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Brand J

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Posts posted by Brand J

  1. Should've kept Scott and Incognito. I remember when Raiders fans were laughing that we signed Green, while many on this board were saying, "he's a veteran stop gap. He'll be ok, much better than what we had last season." Sadly, the Raider fans were correct in their assessment. This OL: LT-Bell/LG-Levitre/C-Wood/RG-Incognito/RT-Scott, looks better than: LT-Bell/LG-Levitre/C-Hangartner/RG-Wood/RT-Green.

  2. Can't really see TrINT talking trash on the field. He isn't that type of player and doesn't carry that sort of arrogant confidence. Now, I could see him asking an opposing DL to sit down and have a cup of tea with him; that's the TrINT Backwards that I know and despise. Maybe he talks about flowers, rainbows, and gumdrops, during the games, and opposing teams hate him for trying to bring their players to his level of "Charmin soft"..

  3. Take the holding penalties away and in my opinion we could have won the game, make the correct call on Lee Evans long ball, in my opinion we could have won the game.


    Not throwing the ball up for grabs on a hail Mary didn't make a bit of difference in the world, Gailey called TE aside on the last series and it wouldn't surprise me a bit if he said "Trent, don't give folks the added ammunition to make you look bad" and that's exactly what INT's do when folks look back at the stats.


    Think folks care how the INT happened two weeks from now, no, but folks including the media will sure use the stat against Trent Edwards in an effort to prove how bad he is.


    I know you have undying faith in your boy Trent, Dog, but I have to agree with the masses: this is one of the worst Trent defense arguments ever constructed on this board. According to you, Gailey could have told Trent, "Trent, I know we need a TD to win this game, but if you don't see anything open downfield, don't throw it. I would rather you run around in the pocket than risk an interception. People will use that interception against you weeks from now. On this last play, throw another check down to end this game. Let's go home."

  4. Given your choice - and your only choice is between these two - would you rather have a QB who only throws bombs (i.e. 40 yard passes minimum, time after time), or would you rather have a QB who checks down all the time (i.e. 0 - 5 yd passes maximum). Me..? Bombs away!!

  5. His failure will blow me away for a long time. I just don't get it. Is it work ethic? Attitude? I honestly don't know why this kid was a flop.


    I think he had a good work ethic and also the "want to" to become a great receiver, but he failed for the same reason many other athletes fail: instincts and confidence. Some are born with "it", but most don't have "it". Those who do not have "it" have to rely on their confidence. If a player cannot play the game, any game, with an arrogant kind of confidence, then he will NEVER succeed. I myself have wasted away hours upon hours in a basketball gym, practicing, trying to become a great player, but God just did not bless me with the mind to make the game easy. I have all the skills needed to play in the NBA (no joke), but not the mind that it takes to make it. If hard work and determination were the only caveats to play a professional sport, then many who previously failed would succeed. Simple summation: some are blessed, the rest aren't.

  6. When a defense has 11 guys within 5 yards of the LoS they are daring you to throw the ball. It really is the only choice you have. Unfortunately we failed miserably in that regard.


    I do think that Gailey won't hesitate to pull the plug on Edwards if he can't get it done. If he does Trent's career as a QB is over.


    Bingo. Gailey even said as much in his press conference. "You have to be able to throw the ball to get them out of that." You can't fault Gailey for not running the ball if every defender is within 5 yards of the LOS. The disrespect for TrINT was so apparent, that the Miami DB didn't even bother following Roscoe down the seam on the TD throw. Why defend players that run down the field if the QB has thrown nothing but 2-5 yd passes ALL game? Nix sees what we see, Gailey sees what we see, and we see what we've seen the previous 3 years: TrINT just doesn't have it. Rest assured, Gailey WILL NOT continue to blame himself for the lack of offensive execution. At some point, if TrINT's ineptitude continues, you will see QB2 step onto the field.

  7. I don't know if you think these are actually profoundly interesting questions, but you basically are asking the same questions that every grumpy beat reporter has asked, every week for a decade, and just doing it in a much ruder and less professional way, which is probably why you're not a reporter in the press conferences, if you so desired to be one.


    I don't desire to be a beat reporter and as a fan of the Buffalo Bills, couldn't sit in the room during these press conferences. I wouldn't call those questions unprofessional, but rather forced accountability.

  8. They wouldn't want me as a reporter in those press conferences. Someone should've called TrINT Backwards out on that quote. "You said that you 'think' you want to score? What makes you less than certain in your assertion?" "Going back to last year, you seem reluctant to throw the ball up in Hail Mary types of situations. Are you worried about increasing the INT count on your resume?" "Do you have the freedom to audible out of running plays when there are 9 men on the line of scrimmage? If so, why don't you audible to a pass?" These are just some of the questions that I would like to ask if I had the chance..

  9. Mike Shanahan simply brought in over-priced veterans into Washington, made his son the OC, and has been involved in a much too publicized exchange with Albert Haynesworth. All that to say, I'm glad we didn't bring him to the B-LO. His veterans won't last the year healthy- see Larry Johnson, nepotism will kill him if the offense doesn't click- never hire someone you can't fire, and the Haynesworth drama has already made Shanahan look like a poor leader. All that being said, I'm glad we hired Gailey.


    Let's revisit this post after the season..

  10. Perhaps you can enlighten us on the value and purpose of the post I took umbrage with.


    If you go back and read that post, I didn't call anyone asinine, nor pathetic, for believing Levi Brown would be in demand. I merely stated what the rest of rational Bills fans observed: Levi Brown wasn't that good and if cut, would be available for the practice squad. If that somehow hurt your feelings, then you need thicker skin. If this is not possible, then buy a pair of "rational" glasses at your local Rx store.

  11. What's asinine is the fact you felt it necessary to post simply to highlight that you were smarter than someone else about Levi Brown. I guess you're right, though...asinine isn't the proper word. Pathetic is more like it.


    Did you have your milk and cookies today grandma? You seem a bit irritable.

  12. Congrats on correctly assessing the interest in a 7th round draft pick. Christ.


    I've admitted I believed the Bills liked Brown's potential and thought he would make the roster -- based upon my assessment of the QB talent around the league. I was wrong. But your post is asinine.


    Asinine?! The only thing that was asinine, were your thoughts regarding our 7th round pick. Your assessment of the QB talent around the league led you to believe that Brown was a hot commodity? Better not try to become an NFL scout. The truth hurts.. your feelings.

  13. Sooo many posters here, were under the delusion that the entire league was waiting on hand and foot if/when Levi Brown got cut. "No they won't cut him!" "He is our QB of the future and if he's cut, he'll immediately be signed by someone else!" "They won't risk putting Brown on waivers, he's too valuable." "Bills can't stash him on the practice squad.. The entire league is watching the waiver wire for his name." And so forth, and so on.. I told the Brown fanatics, it was very likely no other team had a hard-on for Levi. Turns out, he hasn't even been named to a PS yet..

  14. The hilarious thing about all this captain checkdown bull **** is no one mentioned anything about that when Brohm came out and threw a bunch of short passes.


    Maybe it's because he got first downs in 3rd and ... situations and kept the offense on the field..? He also got out of a 1st and 20 situation, something that I don't remember Edwards EVER doing..

  15. Sorry, I just don't think the rest of the league has a woody for Brown like many of you think. If Brohm, a former highly touted 2nd round draft pick, could clear waivers and land on GB's practice squad, I don't think any other team is waiting to add Levi to their roster. He's a 7th round pick that hasn't exactly lit the NFL world on fire. No other team would replace any of their active roster players, with a project QB.

  16. This may be a stupid idea, but at this point, what the hellz. Trent seems to struggle when he gets blitzed and gets that dear in the headlights look. He can't shake this off in games.


    So why not let him practice in these situations. Let our D have the go ahead to go after him and knock him on his ass on every pass play. I'm not saying they should kill the guy but let them knock him down. He's been untouched and off limits in practice. He probably gets too used to this. Maybe this way he'll shake off the dear in the headlights mentality. Rough him up a bit and often enough and maybe he'll fight through it and start making some plays. And if he gets injured? Meh, what's the loss at this point?


    Something needs to be done with him.


    Calling Troy Vincent. Calling Troy Vincent. You're needed at the QB. Thank you.

  17. :P :P :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol::beer:


    Oh, so we don't want him to magically rise and become the 2nd coming of Joe Montana? I'd put away my dislike for him really quick if that were to happen. As of now however, I wouldn't mind turning the page and giving our other QBs a chance to sink/swim - by other QBs, I mean Brohm and Brown.

  18. Has there ever been a player in NFL history, who has received as many opportunities as this guy has, yet continued to fail time and time again? TrINT is going into his 4th season and looks worse than he did as a rookie QB. There has been no progression. I refused to get giddy when all the camp reports were coming back, "TrINT is the man! He's so much more confident out there. He's a leader now." Yes, I realize it was the first preseason game, but I saw in TrINT the same thing I saw in him last year and the year before that and the year before that: Edwards takes the snap, looks immediately for his outlet receiver and throws a pass into his feet. On that third down pass that he threw to Lynch, he had an even better option open further downfield - a WR who would've gotten the first down. TrINT lulls you with his measureables only to disappoint you with his intangibles. I want the guy to succeed as much as anyone else, because I am a Buffalo Bills fan first and foremost, but I think we are in for a deja vu type of season. I hate to bring it up again, but we should've rolled the dice on Clausen at #41. He looked better orchestrating his 1st offensive NFL series, than TrINT looks as a 4th year player..

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