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Brand J

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Everything posted by Brand J

  1. I believe he reached out to Drew Brees last year and asked him, "how do you continue to do it over the course of the season?" and it was Drew who turned him to this workout regimen. Obviously wasn't able to help him become all pro, because like I stated, Trent's problems are between his ears and not with his body...
  2. The problem with Trent - and why some continue to be enamored with him - is that he looks the part of an NFL QB, but lacks the most important tool needed to be a successful one: a QB's brain. Not saying he is unintelligent, but he has no swagger to his game, no confidence, no killer instinct, and no aggression. He lacks the alpha male personality that the great QBs have. This is a player who is very comparable to Rob Johnson - he has all the measureables you'd want in a QB, but none of the intangibles. At Stanford, he was often sacked, often injured, threw ONE 300 yd game his entire collegiate career, and wasn't a winner. There was a legitimate reason why he lasted until the end of round 3 and those same problems have continued to plague him in Buffalo. He just doesn't have 'it' and most likely, never will..
  3. He was only playing in Buffalo on a 1 yr contract - basically a stop gap, b/c we were losing so many players to injury..
  4. It's a rookie minicamp, with 1st and 2nd year players sprinkled in, so Spiller will be there, as will the rest of this years draft class.. That list is for the non-rookies attending the minicamp.
  5. That's right. I forgot that he came back after week 6 last year, thus constituting a full season. Sucks, because he really could have used the work...
  6. We'll see if we were fools for choosing Troup over him at some point in the future, but I still think it was a mistake. C'mon Brohm! Regain that Louisville confidence and swagger. The Buffalo Bills NEED you!!
  7. He had stints at 4 different positions, but signed with the Bills as a tight end. http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/story/9638304
  8. That was his brother Chris Leak (University of Florida). CJ Leak was a relatively unknown tight end..
  9. I'm not too sure T.O. would go to New England if given the chance. He and Moss don't exactly get along. T.O. even went so far as to call himself, "the original number 81". I think there would also be too much jealousy between the two, with preoccupations about who's getting the ball thrown their way most often.
  10. In regards to his first two seasons, Lynch's talents equate to a late 1st, early 2nd round pick. His history of trouble lowers that value, but if a team isn't prepared to offer at the minimum what his talent level equates to (2nd round), then they can sniff around other rosters for young pro bowl talent. If you truly want Lynch, pony up fair compensation..
  11. I say we should replace Brown with Gibran Hamdan. Hamdan had a good speaking voice, a personality, and conducted first rate interviews. Hamdan for BB.com reporter!
  12. It was said somewhere that Seattle offered a 4th round pick for him. We balked and they turned their attention towards Lendale White. I wouldn't let Lynch go for anything less than a 2nd.
  13. Quite the contrary, I posted that statement you made to let the others know the type of mindset you have regarding Trent - which is bordering on one of worship. I could care less about "bothering" you. That statement was absolutely stupid at the time it was made and looks even worse today, considering that "true leader" was benched in favor of a limited talent in Fitzpatrick. If Trent does start the season and even manages to finish it behind center, gear up for the #1 overall pick in the draft. You still haven't answered the question: what exactly has Trent done, besides rally against bad teams, that has you sooo convinced he is the Bills best prospect for the future? At what point did you stand up and say, "wow, this is the guy we've been missing since Kelly"? Even Jim Kelly himself is tired of watching Trent behind center. "Nice guy, but I think it's time to move on." Then you have Thurman Thomas tweeting during the game that WRs are open, but Trent's not getting the ball to them. Does any of this not mean anything to you? Brian Brohm posted numbers in college that dwarfs your chosen one. I am more interested in moving on and seeing what he, or Levi Brown, has to offer..
  14. Yes, I too believe that Trent is the fastest checkdown QB in all the land. I think dog14787 is Trent Edwards, his sister, or Dakota Fanning. Who else would make such an asinine statement as this: It's one thing to support a player you believe in, but reading your posts, making statements such as the one above, and hearing your tears hit the keyboard as you support said player "for playing with tons of heart and giving his all" gets a little tiresome. What exactly has Trent done besides play bad and rally against terrible teams, that has you sooo convinced he is bound for the Hall of Fame?!
  15. That is true. We'll eventually find out if the perceived attitude issues were correct. For my own selfish reasons, I now have to hope that Clausen never becomes anything more than an average QB. In light of this decade drought, this franchise has literally been handed gift after gift of great players, but has ALWAYS made the wrong draft selections. For their sake and mine as a Bills fan, I hope they got it correct this time...
  16. I can see selecting Spiller in the 1st b/c this team is devoid of playmakers, but if Clausen becomes the QB that I think he'll be, passing on him for a DT will set this team back - even if Troup does become a good ---> great NT. I know it would've been hard to ignore the trenches in the 2nd, but we had a potential franchise QB staring us in the face. Troup may or may not have made it to the 3rd round, but Cam Thomas may do an equally effective job at the nose and lasted until the 5th I believe.. If I had it to do all over again, it would be Spiller, Clausen, Carrington, Cam Thomas, Wang, et al. We wouldn't get Easley, but I'd make the trade: Clausen for Troup and Easley for Cam Thomas.
  17. Troup really got crapped on - 57 overall rating?! Linval Joseph is a 66, while Terrence Cody comes in at 72. Seriously hope it doesn't play out this way in real life!
  18. Any truth to the rumors that Trent signed up to play "The Tin Man" in the new rendition of The Wizard Of Oz? I think he'll finally receive his heart at the end of the journey, that is, if he doesn't get injured while running away from the flying monkeys..
  19. Has anyone compared CJ Spiller's highlight package to ECU's Chris Johnson? Spiller in fact looks faster and is doing it against better competition! Will this translate into being a better player than Chris Johnson? God I hope so! He could also become the next Reggie Bush - which would suck. I was thinking about how he is distinguishably different than Bush and I'm not sure. The draft write ups didn't say that he ran b/w the tackles all that much and Johnson is definitely money b/w the tackles...
  20. Incest is a difficult thing to understand. Even more difficult when you consider the fact that it was consensual. Mind blowingly confusing. Were the two full blooded siblings? Were they raised under the same household? In a league where accused rapists, murderers, and dog murderers roam, everyone is entitled to a second chance. I think if front offices thought the guy could be a special player, then he would be on a roster by now. Anything less than a special player, it just wouldn't be worth the negative press.
  21. Hahaha, did you make that avatar from photoshop?
  22. I'm more interested in seeing what Brian Brohm can do. Here's a wacky stat for the day: In his first 3 games as a senior, Louisville QB Brian Brohm had more 300 yd passing games (2) than Stanford QB Trent Edwards had in an entire collegiate career (1). 300 yd games aren't the end all of a great QB, but that stat alone tells you Edwards has never been a gunslinger. He was in fact, a mediocre collegiate QB, playing behind a mediocre OL. Some things never change. Trentative Edwards is not the answer...
  23. Ryan Fitzpatrick seems to be getting absolutely no love from you all - after all, he did beat out Trent for the starting spot last season. Trent may be a more talented player than Fitzpatrick, but Fitz is more of a gamer. For the record, I voted Brohm, Brohm, Edwards.
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