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Brand J

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Posts posted by Brand J

  1. There is plenty of Edwards bashing that goes on daily on this board. However, I go back to Bill Walsh. Walsh drafted some of the greatest players this league has ever known and he endorsed our very own Trent TrINT Edwards. In the end, I feel Bill Walsh will be right once again. Go Edwards and Go BILLS!


    I fixed your typo for you. You can thank me later...

  2. Depends on the team. Detroit, the Bills, Tampa...perhaps


    A college All-Star team, sure. Definitely. But as others have mentioned, it would be tough for a great college team (i.e. USC 4 years ago), to beat even the worst NFL team. More than half of the guys on that great college team would fail to even get an invite to an NFL training camp. No matter how terrible that NFL team may be, every single player on that roster, down to the 3rd string QB, is still an NFL player (who most likely had great success as a collegian)..

  3. Would you enjoy Football playing for Jauron knowing you will probably lose? If you know you are going to lose due to poor coaching you are just collecting a paycheck. Then it doesn't become fun at all.


    I heard an interview yesterday with Trent. I swear it is the first time i have ever heard him say that the Offensive issues at the night practice were on him. He needs to make sure he throws good and gets everyone ready. It's the first time i heard him mention the word "I". I was somewhat impressed.


    I concur. One of the biggest issues I had with Trynt last year, was that he never personally accepted the blame for his futile play. Yes the situation around him wasn't the greatest and could've been better, but he never held himself accountable. EVERYTHING was "we". "'We' need to make those throws, 'we' need to step up and help our defense out, 'we' need to make plays on offense. It's frustrating and I know that 'we' are capable of doing better." Yes Trynt, YOU are capable of performing better. The first step in becoming a better player and a leader is to accept blame for situations that you have the ability to control. Such as, making plays and delivering the ball to where it's supposed to go, when you have time to pass. Also, not throwing a 2 yd pass in consecutive games on 4th and 20 when a play, any play, needed to be made past the markers. Trynt was not born a leader, but he seems to be taking steps in securing a leadership role. It's a start..

  4. my friend is at a doctor's office on sheridan, where ed wang is going in for surgery at 8:30.


    he said his hands AND legs look fine (no wraps or anything), and that he was slightly limping.


    my friend didn't really get to talk to wangfor more than a sec, but wang said he's going in for surgery, and it's unrelated to the sprain from otas.


    Toughness issue? Maybe someone should pick a fight with Wang once he's able to practice again. Are there any mean players on this defense?

  5. It depends on where you live as well, TX / FL in the right spots can give you an advantage. Give me the math on what you feel it is realistically, if you don't mind.


    Focusing on football,

    there are 254,000 seniors who play high school football.
    Varsity Edge Article

    This article does a good job to break down the odds of getting a scholarship at a D1 program. Even though all 254,000 high school seniors do not wish to play in the NFL, I think this number would be a good one in sizing up one's odds. 254,000/1,700 - roughly 1 in every 150 seniors that play high school football, will play in the NFL.. If the math is configured to only focus on those who actually play college football - D1, D2, and D3, the odds get even better. Of course, none of these numbers factor in talent, ability, and skill - all factors that would make an athlete's chances to play professionally, even greater..

  6. There is arguments on both sides about working really hard their entire life for this one moment to make it that high in the draft, you really are more likely to hit the lottery than become a top 10 pick in the NFL draft.


    ~1,700 players in the NFL, ~6 Billion people in the world so you are like 1 in 3.5 Million to play in the NFL much less be the first draft pick which narrows it even more. Please correct the math if I am wrong.


    I hate this argument. Teachers use this whenever a little kid states, "I want to be a professional _________ player!". The argument is flawed, because it discounts the fact that genetics, hard work, and the brain, are the primary factors in determining an individual's athletic success. The argument is set up more like a lottery. The study should be gauged against only those who play that sport, considering that if you do, you are not competing against some girl in Malaysia to make it professionally. If you live in the US, you have an even greater advantage. The chances are still slim to make it professionally in any sport, but they are much greater than the, "1 in 3 million" outlook..

  7. Doesn't matter. The guy was never going to be a player, but people learn someone's name and automatically start interjecting him into the lineup. They were doing it with Alvin Bowen when I got to this site. He sucked and got cut. Then it started with Nic Harris. Ditto for him. Now we get to do it all over again with Moats and Batten. SSDD.


    Give Moats and Batten a chance before you're so quick to dismiss. Who cares about where they were drafted, or the small schools that they came from, one (or both) may turn into a find. One of the first things Drayton Florence tweeted back at OTAs, "just got to camp. I can tell you this, that #57 (Batten) is a player." Our own figure head Chris Brown, stated that Batten was the fastest OLB the Bills have. Give them a chance to sink or swim and don't automatically assume that both will suck, like every other previous late round LB..

  8. I still can't believe the Bills (out of ALL the teams on the planet) have the worst freakin' uniforms by far. How stupid does the crew that handles this have to be.....


    And yes, I would enjoy the crappy product more if they did not LOOK so bad losing...Has it not been long enough that we have had to endure the pajama look?


    I dunno.. I'd say that honor still belongs to the "Trick or Treat" Cincinnati Bengals.

  9. Going into the game, the Bills and Titans were the two hottest AFC teams in the league. I remembered thinking, "it's a shame we have to play each other the very first wildcard game." As others have said, we would have had a better than good chance of making the Superbowl, but we would've fell to the Rams. We had a number of injuries on the OL that would've been too tough to overcome with RJ at QB..

  10. I know stats are for losers, but is he really a loser or was he in a "No Win" situation and produce well for 3 year guy?



    He is a loser who has NEVER played well against upper echelon teams. Enough with the analysis of his play before the AZ concussion (not you specifically, but other TE apologists); he wasn't exactly slinging the ball all over the field and leading comebacks against the PITs, NEs*, and INDs of the NFL. He is what he is and what he has always been ever since he graduated high school - a mediocre QB. There is only one thing Trentative Edwards could do to shut me up and change other similar opinions about him - PLAY WELL/WIN AGAINST CONTENDERS!

  11. An Engineering degree while playing a collegiate sport?!?! HOW?!?!?! Seriously, that has to be among the toughest thing a student athlete could do. I bailed out of Computer Science at Texas Tech University, didn't play a sport, or have a job, and it was still too much of a workload for me. A student athlete with an Engineering degree at Stanford University?! Impressive. VERY impressive...

  12. Buffalo Bills QB Brian Brohm said he believes he is ready to be the starting quarterback for the Bills, according to Michael Grant, of the Louisville Courier-Journal. "I feel like I can fully compete for this starting job. I feel like I'm ready to take charge out there. We'll see what happens. But I feel like I'm at a position where I'll be able to put my best foot forward and make a legitimate run at the starting job," Brohm said.




    Go Brohm!! If reports were 100% accurate and the QB derby was too close to call, go with the player who has the most upside. At this point that player is Brian Brohm. Even if Gailey believed that Edwards was slightly ahead of Brohm, I would still trot Brohm out there with the first team and let Edwards run the second team. That way, you see if Edwards has the competitive fight to reclaim the starting position and at the same time, you provide Brohm with added confidence, as well as an opportunity to fail/succeed, which he hasn't had yet...

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