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Brand J

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Everything posted by Brand J

  1. Not sure he has an NFL future at that size. You could try him as a pass rush specialist, only bring him in on passing downs, but he’d have to be really, really good. Kyle Williams fell to the 5th round because experts thought he was too small and he was a lot bigger (and probably stronger) than this guy. Small dudes don’t regularly win in the trenches.
  2. He’s smaller than Donald, Oliver, and Randle. Who else near that size has been a disruptor?
  3. He was having issues before the elbow injury happened. As we all know, it started after halftime of that Packers game and continued the very next game against the airplanes. It’s like he stopped seeing the field as well, started throwing mind numbing INTs too. I will say, the hit his elbow took looked far worse than the one Brock Purdy took and he somehow wasn’t out for 3+ months. The guy is tough as nails, all grit. That same elbow took another similar hit later in the season and I clenched my jaw, I thought “there it goes, he’s out of there” but somehow it didn’t compound the issue. Allen could certainly do better to help his OL at times (I’m not counting the instances where Saffold gets beat in literally a second), but knowing his style of play, fortifying the OL is priority #1 this offseason.
  4. I said the hit would be fined and flagged If happened today, referenced my two posts above so you couldn’t miss it. Doesn’t matter if it was a shoulder to shoulder hit which is legal contact, it’d still be flagged for unnecessary roughness. But I knew you would lack the conviction to stand on your own words and put this discussion to the test, even if it was with a neutral fanbase. A team of your choosing. I said it earlier, talkers like you shrink when forced to put their argument to the test so run along now. You’re just wasting my time with any other rebuttals that aren’t you backing up your own conviction that the hit which occurred in 2000 still wouldn’t be flagged and fined in 2022.
  5. But it’s not Allen, Mahomes, or Burrow on the receiving end, so your argument is baseless and silly. In fact, I can post the video on another fan’s board, you pick the team. Probably better that way anyway since it’d be entirely neutral. I’ll grant you that advantage of picking whatever team of the 32 you like. The question will be simple: is this a flag for unnecessary roughness if the same hit occurred today? And would #22 on the Bills be fined for the hit? Both conditions will have to be met. Your next post is yes or no and if yes, the team that will receive the post. We can have someone from TBD hold the money so that neither party reneges. Your conviction is that it’s not a penalty or fine in today’s NFL because it’s a legal hit. It’s sad I have to remind you. My conviction is that it is. I don’t care about all your other words talking me to death. Let’s see who waves the white flag…
  6. For the umpteenth time - and maybe this one gets through - THE EJECTED AND ARRESTED QUOTE WAS A JOKE. Never did I even put “suspension” out as a joke either, so it was never in my “initial and unfortunate post.” But I’m not surprised you thought that, seeing as how your comprehension is lacking. People like you shrink behind their convictions if they’re forced to stand on them, so let’s put it to the test. A friendly $100 wager, I’ll put up a post with the Clements hit and have members of TBD vote whether it would warrant a flag and a fine in 2022, today’s NFL. I could also dig into CONTROVERSIAL FINES from this year alone and ask if those warranted flags and fines. If more people think as you do, congrats, there’s a free $100 to you. I can live with the subjectivity of the votes either way. You like to talk, so put your money where your mouth is. Otherwise shut up and take your nonsense to one who won’t force you to stand on your convictions. Deal?
  7. I said Clements would be flagged and fined if the same hit occurred today. NEVER said it was roughing the passer, it would’ve been termed “unnecessary roughness.” Also said the ejected and arrested part was a joke. Do you have reading comprehension problems? Why are you so hung up on roughing the passer fines? When was the argument EVER about RTP? Yes, I’m convinced you have reading comprehension problems. You then proceed to list the amount of fines players incurred during the season about a million dollars worth, and then you say the league isn’t looking too hard to hand out financial penalties for 15 yard infractions. Classic WEO nonsense.
  8. I’m talking about fines coming after bogus penalties, it doesn’t necessarily have to be roughing the passer. Just because the hit wasn’t illegal - just like Cody Ford’s block on that DE in the Houston playoffs - doesn’t mean a fine won’t follow. If there’s a 15 yard infraction the league is looking to hand down financial penalties. In fact, even after upholding Ford’s fine, the league then sent the tape to officials as an illustration of what doesn't constitute a penalty. Go figure. EDIT: Oh and the hit against Brady couldn’t have been called roughing the passer since he was a runner at that point.
  9. I guess you aren’t aware of the fines that follow bogus flags. And despite the player appealing, when it’s obvious an infraction wasn’t committed, the league upholds the fine. “Personal foul, unnecessary roughness on the defense, #22. 15 yard penalty, automatic first down.” A fine would follow Clements after the game, one that he would unsuccessfully appeal.
  10. Flagged and fined. Ejected and arrested was my early morning humor attempt. We’ve seen bogus flags that led to fines and then the NFL doubles down on those fines days after the game rather than admit they were wrong.
  11. Both the Bills and Chiefs rosters would be middling teams without their superstar QBs. But what’s funny to me is that I hear Allen would be going to his 3rd SB (at least) and Mahomes wouldn’t have sniffed one if you simply switched the QBs. There’s a blind, almost irrational loyalty to Allen. I love my QB, but at the same time can admit when another guy is simply better. Not all Bills fans have the capacity to grasp this.
  12. Would’ve at the very least been flagged, I guarantee it. Even if it was legal.
  13. Except the Nate Clements hit that would’ve got him fined, ejected, and arrested in Goodell‘s NFL.
  14. They’d never do a Diggs for Parsons trade without something else going back to the Cowboys. Parsons has more value as a pass rusher. It’d be like trading Lawrence Taylor for Marvin Harrison or Isaac Bruce. It’d never happen.
  15. I’d say it’s more so the sting of all those accolades that Mahomes has rather than passing on him and ending up with Allen. People like to say “that wouldn’t have happened here” as if to convince themselves the player would be lesser. We do agree that McBeane has failed to surround their superstar QB with the best resources possible. They obviously didn’t think a defensive minded HC’s unit could fail time and time again if most of the premium resources were put into that side of the ball. And we now know their perspective was wrong. I bet that you’ll see McBeane address the offense with those premium resources much more than the defense this offseason…
  16. It’s what people say to lessen the sting. I’m sure there are a bunch of Portland Trailblazer fans who say “Michael Jordan wouldn’t have been ‘Michael Jordan’ if he was drafted by us and not the Bulls.”
  17. This was by far your best post. You either came around or simmered down, but either way it was the most rational. Earlier you said Mahomes “absolutely did not” make the plays he needed to make for the Chiefs to win, but here you acknowledge he “made enough plays to win the AFCCG,” which never should’ve been questioned or in doubt. Great players do find a way to win, even if you hate the saying. They won’t always win, but more often than not they find a way - hence Mahomes’ success. Let’s get Allen the help he needs on the OL and a legit second receiving option (I don’t consider this to be Knox), to see how much he can elevate his game. He still needs to get better pre and post snap, even the most ardent Allen supporter can’t argue against this. Lastly I’ll say, even though I am a realist, I’m also a Mahomes and Chiefs hater, so… Fly Eagles, Fly! 🦅
  18. It’s obvious you don’t get it and/or the frustration is clouding your judgement, so there’s nothing more for me to say.
  19. I’ve stopped commenting because it’s easy to see when one starts to lose objectivity in an argument. You said Mahomes didn’t make the plays the Chiefs needed to make to win the game. That alone is factually incorrect. You nit pick specific drives where Mahomes didn’t lead the team to points, which can be done against ANY QB in the NFL. I think the problem is you’re so attached to Allen and hate how other QBs compare, that you will go out of your way to find ways in which the other team won despite their QBs play. And you said it yourself, you’re frustrated. Here’s a counter point: we can both agree the Bills had a total team collapse against the Bengals, both offense and defense. It was their worst game of the year. The Bengals could’ve scored 40 it seemed like. But what if, what if, the offense didn’t go three and out on consecutive drives to start the game? What if Allen hit that long pass to Diggs on the first drive? What if he found ways to move the ball despite facing heavy Bengal pressure? And *gasp* the defense got a stop somewhere along the way? We can play these games of what ifs all day, but the only thing that matters is the end result. Mahomes has been to 5 straight AFC Championship games, 3 SBs in the last 5 years, or whatever. Just step back from your frustration to see that the Chiefs are only the Chiefs because of Mahomes. Not Andy Reid. Not Chad Henne. Not anyone else. Mahomes is that good and more often than not, he makes the plays he needs to make for the Chiefs to win the game, just like he did against the Bengals.
  20. Are you saying Mahomes didn’t make the plays that needed to be made when they needed them? Because that was my point. His defense stepped up, no question, but who’s to say if they didn’t step up, Mahomes would’ve made the same mistakes or missed all those throws in the 2nd half?
  21. I mean, Mahomes was on one leg, throwing to a bunch of nobodies, sans Kelce, in the AFC Championship game and STILL made the plays that needed to be made when they needed them. People can dismiss what he brings to the field and say “it’s mostly Andy Reid,” but those are just thinly veiled ways to discredit Mahomes. Would Pat be as successful if he was on another team? If he was drafted by the Bills? Maybe not initially, but I fully believe he would’ve figured it out, even if the playcalling wasn’t Reid-like. They used to say the same stuff about Brady, “put him on any other team and he’s an average QB” and then the guy goes and wins the Super Bowl with the Bucs as a 40 year old. Great players will be great players no matter where they end up. And Mahomes is a great one. That’s to take nothing away from Allen, but our QB just isn’t on Mahomes’ level yet. And the reason isn’t simply “Andy Reid.” He can get there, but his approach to the game has to change. He has to become more cerebral pre and post snap.
  22. Time to move on to a DC who really knows how to scheme X’s and O’s. It’s clear we won’t have the Jimmies and Joes next year, so conduct an exhaustive search for the next great defensive mind. Even if it’s a different philosophy than McD. If McD wants to run his same defense (as Rex Ryan wanted to after Jim Schwartz was highly successful here), then McD needs to call the plays. Prove you’re a defensive guru who’s unit won’t be a total liability when it matters. Take ownership of the defense.
  23. We can speculate that a completely different defense would’ve been called if Miller was on the field, sure, but Frazier is on record leading up to that game as saying they “just have to find ways to make him (Burrow) hold the football.” That was the game plan Frazier came up with to force Burrow to hold the ball? It was the opposite of his intentions, it allowed Burrow to get the ball out quickly to his playmakers. He had the best game of his postseason against Frazier’s D.
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