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Brand J

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Everything posted by Brand J

  1. Also looks like Josh is still leaving clean pockets far too early which invites the rush and shortens the field. He’ll have to learn to trust this version of the OL, but with Spencer and Dion on the edges giving up pressures to nameless guys, it’s a lot to ask.
  2. To be fair, the Steelers pulled their offensive starters after those two possessions. They looked like they could have their way with our defense, very Bengals-like. Of course, it is the preseason and there’s no game plan or areas of emphasis to stop… but 1s vs 1s, the Bills got their @**es handed to them.
  3. IIRC, they tried Dawkins at RT his rookie year and he was a dud. He was much better on the left side and primarily played there at Temple.
  4. No Doyle. No Shell. And Quessenberry plays like a boysenberry. And oh yeah, CB2 is unsettled, MLB is in shambles, and both starting OTs are underwhelming. Did I miss anything?
  5. Kyle Allen with another predetermined read. He’s not even trying to scan the field and find the best option.
  6. I said earlier if Isabella makes the team, it guarantees there’ll be at least one surprise cut. The numbers make it so. However, that cut won’t come at the expense of Sherfield. It’s not my conversation, so sorry for jumping in here, but I’ll take you up on that wager if you’d like, $50 or $100.
  7. I’ve seen a few spell Dalton’s name this way. Is it some sort of precursor to nicknaming him “kink”?
  8. I don’t know about that. He’s currently a starter on the G Men. At worst, he’ll be a WR4 for them and I’d say won’t become a journeyman 5th or 6th receiver.
  9. Seeing all those old names on the jerseys, including Spikes and Fletcher roaming around, was a bit nostalgic. Gus Johnson also needs to be brought back to call games, not sure what happened to him. Does he only do the NCAA March Madness tournament now?
  10. No doubt about your second point. He’s called Knox one of the most beloved guys in the locker room. They seem very tight. BUT to my knowledge Knox wasn’t showered with any of the praise Josh has given Kincaid. Maybe that’s because he had a lot of concentration lapses his first few years. To his credit, he knew he had to work on the problem… Dawson Knox on growing with Josh EDIT: I just realized you might’ve been talking about the daily positive praise about Knox the last two years. It was nothing like this year, Knox seems to be all over the place now.
  11. It’s like taking to someone who doesn’t or just refuses to understand. Maybe you’re just stubborn and don’t want to admit it. I’m taking two players from this (Lavonte David/Leonard Floyd) as an example and I do have evidence based on what those players said. I’m not pushing any agenda, they told you themselves about what the process was like and Buffalo’s involvement.
  12. I’ve gone to a mentalist show and the guy explained about the power of suggestion, but it still doesn’t completely explain how they do what they do. You can drill a number or something into someone’s head over and over, but that doesn’t mean they’ll definitely choose it when asked. I’ve never seen these guys get it wrong either, so there’s something more there. Also, there’s too much chance involved, like when the player wiped half the cards out with his arm, settled on two cards that were still on the table, then randomly picked one. That has nothing to do with suggestion. I don’t know how they do it, it’s more mystifying than magicians in my opinion.
  13. It wasn’t the Bills decision to have him feel out the market over that time, it was Floyd’s. The Bills were offering an amount of money they thought they could afford, Floyd likely wanted more. What they did do is show him the interest and made him feel wanted by staying in constant contact with him. Like Beane said, the process began very early. In fact, because of the Bills constant pursuit, Floyd reportedly left more money on the table to sign with us, a championship contender. Perhaps the Bills showed the most interest as well. If you can’t see how that differs from the situation with the MLBs that were on the market, I don’t know what else to tell you.
  14. He also didn’t find the offers he was hoping for on the market, but the Bills contacted him early, gave a price, remained in contact up to and even after the draft and that’s when Floyd decided to sign. The Bills were very involved in this courtship, unlike with Lavonte and BWagz.
  15. This wasn’t conjecture. I got that from Lavonte who told Rich the Bills got involved late but by that time he had already made up his mind that he was going back to TB. That's a big difference between the Bills getting involved when he first hit the market and staying in constant contact with him. You know the player who fit that bill that they did land? Leonard Floyd. The “red carpet” doesn’t simply mean “money” it means making a free agent feel like he’s an absolute must for the team. EDIT: My “we don’t know” was in reference to if Buffalo was involved from the beginning along with TB and which team would Lavonte choose in that situation if the money was exactly equal. I’d guess TB, but feeling wanted on a championship contender does go a long way.
  16. You didn’t see anything in my posts to suggest they should’ve overpaid. Maybe they could’ve got involved from the very beginning, made one of them feel wanted and needed. If they were offering, let’s say $6M/yr, Id bet they’d be given a chance to up the ante when the player’s original team offered 7. If the money was exactly the same between TB and BUF, maybe someone like Lavonte goes back to his long tenured team… or maybe, if the Bills had made him feel like this was the place to be all along, he would’ve chosen Buffalo. We don’t know. What we do know is he was in talks with his old team since the beginning, sat on the market for weeks looking and hoping for better offers and when it became clear none were coming, decided to return to TB. Agent: “Oh wait, the Bills are on line 1. Sounds like they’re offering something similar.” Lavonte: “Nah, that’s okay, I’ve already made my decision.” We have to stop the “the Bills had no chance at David or Wagner because they were always going back to their old teams” narrative.
  17. They’re older players and were likely looking for bigger paydays than they got. Doesn’t mean either couldn’t have been had by the Bills if the team really wanted one.
  18. I’d like to know how mentalists do much of their tricks. I’ve seen some stuff about how they’ll plant “suggestions” all throughout a space (like posting the number 10 all over a facility), but they hit on this stuff far too often to depend on a person coming forward with the number (or thing) the mentalist planted. They’d be accused of sorcery in the olden days.
  19. I don’t know why people are still acting like Lavonte David was going back to the Bucs no matter what. He was available and could be had, but the Bills didn’t roll out the red carpet to make him feel wanted. And they got involved too late in the process. David, like Wagner, were both available for weeks and weren’t dead set on retuning to their old teams.
  20. Come to think of it, I’ve never heard Josh talk about Knox in the way he describes Kincaid: “fun to throw to/good body language/etc,” but the addition of Kincaid does sound like Knox has upped his game (or maybe he’s the forgotten man?). This is the first camp I’ve heard Knox being mentioned almost daily in a positive write up.
  21. Basham and a 3rd for MLB Devin Lloyd and a 7th. Would the Jags bite?
  22. Why is this being made public? Is it because they’re already on the outs and this is a way of getting ahead of it?
  23. I would’ve done the same and then tried to trade Edmunds for a 2nd rounder, but was told by many on this board during that time you don’t make that sort of move with a team on the cusp of a championship. With that 2nd rounder I would’ve gone after George Pickens, Cosell talked him up so much I thought he was potentially can’t miss. In regards to Lloyd, I thought he could potentially be an upgrade to Edmunds, maybe not in his rookie year, but as the years go by. Also didn’t think we’d keep Edmunds, so it’s trading one expiring contract for another 5 cost controlled years. Tariq Woolen wasn’t drafted until the 5th round, so he could’ve been an option in the 3rd or 4th, depending how much the Bills liked him. Of course we would also end up with Benford and altogether that draft would’ve been a home run.
  24. Yeah that’s old news. If the Bills had made him feel wanted and offered maybe 0.5M more than Tampa, I don’t think he goes back to a losing franchise.
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