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Brand J

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Everything posted by Brand J

  1. If Andy Isabella makes the team, there will be at least one guaranteed surprise cut.
  2. Godawful goal line plays and execution. Hopefully Dorsey does his part and self scouts; he needs to make things easier.
  3. Sounds like Taron Johnson had a retaliatory hit after Diggs flattened him yesterday. The fellas are chippy with each other, I wonder why they’re not holding a joint practice with another squad.
  4. Yeah he signed a 2 year $13.5M deal and for that amount of money you’d hope he would look miles better than bottom of the roster Andy Isabella. Nothing I’ve heard out of camp suggests he’s worth that sort of coin, especially when we could’ve got a legitimate (former all pro) starting MLB for close to the same. That’s not to say Harty won’t make plays this season - as long as he doesn’t get hurt - but that money definitely could’ve and probably should’ve been allocated elsewhere.
  5. Jamison Crowder, Cole Beasley, David Sills V, Tommy Sweeney, Matt Breida, and Isaiah Hodgins all had targets. Oh wait, I’m looking at the wrong game recap…
  6. Is it too late to get a refund on Harty?
  7. If Manziel was a studious football player who enjoyed the game more than being a celebrity and had a genuine drive to be the best, I think he could’ve been a bigger, more exciting Flutie type.
  8. His entire game was backyard football. I’m sure he could read defenses on a basic level, but anything confusing and he’d just run around until he made a play.
  9. Besides our own Dalton Kincaid, has anyone heard of any other standout rookies from NFL camps?
  10. The line also looks better when Josh gets the ball out of his hand fast, like in the first game against the Rams. We know he tends to hold onto it which makes the unit look worse. There were times last year where he had seemingly all day to throw, but with that being said, a performance like Saffold had against the Bengals was inexcusable. They have to at least be able to impede their assignment for 2.5 seconds.
  11. I’ve heard plenty about the fentanyl deaths. Drug addiction is a dark, dark path, no question. But you’ll never get me to agree with your last point, that selling 200 grams of heroine or cocaine should equate to a larger sentence because it is as bad or worse than what Ruggs did. That woman was minding her own business and was a victim of reckless, drunken driving. I can’t say the same for drug users. The seller is an enabler and should do time, but in measuring the two offenses I see an imbalance.
  12. He was racing, but the other drunk woman lost control of her vehicle and killed herself and her passenger. I don’t know if you can blame Carter directly for their deaths, sure he bears a responsibility, but he wasn’t the driver of the vehicle that wrecked.
  13. The Jets are the one AFCE team Allen hasn’t gone off against. He almost always seems to struggle against Gang Green, or at the least - put up modest numbers.
  14. These are Texas laws if one gets caught selling heroine, cocaine, or another “group 1” drug: To put 200 grams into perspective, it basically measures out to a cup and a half. Ruggs killed a woman, she and her dog burned alive, but he’ll do far less time than someone caught trying to sell a cup and a half worth of cocaine. Something seems very wrong with that picture.
  15. Drop “hands” and just go with “Shaky Shakir.” It’s cleaner. 😂
  16. Shakir dropsies are becoming a thing. It’s quite possible Sherfield surpasses him, especially with his superior run blocking ability.
  17. My high school mascot was a Plainsman. Washington Plainsmen doesn’t quite have a ring to it like Washington Redskins, or Washington Tomahawks (both of which sound more aggressive), but there are alternatives they could’ve explored which would’ve kept NAs at the forefront rather than eliminating any reference to them altogether (including one with a negative connotation). Personally I was hoping for Red Tails, as that would’ve been a tribute to the Tuskegee Airman, but that would’ve also eliminated the NA group. Let’s see where Magic Johnson and his folks take this…
  18. Therein lies the difference between you and I. I never paid attention to “Redskins” as a bad word until I heard the groups of Native Americans say it was such. And once I heard their pleas, I respected their position. Think about it this way, if you were the Washington owner and members of that group told you to your face, “we’re offended by this word the white man created. It’s derogatory to our people and we would like it removed” would you then tell those people “removing the name is akin to erasing your culture, so I will not”? These people are not consumed by the belief that it’d purge their culture, because guess what…? The name is not representative of their culture! It’s not an endearing name that was created by them. That’s where you’re getting this argument wrong. Listen, I’d totally understand if the name was “Washington Tomahawks” and a group of people came out speaking against it, but this isn’t the case. “Redskins” was a derogatory word created by white settlers and just because some NAs are fine with how it’s used today, doesn’t mean the entire race has to be.
  19. I’m not NA, so naturally I’m not offended by the word. I can’t decide anything, I’m simply standing by those who do find it offensive and want it removed. I agree with their position and I’m not speaking from a “woke” standpoint. Consider… the “N” word is glorified today and used in rap lyrics, T-shirts, movies, etc. The caveat there is that it’s only (supposed to be) used by Black people. What if a non Black team owner in the future wanted his franchise to be called the “N*ggas”? And his argument was that it ended in an “a” and not an “er” and that it’s cool and used all over anyway? Maybe some Black folks would be fine and humored by it, while the loudest would scream from the hills to take it down. “Redskin” to my knowledge was only used by white settlers in a derogatory way to describe an Indian. In that sense, it’s not a word worthy of being a team name. If NAs were not offended by it? Sure, revive it! But we know that’s not the case. Find something of value NAs have created or are solely responsible for and use that as a team name. There are other ways to keep their legacy going in a non-attacking fashion…
  20. I’m not justifying eliminating NA’s from our collective memory. I’m justifying (and standing by) the want to eliminate names that many feel are derogatory to their culture. Can you not see the difference?
  21. No, but deleting names many in that group deem derogatory is not for you to speak on. Even if you are Native American, you can’t tell others in that community how to feel about being called a “Redskin.” As will always be the case when one feels offended. “The squeaky wheel gets the oil.”
  22. True, there are Native Americans who don’t take offense to the name, but there are also many who consider it derogatory.
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