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Brand J

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Posts posted by Brand J

  1. I think if the X Factor Brian Brohm wasn't on this roster, Nix and co. would've pulled the trigger on Clausen at 41. It's nice to say, "they are unsure of the QBs on the roster, due to the OL, OC, etc." but good QBs find ways to make plays, even in the most dire of circumstances. There were numerous plays that were there to be made (when Trent or Fitz had ample time to pass) and the QBs failed to make those plays. Evans, Owens, and even Edwards have stated as much. "There were plays out there to be made, but for whatever reason, we didn't make them. It's frustrating." On a second note, please stop with the logic, "all teams passed on this guy, so there's no way he's capable of being a franchise QB. These guys get paid to do these jobs, so if he was a franchise QB, why did he last until the middle of the 2nd round?" GMs, with all of their resources, do not have the ability to forecast success. If so, the Montana's, Brady's, and Warner's of the world would never make it past the 1st round...

  2. Well, I'm black and have felt direct prejudice from the NYPD, although I'm not a millionaire (yet) with a red X on my back, which would make it even easier. To say that Marshawn has reaped what he has sewn is unjust. I myself am an outstanding citizen who has always followed the law, yet, in the 20 months that I've been living in NYC, I've been pulled over 5 times. In the 12 years prior to living here - driving around Chicago, Michigan, and all of Texas - I was pulled over 0 times. I was at a point where I felt like once I got in my car, I became an escaped fugitive. I can only imagine how much worse the situation would be if I was a 'known' individual who had past transgressions with the law. The race card cannot always be played, but there are times in which it is definitely a factor. To turn your nose up at what Lynch is saying, is either being naive and/or pig headed...

  3. JP was a good guy, not a very good QB, but a good guy and I can't root against people like that. I hope he does well with the Seahawks. I would feel the same way about Edwards - if he fails, yet again, to become the QB that this team needs, then I'll wish him well with his next team. I have nothing against either guy personally, but after continuous failures, I just don't care to see either of them behind center on my team...

  4. :thumbsup: agreed...it'd be nice if he made more plays but attacking him because he's just a very good an average S instead of a great good one is childish..but truth be told, I would've been surprised if he never got attacked on Twitter or Facebook. Let's be honest...there's a lot of people out there with big internet muscles...talking trash from behind a keyboard like the cowards they are but would never say a thing in person and once anyone is out on the internet, they become a target, no matter how deserving or undeserving they are of the insults they receive.


    Fixed :lol:

  5. You have an ass backward view on the qb situation. Don't waste your time making assumptions on the qbs based on the past. Let them compete and see which one grabs the mantle. The Bills organization has been in a state of chaos from the inept coaching staff, peculiar personnel decisions to a USFL caliber offensive line. For heavens sake just prior to the beginning of last season the inept HC fired the OC and gave the position to an already inexperienced qb coach who was completely out of his depth. Prior to the season the troglodyte HC decides to go to a no huddle offense. Why? What was the benefit of going to an offense that requires more ability and talent than the talentless Bills had on offense?


    Instead of asking me what evidence do I have about Edwards ability to be a starter, why don't you ask yourself what evidence do you have that Brohm or Fitz have to be starters? There are doubts about all three qbs. It is probable that none of the three will be our long term franchise qb. Maybe Levi Brown might be the best prospect in the long run? No one knows for sure.


    Let the three qbs compete against one another and see which one prevails. Why prejudge the outcome before they get on the field? There are plenty of qbs who have struggled before things clicked or the situation was conducive to success. Kurt Warner didn't have instant success; neither did Brees, nor did Matt Schaub the qb for Houston; Seattle's Hasselbeck and Green Bay's Rogers and many other qbs.


    The Bills over the past decade have been a very BAD franchise. Over the past decade they ranked 29 out of 32. What the Bills can't afford to do more than any other team is close the door on any player at any position. Let the players compete against one another and see who wins the position. This anti-Edwards attitude before he gets on the field this year is not only foolish but also self-defeating.


    I have an ass backwards view on the QB situation, yet, you are the one who stated, "What I can say, is that I am completely confident that Trent Edwards is the best QB on this roster." Okaayyy :doh: I used past successes and failures of the QBs on this roster to contradict your statement. The hypocrisy in your post is laughable. You ask me, why prejudge, when I haven't made a judgment about anything! You are the one who stated Trent Edwards is the best QB on the roster. That sir is a judgment. I agree, let the QBs battle it out for the top spot, but to say in complete confidence that [insert QB name here] is the best QB on this roster, is completely asinine. If you believed in a true QB competition, then you should have taken that position in the first place, rather than anointing your chosen QB...

  6. The issue isn't what has Trent Edwards accomplished so far. He hasn't accomplished much, neither have the other qbs. The team he was playing with was in a state of chaos, from the coaching staff, OL and organization. No once can succeed under such dismal circumstances.


    Comparing TE to any of the other qbs for their past performances is absolutely meaningless. So I wish you anti- TE commentators would just stop fixating on what has happened in the past. Let the qb candidates compete against one another and see who ends up as the starter. Why are so many posters against that? This new coaching staff doesn't favor any of the qbs currently on the roster? The three veteran qbs are going to be given a fair chance to earn their jobs. The coaching staff obviously has a stake in choosing the qb who best gives the team an oportunity to succeed. Let them decide. What is wrong with that?


    So enlighten me.. What comparisons and/or evidence do you have, that makes Trent better than all of the other QBs on the roster? If we are not allowed to compare players against each other using the past as a barometer, then how are you reaching your conclusion?

  7. Will Trent be the long term franchise qb? I can't say that. But what I can say with confidence is that he is better than the other qbs on the roster.


    How can you, in complete confidence, make a statement such as this one? What has Trent accomplished, on any level of football, that makes him better than any of the other QBs on this roster? He has no accomplishments on the NFL level and was even replaced by the least gifted QB on this roster, Ryan Fitzpatrick, so let's compare Trent Edwards to Brian Brohm and Levi Brown as collegians. Ooops sorry, no comparison. Brohm and Brown were far better players on the collegiate level, both in statistical categories, as well as the all important W/L category...

  8. Fair point JayBaller10. I agree that the admission's standards for Stanford football recruits are lower than those for the general population. But to put it in perspective, in the early part of the decade (2003?), I was chatting with some Stanford faculty who noted that the average test scores of the incoming class of football recruits was higher than the average test scores of an incoming Ivy league student (non-athlete).


    You are absolute right that ND does not bend it's academic requirements for football players to the same degree as comparable institutions. Cal football academics has actually gotten better under coach Tedford. Moreoever, as I understand it, Marshawn was known to take academics seriously in college. Who knew?


    That said, this is really all a red herring, unless Trent can prove to better substantially more durable and aggressive in 2010, I am looking forward to watching Locker, Luck or Mallett behind center in 2011.


    True, true... Or how about we get lucky for a change and the football Gods decide to smile once again upon this once proud franchise. What if we have a diamond in the rough, a rose that grew from concrete, a Phoenix that has risen from the ashes, in the name of Brian Brohm..? Yes, it would take somewhat of a miracle for Brohm to become an even better QB for the Bills, than the one who led the Louisville Cardinals, but these Bills are overdue..

  9. As someone who taught at Stanford -- including Stanford football players -- let's just say that I strongly disagree with your assessment, both with regard to admissions generally and with regard to Trent's admittance specifically. I don't recall if Trent was his high school's valedictorian, but he did graduate with a 3.9 gpa and scored an 1130 on his SATs.


    That said, I do share your reservations about Trent as the starting QB for the Bills.


    While no one here is debating Trent's off the field intelligence (at least I don't think so...), you can't tell me as a Stanford professor, that every player on that Stanford roster would merit admission to that school based solely on their academic achievements. If this was true, then guys like Marshawn Lynch would never step foot onto a campus such as Cal Berkley. Notre Dame is the only campus that I am familiar with that players avoid, due to the school's academic expectations...

  10. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-3...65-73e321ef1c01



    Afternoon playmakers

    Brian Brohm dialed up a deep ball down the far sideline early in 7-on-7 hitting Felton Huggins in stride for a 40-yard pass play.


    Huggins also made a reception in stride on a well-timed play with Brohm later in that same series.


    Joe Klopfenstein and Jonathan Stupar were again frequent targets of Brohm in the afternoon session. The best of their receptions was when Klopfenstein split the safeties down the middle of the field for a big gain.


    Marcus Easley continues to make plays. The fourth-round pick had a few more catches in the afternoon including a nice hands catch late on a pass from Brohm that was outside his body frame.


    During one-on-ones earlier in practice, Easley gave a shoulder fake inside and got outside of his cover man Leodis McKelvin down the sideline for what would’ve been a long touchdown under normal game conditions.

    C.J. Spiller made the most of a dump off from Brohm. With the blitz bearing down on him, Brohm dumped it off and Spiller got through a closing hole quickly to gain positive yardage up field.


    Late in practice Brohm had a well-executed bootleg pass to Steve Johnson right along the sideline for first down yardage, that drew praise from head coach Chan Gailey.


    My favorites :thumbsup:

  11. Vid is from september 2009...


    I believe he reached out to Drew Brees last year and asked him, "how do you continue to do it over the course of the season?" and it was Drew who turned him to this workout regimen. Obviously wasn't able to help him become all pro, because like I stated, Trent's problems are between his ears and not with his body...

  12. http://www.sportsfanshopdeals.com/trent-ed...k-trx-training/


    Trent's off season exercise video getting ready for the season. It's safe to say he's got a chip on his shoulder.


    The problem with Trent - and why some continue to be enamored with him - is that he looks the part of an NFL QB, but lacks the most important tool needed to be a successful one: a QB's brain. Not saying he is unintelligent, but he has no swagger to his game, no confidence, no killer instinct, and no aggression. He lacks the alpha male personality that the great QBs have. This is a player who is very comparable to Rob Johnson - he has all the measureables you'd want in a QB, but none of the intangibles. At Stanford, he was often sacked, often injured, threw ONE 300 yd game his entire collegiate career, and wasn't a winner. There was a legitimate reason why he lasted until the end of round 3 and those same problems have continued to plague him in Buffalo. He just doesn't have 'it' and most likely, never will..

  13. # SJPB8 says: May 6, 2010 10:13 AM


    Every area reporter that was at the minicamp said that Clausen was going out of his way to be "one of the guys" including Pat Yasinskas of ESPN.. Steve Smith gave an interview stating that he thought Clausen earned some points with veterans over the weekend as well.. You state that the guy pushing Clausen may be a Clausen guy.. Well maybe the guy down talking him is a Moore guy.. Either way the Panthers go out of their way to downplay everything so if they basically dont read too much into minicamp.. Dont try to over analyze every comment..


    We'll see if we were fools for choosing Troup over him at some point in the future, but I still think it was a mistake. C'mon Brohm! Regain that Louisville confidence and swagger. The Buffalo Bills NEED you!!

  14. In regards to his first two seasons, Lynch's talents equate to a late 1st, early 2nd round pick. His history of trouble lowers that value, but if a team isn't prepared to offer at the minimum what his talent level equates to (2nd round), then they can sniff around other rosters for young pro bowl talent. If you truly want Lynch, pony up fair compensation..

  15. :w00t: Is this supposed to bother me considering bissel carries it around like a badge of honor and I see it every day.


    Whats even funnier is I can go back on half the posters here and find post of them complimenting TE and even comparing him to some of the greats.


    So what :lol:


    So what your basically saying is you have zero to add to this thread that was meant as a positive one for TE, but you will attack me. Brilliant Buddy (and speaking of tears, I'm not the one whining like a little cry baby because TE is the probable starter)


    Quite the contrary, I posted that statement you made to let the others know the type of mindset you have regarding Trent - which is bordering on one of worship. I could care less about "bothering" you. That statement was absolutely stupid at the time it was made and looks even worse today, considering that "true leader" was benched in favor of a limited talent in Fitzpatrick. If Trent does start the season and even manages to finish it behind center, gear up for the #1 overall pick in the draft. You still haven't answered the question: what exactly has Trent done, besides rally against bad teams, that has you sooo convinced he is the Bills best prospect for the future? At what point did you stand up and say, "wow, this is the guy we've been missing since Kelly"? Even Jim Kelly himself is tired of watching Trent behind center. "Nice guy, but I think it's time to move on." Then you have Thurman Thomas tweeting during the game that WRs are open, but Trent's not getting the ball to them. Does any of this not mean anything to you? Brian Brohm posted numbers in college that dwarfs your chosen one. I am more interested in moving on and seeing what he, or Levi Brown, has to offer..

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