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Brand J

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Everything posted by Brand J

  1. You’d hope every single long bomb pass would veer towards the middle of the field if it’s open, rather than the sideline, so if Harty’s route was designed to go sideline but he had green grass on his left shoulder, the players have to be on the same page and adjust to that in real time. I’d expect the QB to go MoF every time if it’s open and if a receiver stays sideline that’s on the receiver. I put this pass on Allen either way. @dave mcbride Puts this on Harty, he wants to see 1 to 2 yards of separation, but 808 is right, a lot of separation is created while the ball is in the air. There’s a saying in football, “If I’m even, I’m leaving” this was one of those cases. A better ball produces a better result.
  2. You’re looking at the players positioned after the result of the pass and not where they’d be with a properly thrown ball. He started getting ahead of his defender at 30, wasn’t much separation, but it was starting. Had Allen launched the ball inside and gave him something to run under, the players would be in an entirely different position after the pass.
  3. Agreed. People are complaining about Harry’s route or his perceived lack of speed, but if Allen leads him inside and really chucks it out there, I think you’d see a different result. You can see right around the 30 Harty’s starting to pull away from the defender, looks back, and sees that Allen throws a ball that gives him no chance so the play is over. Allen has to throw him a moon ball he can chase.
  4. He has these misses every game, he’s not the best at reading the field. I didn’t have a problem with the pass to Harty, but throw one that isn’t craptastic. Lead him inside and up so he can run under it. The safety on that side was too far back to be a concern.
  5. The funny thing is Burrow actually had an intentional grounding in the same game with the same referee crew and they didn’t call it. Can’t remember the quarter and down, but he was about to get sacked and just chucked the ball. We were all yelling “grounding?!”
  6. No, the last time we beat the Bengals was in 2019 with Andy Dalton at QB. Burrow was drafted in 2020.
  7. The Burrow led Bengals are only 2-0 against us and are already claiming they own us.
  8. This reminds me of Gailey’s “it was his turn” comment (ie an explanation that isn’t really an explanation).
  9. No one is going to hate you for this take, it’s been echoed many times already. I said in another thread that in order to finally win a Super Bowl, with Allen’s playing style, I worry that we have to have an all star roster to make up for his mistakes. Or at least an all star offense: a wall of an OL, two #1 receivers, a great RB, etc. I think it’s clear watching Allen he doesn’t look like the most prepared player on the field, he’d prefer to play instinctual (his words).
  10. Josh needs to become a more cerebral QB. We’ve all been saying this for awhile now, but at this point I don’t know if it happens.
  11. I wish Rousseau would’ve taken a big step forward this year, but it seems he’s the Robin to a Batman. The Phil Hansen to a Bruce Smith. None of our defensive lineman are feared by other teams. Collectively, when healthy, they’re great and can play off of each other. Individually? Just “good,” but good isn’t good enough.
  12. I was amazed to see he had 91 turnovers. I knew it was a lot, but… wow. They were easier to stomach when the offense was scoring TDs, but when the offense has 10 points on average through 3 quarters like these last few games? I’m starting to wonder if Josh Allen has what it takes, discipline and focus wise, to win a championship, or if he requires a loaded roster to make up for his mistakes.
  13. It’s easy to see why the HC and QB 5 year rule hasn’t been broken in the history of the league. Franchises move on from one or the other and it’s time to get a new captain to run the ship. McD is Doug Collins, we need to find Phil Jackson.
  14. Also hired Rick Dennison who he fired. That’s both offensive and defensive coordinators that have quit/been let go. McD has run his course, the franchise needs a new voice at the top.
  15. Josh Allen for CJ Stroud straight up?? 🤣
  16. It’s an overpay when you have to give up a premium draft pick on top of extending him for top dollar. This isn’t a Von Miller in his prime type of player and I don’t think his contract would have exceeded what he got from the Bears if he did hit free agency.
  17. Wasn’t Tua’s best game. He definitely missed some “big gain” throws that were there to be made. He hasn’t missed those often this season and if he had hit on them, the fishies win the contest.
  18. They’re not a defensive end away from being competitive. Any team that doesn’t have an established starting QB has to find that guy first before beefing up the roster, that’s why these other bottom feeders are sellers, they need cheap rookie contracts. And I still don’t believe the Bears would’ve had to outbid some other team in free agency and arrive at a number that was MORE than what they just signed him for.
  19. I like when the TV ref contradicts the flag on the field OR says a review should stand and then it’s overturned (or vice versa). Just goes to show the level of subjectivity between two different people looking at the same play. Really shouldn’t be that way. And the league will continue to survive as long as people keep watching. Remember, the commissioner of the NFL who was just extended to another monster contract said “officiating has never been better than it is today.” He and apparently the owners are fine with it all… because that money keeps rolling in.
  20. What. Are. The Bears. Doing?! First of all, Sweat was a free agent after the year, they could’ve handed him the bag without losing a draft choice. No other team was paying Sweat close to $25M/yr. All this before they’ve even seen him take a snap in their defense. I could run that organization better and do it for less than half of what Poles is making 😅 Poor Bears fans.
  21. If only I (and the vast majority of others) had the will power to do this, the NFL would be forced to adjust because viewership is their money press. We all complain about roughing the passer specifically, but when Goodell comes out and makes a nonsense comment that “officiating has never been in a better place,” there’s no impetus to change. The fans, disgusted as they are, keep watching so money keeps flowing. The public has the power to change the product, but short of people refusing to watch, the NFL can do what it wants and tell us “we don’t care about your b*tching.”
  22. NFL refs have too much influence on the game and are responsible for the disjointed flow of the game. I only want blatant penalties called, nothing questionable or ticky tack. I want roughing the passer to genuinely be roughing the passer. If something happens that doesn’t affect the outcome of the play, don’t throw the flag, or pick it up. Tired of the refs and tired of talking about their incompetence.
  23. What I want to see, which the Bills haven’t done yet, is line up in shotgun on the 1, have Allen do some of his usual checks, then walk up to the line pointing defenders out before hurriedly taking the snap for a QB sneak. Try to catch the defense off guard that way.
  24. Oh wow, I saw the account had personal pics so I just assumed. The length some people will go through.
  25. Everything happened in London. Wish we could go back in time and have a do over on that game.
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