HARSH and I DON'T CARE!
  20. he's the only one producing anything... he's dropped a few balls, but EVERY WR does... you guys drive everyone away. There has never been more negativity than what I see on this board this year... wow. if we didn't have Moulds, we score almost 0 points this year... he's still good and will be still good enough to keep around for at least two more years
  21. Dave & Busters kicks a$$!!! that would be awesome if it came to Buffalo. It is hours and hours of fun!! good to hear
  22. PEPSI how can anyone drink Coke and like it
  23. who wants to see Robin Bakay in playboy? how long did you think it was going to last without someone bringing this up again? hehehehe
  24. CLUE great movie
  25. if you keep run certain plays and get good numbers eventually, your line improves... I have the same line with the exception of my left tackle (E. Salam) that I got from Jacksonville... my line has improved every year and are good enough. Henry has won the league MVP every year so far. The line has it's moments, don't get me wrong, but overall they become pretty decent. You have to pick the right plays... I've only found like 3 maybe 4 running plays that work... still not every time, but a good chunk of the time. And if you can get the defense to shift and then use the "playmaker" option to switch sides, that will work on certain plays. The line does start off poor, but the get better if you have patience. I haven't lost a game yet... came very close several times and my defense usually bails me out in those games... but the Bills are a viable option if you move players around and run the right plays. I use Dick Vermeil's playbook, by the way...
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