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Brand J

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Posts posted by Brand J

  1. Wow, he is so open about it too.


    I guess there was more than just fan speculation that Ngata was in the Bills sights.


    See how Ngata seems to want to get better at football as opposed to some players that seem to want to look better with their shirt off, Maybi those players should take notes.


    :lol: I know it's used all the time on here - Maybin/Maybinot - but this one made me laugh. Ngata should've been a Bill and it was disgusting when he was passed over. I think our turn for the worse began with the Erik Flowers pick, but at least he was at the end of the 1st round. All of these top 15, top 10, and top 5 picks that we have whiffed on, have been nothing short of miraculous. How does one organization get it wrong sooo many times?!


    He might not if we had taken some of the other Ravens' picks we passed on:


    Oher taken 12 spots after Maybin

    Flacco taken 8 spots after McKelvin

    Grubbs taken 16 spots after Lynch

    LeRon McClain taken 16 spots after Dwayne Wright

    Ngata taken 4 spots after Whitner

    Chris Chester taken 30 spots after McCargo


    Ozzie must just laugh every year. "OK, let's see who the Bills need and just take the guy they should have taken."


    Taking all of the picks we passed on and later selected by the Ravens, our O line would be






    Chester (or another RT)


    We'd also have a Pro Bowl defensive lineman and our QB of the present and future.

    They did beat us to the punch by taking Yanda a few picks before we took Edwards, but why do I have the feeling that wouldn't have happened anyways.


    It absolutely WOULDN'T have happened. Do you remember the articles about Marv sweating over the Edwards pick? They wanted Edwards in the worse way and graded him as a late 1st round pick. Edwards easily would've been selected with the higher 3rd, had that pick not been traded to move up to select McCargo.

  2. TrINT! TrINT! He's our man!




    If he can't do it,




    Let's draft another schmo from Stanford!


    In comparison, I know that Luck looks MILES better at Stanford than TrINT did. He is also a winner, something that has always eluded our former QB (except for high school). If Luck doesn't declare, we'll probably draft another QB that will set this franchise back 5 more years. I'm not sold on "stone feet" Mallett.

  3. So Kolb is back to franchise status again? I thought he was supposed to be a bum for getting replaced by Vick?




    It's all about "what have you done for me lately" and Bills fans have short memories. Not too long ago, Kolb was being overly criticized for checking down too much and not airing the ball out. One announcer said, "aside from the running ability, the difference between Vick and Kolb, is that Vick looks down the field for the big play and then looks for the checkdown option. Kolb looks short first and is content to chip his way down the field, rather than seek the big play." Kolb still has too many question marks to give up what will essentially be a late 1st round pick. If he remains the starter this year, then Philly wouldn't deal him anyway..

  4. This has been mentioned several times, but it bears repeating: Lynch was (and is) ONE strike away from a FULL SEASON suspension. Seattle is taking a risk, thus Lynch's trade value was a bit diminished under those circumstances.


    Not if the offense warrants a full year suspension. Goodell runs the NFL like a military, but he has a good sense of punishment fitting the crime. Lynch wouldn't get a guaranteed full year suspension in any and every offense. Also, the key in this entire thing, is that Seattle aggressively pursued Lynch. If trades were poker, they basically showed their hand. We want this player. We need this player. Can we have him please?! A GM like Donahoe would've gotten more out of Lynch, Nix was just content to move him. I don't know if I believe the reports that other teams were willing to offer more, but the trade was made too hastily.

  5. I wish I wasn't so bitter about the compensation in that trade. You'd think I had some stock personally invested in the Bills. Announcer: "Seattle was aggressive, they called the Bills about 16 times saying, 'let's make a deal, let's make a deal' and they finally were able to work something out." I repeat, if they can give up a 3rd for Charlie Whitehurst, some guy no one even heard of, then they'd at least have to give up a 2nd if I were GM. If not a 2nd, then a 4th next year and a 3rd the year after that. NO excuse to make a deal for a 4th and a conditional 6th the following year. I wish we had Donahoe in the office for that deal..

  6. Torbor calls the meeting and is the only one to speak? WTF? I thought Nix re-upped Kelsay because he was such a locker room presence. Jeezus... 6m for a locker room guy? Nix must mean he sets a good example for all the other players for what he's trying to build... just keep your trap shut, don't B word, everything is good, and when Ralph tells you to fetch him a cup of coffee do it and do it quickly.


    And Whitner? WTF? He didn't have anything to say? That dude can't keep his mouth shut. Torbor must have shoved both of his sockes in Whitners's pie hole.


    You can't blame Kelsay. If I knew that I was a large part of the problem and just got a $24M extension, I'd keep my mouth shut too! Don't want players calling each other out and holding one another accountable for their play on the field..

  7. He should've been worth more than Reggie "beer belly" Torbor and certainly played at a level that wasn't inferior to Chris Kelsay. Ellis had a sack in the Miami game, more than Kelsay and Maybin has all season. John McCargo has been inactive every game, while Ellis has been on the field. Why cut an active player? Chan Gailey: "at the start of OTAs I thought he was just awful, but he has made, in my opinion, the biggest improvement of anyone on the roster. The guy can go out and play right now." Our staff can't evaluate talent worth a $***.

  8. Are you saying that poster is wrong about Lynch?


    Absolutely. Are you saying he's right?! If so, what games were YOU watching..?


    Lynch is an pansy, unless you like 225lbd backs that are afraid to get tackled. He will always run from contact, and his futile efforts to look like he is running hard are just a reaction to feeling vulnerable upon contact. It's self defense not toughness. Repeat he will sacrifice yards, to avoid all contact.
  9. The difference is you are listing the Bills best talent (and some of them are good)and those same people are the mediocre talent on other teams.

    You don't think that Bills are the worst team in the NFL do you? They are and it's sole reason is because of an inability to draft.


    What difference does it make if I list the Bills best talent? Your challenge was to name 7 players that could start on any other NFL team. I did. Challenge over. The Bills are the worst team in the NFL, but it's not because they lack NFL starters, it's because they lack difference makers.

  10. I will give you the top five and McGee. The other



    Even if you had said, "name 7 players that could start on playoff teams.." the list wouldn't be much different. Newsflash: even playoff teams have mediocre talent at various positions. No team sends 11 players to the probowl. Case in point, Dwan Edwards was a starter on a highly successful Baltimore Ravens team, but all of a sudden he's not good enough to start on any NFL team outside of Buffalo?! Please.

  11. I think it is funny to argue about the compensation we "could have gotten".

    If the Seahawks gave the Bills their entire draft it would not matter. They can't pick talent anyway.

    I challenge someone to name 7 players that would start on another team and 15 players you would 'keep' on this team.


    Eric Wood

    Andy Levitre

    Fred Jackson

    CJ Spiller

    Lee Evans

    Kyle Williams

    Marcus Stroud

    Dwan Edwards

    Paul Posluszny

    Terrence McGee

    Drayton Florence

    Jairus Byrd

    ..oh wait, you only said to name 7 that could start on another NFL team.

  12. A Packer fan tries to rationalize the trade:


    This league has proven that you can get a quality back with walk-on youth at RB. Ryan Grant was not anything until he was thrown away to GB. Lynch was everything until he actually played. Watched all his games, Lynch is an pansy, unless you like 225lbd backs that are afraid to get tackled. He will always run from contact, and his futile efforts to look like he is running hard are just a reaction to feeling vulnerable upon contact. It's self defense not toughness. Repeat he will sacrifice yards, to avoid all contact, and TT made a good decision not to waste huge money on the last two years of a back loaded 1rst round deal.


    ESPN Packer Msg Board


    What games was he watching?! There are posters here who do the same thing - de-value players if moves aren't made and offer blind praise when moves are made, although, the almost unanimous Kelsay bashing is refreshing.

  13. I thought all along the Bills were holding out for fair compensation. There's no RB SEA could've drafted in the 4th next year, that would've had the impact/talent of Lynch. If they wanted Marshawn so badly, as they have stated, then they would've had to separate from a 2nd round pick if I were GM. It made absolutely no sense to hold onto Lynch this long and then succumb to throwing him away for a 4th round pick.

  14. Kelsay got lit up by Cooper (Jets fullback) on one occasion and got regularly OWNED by the Jets backup tight end. He just couldn't fight off the block of the tight end. Running game, passing game, it didn't matter, he was just physically overmatched - against a BACKUP TIGHT END!! But hey, we have him for 4 more years at $6M a pop..

  15. Seems like an eternity since teams were celebrating TDs in organized fashion - the Saints doing the leapfrog immediately comes to mind. The NFL didn't like these organized celebrations, so they were banned. Then, players began to use props - TO's sharpie, Horn's cell phone, and the NFL didn't like this, so the props were also banned. Now, in individual celebrations, players aren't even allowed to act in any demonstrative way, aside from fist pumps, or giving hugs. An age old celebration of spiking the ball was also banned (which is ridiculous). The props and organized celebrations I can understand, but allow players to have some sort of personality on the field. If Steve J. wanted to celebrate his TD in a creative, non-damaging/non-disrespectful way, then allow him to do so! The game is much different than the others, because players have to play behind helmets. Allow them to retain their individuality on the field. Goodell runs the NFL like a military unit. No personalities are allowed.

  16. After thinking about this, the only way I can rationalize the extension (and it makes very little sense, I know) is that they gave Chris Kelsay all of that $$$ as a F*** YOU to Aaron Schobel, who left the Bills and tried to milk more money out of the Texans. Schobel was by far the better player and knew he was the better player, so I can see him envying Kelsay's new contract. Of course, you don't run a business by making personnel moves in the interest of shoving those moves in former player's faces, so I really have no idea why this slow, non-instinctual, horrible DE/OLB, was re-signed.

  17. Kelsay was granted an extension, because he is a great locker room influence. He's the consummate professional, who always gives 100% effort in practice, as well as the games.




























    Okay, let me stop BS'ing.. This move is confusing, irritating, and frustrating. Chris Kelsay at his position is the equivalent to what Trent Edwards was at his. He is arguably the slowest LB on the entire squad! Which is saying A LOT, considering all of the LBs run as if they have cleats made of lead. Getting a faster front 7 is the top priority in turning the defensive performance around. A backwards move was made today. The only news that would've been worse, would've been the following: "after only two games this year, Trent Edwards has agreed to a contract extension, believed to be in the neighborhood of 6 years and $72M with $43M guaranteed."

  18. If I were taking over as GM of the Bills, I may not make these cuts tomorrow, but they would be made prior to the start of the next season (whether that's in 2011 or 2012):


    Chris Kelsay - physically limited, doesn't fit the scheme, getting up there in age.

    Cornell Green - physically and mentally limited, old in NFL years.

    John McCargo - former 1st round pick who has failed to reach any of his potential.

    Akin Ayodele - a stop gap player who was signed, due to injuries at the LB position.

    Reggie Torbor - a stop gap player who was signed, due to injuries at the LB position.


    The defensive front seven of this team, may be a weaker unit than the OL! Quite possibly, the slowest DEs & LBs in the league. If the defense is looking for an upgrade, start at a position in the front seven - any position. No player strikes fear into opposing offenses, so no player has to be accounted for at the LOS. The only defender I wouldn't replace, is Kyle Williams. Everyone else is expendable. We are only a DE, ROLB, LOLB, QB, WR, C, and RT, away from being a playoff caliber team.

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