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Brand J

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Posts posted by Brand J

  1. That settles it, Kelsay has nudie pics of Wilson. Anybody watching the game can clearly see that he's clearly overmatched, at a position in which he does not fit. Kelsay isn't even a good 4-3 DE and he's a MUCH worse 3-4 OLB. Athleticism is one thing this team needs to improve upon and if they are truly resigning this slow, unproductive OLB, then this team has more issues than most of us know.

  2. Not just cursed, Flutie cursed. I have not heard anyone suggest that (that I can recall). Just odd that I posted that this week and then this guy is talking about Bills fans rumbling about a Flutie curse.


    Actually, I had brought this up almost a year ago, saying that we needed to hold a public apology on the field, for Flutie, if we hoped to return to the playoffs. I know that I never heard any mention of a Flutie curse when I first brought it up, so if you had never read my post, then maybe we're just thinking on the same wavelength. B-)


    Does anyone know Doug Flutie?

  3. The Bills pick in 2005 was the #20 spot. Dallas took DeMarcus Ware with their own pick. Not only that, but we sent 2nd and 5th round picks in the Losman trade up. There was no 3rd rounder involved.


    Facts suck.


    All of that was from memory, so you'll have to excuse my precision, or lack thereof. Going back and actually looking up the stats, Rodgers went #24 and Ware was selected #11. Point remains, Aaron Rodgers would have fallen to our pick and Green Bay most likely would've selected Losman the year prior (which was why we were determined to move ahead of them). This organization's best bet is to stand pat. Screw moving up and sacrificing 2nd and 3rd round picks to do so!!

  4. Not for nothing, but Aaron Rodgers was a high 1st round pick (#1 if I remember right) and barely sniffed the field until year 4.


    Are we Green Bay? No. Is Rodgers a RB? No. Do we suck right now? Yes......but it's not like Gailey said he wasn't going to play at all...olr that we don;t have 2 pretty good other RB's right now....Everyone needs to chill...in a couple of years when we are relevant again you will be all be loving Spiller...


    Actually, that was the year where the hot debate was Alex Smith or Aaron Rodgers. The 49ers decided to choose Smith and Rodgers proceeded to fall and fall and fall in the draft; all the way to pick #22. Now this is what makes his fall disappointing to the Bills: That year, we would've been in position to draft Aaron Rodgers around pick #13 (DAL - Demarcus Ware), but traded that first round pick the previous year (along with a 2nd that year and a 3rd the next) to move back into the first round for JP Losman. At draft time, this organization shoots itself in the foot, more times than one can count. Here are a few other reminders - Whitner over Ngata at #8, sacrificing a 2nd round pick to move back into the first round to select John McCargo, sacrificing a high 3rd rounder to move up about 8 slots in the 2nd round to select Poz, selecting McKelvin, instead of re-signing Jabari Greer and drafting all pro LT Ryan Clady, selecting Maybin over Orakpo/Cushing/Matthews/Oher, selecting Trent Edwards in the 3rd and James Hardy in the 2nd. Scary when one considers that this ineptitude comprises JUST the last few years!

  5. I think so.


    If that be the case, when would have the curse started and what would have been the cause? I am going to go ahead and call it the Flutie curse. Right after Wade screwed Flutie over by bencing him in favor of Rob Johnson, we immediately had the most heart breaking loss imaginable (just behind Super Bowl XXV). Since that time, we have not even sniffed the playoffs. Seems like a fairly legit to me curse to me.


    I say we get Flutie to Buffalo, slap his name on the WOF, and then sacrifice a virgin, or a goat, (or maybe even a virgin goat) just for good measure. That move pissed off the football Gods to no ends and we need collectively perform some sort of act of attrition to make things right.


    I proposed this a while ago. Flutie is actually a witch doctor from Mozambique and unless we make it right by him, i.e. apologizing, we'll have to wait his full 15 year sentence of not making the playoffs. Until those years are up, we'll continue to draft the incorrect players, make the wrong FA choices, and dwell in mediocrity.

  6. I don’t see why this is so tough to get. There were 3 QB's, based on camp and practice. One guy looked better and the decision makers didn't know there was a game pressure issue, how would they? The game time pressure we saw in games one and two were not seen in camp and practice. They hoped a good O scheme would lead to success and I am sure any good coach thinks if a guy has the physical tools they can fix any head cases.


    They gave Trent a shot, he failed now he is done. Not sure why everyone chooses to keep harping on it. Lets move on. We will see Fitz be a grittier play making better calls on the field, but he is going to miss a lot of throws.


    You're right, they probably didn't look at his previous three years and 30+ starts worth of tape. If they did, there's no way he would've been favored from the start.

  7. FWIW, the Redskins beat reporter, in explaining that Dock will soon be replaced by a draft pick, said that last year not a SINGLE coach on the Skins' staff wanted Dockery back. It was all Vinnie Cerato reclaiming a past project.


    Yet another fat guy who got his money and lost his hunger. Everyone plays hard for and wants that big pay day. The players who care, the ones who want to leave behind a legacy, continue to strive to get better..

  8. I don't recall anyone here anointing Brohm as a savior, or the QB of the future. Everyone has acknowledged that he would struggle as a starter. The difference is, he has room to grow and improve. The prior starter has had over 3 years of playing experience at the NFL level and has FAILED to improve. That is fact. Somehow, this fact made its way past Chan Gailey. Actually, I believe Gailey was arrogant enough to think that he could make Trent into a serviceable QB.

    The argument was such: rather than seeing a veteran continue to fail, why not bring in the young guy, who has at one point enjoyed a level of success (10,000+ yds and 70 TDs at Louisville). I understand that you dislike Brohm as a player, but you have absolutely no reason to hate him just yet. He has not proven to play "Trentative" on the field..

  9. If we're going to demote Trent (please God) then put in Fitz. We saw last year that he can elevate a bad team to win more than half our games. Many times making plays on his own. Go back and watch the highlights from the fish and jets games last year. How about we try to develop the whole team and try to win some games and make our guys believe they can? Fitz can give us that. If we put Brohm in we're putting the whole team on hold to see what one guy can do. OK if you want to play for #1 pick in the draft I guess.


    Is that not what we're doing already?

  10. Sorry, had to do it :ph34r: . The optimism just stemmed from absolutely no where. There was nothing going into this season that would make a person think we would win more than a game or two. Blind optimism drives me insane. That's likely because I'm a curmudgeonly 70 year old man trapped in a 30 year old body, but I digress.


    Hahaha.. fair enough.

  11. Sadly, after initially feeling 100% positive that these doom and gloom media sentiments were ridiculously overblown, it now appears we'll be lucky if we can even make it to winless...


    I HATE when people dig up these posts.. It throws the optimism of the season right back in your face. Notice however, you won't find any posts from me declaring a successful season. When Chan announced Trent the starter, I waited quietly for him to fail and boy has he ever.

  12. I just listened the CG's press conference, and towards the end there was a question that resembled something to the effect of the progress of the game overall and his ability to make the necessary changes, but I can't be for certain. His answer basically was that he didn't have the answer.


    But here's my question; How long has Gailey been out of the NFL? I know he was fired from KC last year before the season started. I'm just curious as to if the game has progressed to the point where he isn't capable of calling plays and making adjustments on the fly?


    He has a lot on his plate: HC, OC, no QB, and no OL.

  13. He saw Brohm every practice. The Packers saw him every practice, and put him on the Developmental Squad.


    Give it up!


    Yes, because players who haven't played extensively, never turn their careers around. You're right, the book is already out on him, he can never improve. Lesser QBs have been given more of an opportunity to prove themselves. You think every QB comes into the NFL ready to throw 300 yd, 3 TD games?! You could take your stance if he had never proved to be a capable player in the past, but since he has, he could absolutely improve with experience and confidence <--- the most important aspect to any player's game. Those who think otherwise, haven't played a sport on any level..

  14. Chan never gave him a fair chance in the preseason and what he did show, wasn't all that bad. Trent looked great, just like he did the past two years and then screws the pooch during the regular season. I say, give Brohm a chance, how much worse could it be?


    This is also largely a misnomer.. Trent only had one good preseason game - it was the game against the Bungles. He was terrible against the Redskins, was terrible against the Colts until he hit a wide open Lee, and was pedestrian against the Lions. Make no mistake about it, it was the CJ Spiller show. Since the offense had so much success moving the ball and scoring TDs, we'd like to think that Edwards had something to do with it. He didn't.

  15. I don't think it matters - none of the three QBs on the roster right now are the answer. Best case scenario for the Bills is to draft a QB or OT in the first round next year and then draft the other position in the second round. During the offseason, trade for an older, veteran QB that can mentor the QB we draft.


    I think it definitely matters sullim.. Brohm isn't a 30 something, journeyman QB, with multiple starts under his belt. He is a young, unproven QB, who has enjoyed success in the past - albeit at the collegiate level. Find out what you have in him, the NFL always has stories about guys who finally find their way.

  16. There is absolutely no entertainment value in watching the Bills "play" football. They are currently led by a Dick Jauron clone and I'd like to have a reason to turn on Bills games moving forward. The year they went 3-13 (I believe it was 2003..?) I watched every game, because I was interested in seeing who would be a player in the future. I'd never imagine that 7 years later, I'd still be waiting for a competitive team. Here is why I am FOR starting Brian Brohm:

    He may not currently be better than Edwards, though this is debatable, but he has something that Edwards lacks - the ability to improve. Edwards has over 30 career starts, while Brian Brohm has a single career start. One. If I am going to watch a team fail and fail miserably, I don't want to see the team being led by a 4th year, emotionless player, who looks worse than most rookies. Brian Brohm was a highly successful collegiate player, who has yet to transfer those skills to the NFL level. With extended playing time, he would sink or swim as a starter and we'd know for sure what we have in him. For those already chalking him up as a failure, allow him multiple starts to prove, or disprove himself, before being absolutely sure in your assertion. He seemed to make quick decisions in the preseason and also threw a nice football. I realize that our OL is a siege, but a quicker decision maker could do a lot to mask OL deficiencies. Edwards may be the slowest decision maker in the entire NFL. He is also the most reluctant QB to throw down the field and "throw open" his WRs. Give Brohm his shot, thereby giving me a reason to watch this team, this season.

  17. Read 2 articles this morning that, taken together, show 2 big reasons our beloved Bills are in a long playoff slump....


    This article discusses our new 3-4 D and the inability to create turnovers in the first game this year and, more importantly, get that big play on 3rd down to get off the field and give the offense the ball back. The second point is so crucial to winning (imo) and shows the lack of play makers overall on our D. I have seen the lack of getting off the field on 3rd down from the defense for years (or a lifetime it seems :wallbash: ).




    The second article discusses the futility of our offense's 3rd down conversion rate last year and in the first game this year (I bet it has been low for years, too lazy to do the research :P). Maybe futile doesn't fully describe the conversion rate last year, as they became only the 32nd team to have a conversion rate lower then 30% since the NFL went to the 16 game schedule in 1978. Also, only 2 teams have had winning records with a rate <30% since 1978.




    IMO the Bills will not become consistent winners until they can improve the statistics of these 2 crucial categories. Improvement in either category, on either side of the ball, would seem to indicate to me that Chan has the Bills on the right path in a short period of time and would go a long way towards changing the culture of losing surrounding the Bills.


    Thanks for reading


    GO BILLS! :beer:


    I remember Brohm converting 3rd and long situations in the preseason. One of them, a beautiful pass to a Chad Jackson who is no longer with this team. I remembered thinking, "so that's what 3rd and long conversions look like." Chan, you KNOW what kind of players TrINT and Fitz are when the lights come on, find out what Brohm has!!

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