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Everything posted by Ramius

  1. I saw this the other day and figured it'd be appropriate here http://theoatmeal.com/comics/netflix
  2. All tebow does is win (except he still lost yesterday). And what a job! 40% completion rate! Championship!
  3. You go for it there. Gain the 6 inches needed. Run a QB sneak.
  4. Bartman gets a bad rap for a number of reasons, but mnostly because a)any of us would have done the same thing in that situation, and b)if Alex Gonzalez can field a routine grounder, the Cubbies would have been able to turn an inning ending DP and bartman would have become irrelevant.
  5. There are some hot Twi'leks out there.
  6. Can't blame them at all. Mizzou is supposedly seriously looking hard at the SEC, and i'd expect them to become team #14, so i wonder how this will affect them? If the Big XII was smart, they'd make a run at Boise and a team like BYU.
  7. The SEC is ridiculously overrated this year. 'Bama and LSU are 2 of the best (if not the best) teams in the nation, but the rest of the conference is solidly mediocre, and nothing to write home about. No better than many of the other conferences.
  8. Since i never put it the OP, i voted Han. While Hope is very easy on the eyes, Han is so much more badass. He is basically the most kick ass non-Jedi in the Star Wars Universe. Plus, Hope doesn't have the Falcon. Hope fought against Ewoks (or Ewok looking players) in the WC final this past July, not with them. And, most importantly, Hope never said, "I know."
  9. The Rays are on the Fox regional network, or on Sunshine network. It's a shame that such a great team to follow is buried where they are in a crappy market with a crappy stadium. They've got a great manager, a lot of fun, likeable players, and yet never get the recognition or the proper chance to showcase what they can do. Given the phenomenal way they draft and develop talent, that team would be a true dynasty if there was a salary cap and/or equal revenue sharing amongst teams.
  10. Simple question. Use whatever reasons/means necessary to come to your decision. Also, (hypothetically) when Han shot first, would Hope save it?
  11. Favre needs a bit more credit here. Not only did he win a Super Bowl as a Packer, but he also won a SB for the Giants during his time in GB, and won another one for NO during his stay with the Vikes.
  12. So when is the official approved date we're allowed to discuss the playoffs?
  13. As opposed to paying the NFL markup for the exact same product imported from china?
  14. I would have been much happier if there was a simple explanation as to why the catch was incomplete, and not just the "the play stands" explanation.
  15. It's very simple. If your arm is going forward and the ball comes out, incomplete pass. If your arm is going another direction, like sideways, or backwards, and the ball comes out, it's a fumble. Why is that so hard? That leaves very little room for judgement.
  16. Fergie should be listed in the dictionary as the prime example for the term "butterface"
  17. The slide to irrelevancy carries a foul odor.
  18. There have been conjectures and theories out there that would and/or do allow for certain particles to travel faster than the speed of light. So there is the possibility that what they observed could actually be true.
  19. Funny, because this is the exact premise most religions are based on. Take an earlier version, eliminate the parts you don't like, and a new religion is formed.
  20. n other rumors, apparently the ACC is making a hard run at Notre Dame. They'd then presumably add a 16th team (UConn most likely). When all this mess started last year, i'd never have guessed that the ACC might become the first super conference.
  21. Freddie had no choice during his last set of negotiations. He was an ERFA, and had no options other than 1) accept the cheap offer the Bills gave him, 2) play under the 1 year 460,000 tender, or 3) holdout and not play football. He's owed a raise for not only his on the field contributions, but if for no other reason than to show othr potential FAs that the Bills treat their players right, and if you earn it, you'll get paid. If Freddie signed his deal as a UFA, this would be a different story. But he had no wiggle room being an ERFA.
  22. I'd still wager that by the time the ACC expands to 14 teams (for the 2014 football season as far as i can tell), there will be at least 1 if not more 16 team super conferences settled on.
  23. At FSU, there's a split between the university, department, faculty, and student who came up with whatever. They have an office that deals with testing the market of whatever you create, and if you sign on with them, they'll take care of the leg work (you don't have much of an option). They were looking at one of the bioreactors i made, and i think to start off, as the student who designed it, i was in line for about 5% or so. That being said, i'd agree more with the "4 years of tuition" if the players could cash it in later on in life. Lets face it. being a "student" athlete is a farce for big division 1 programs. It'd be much more useful for the 99% that don't make it to the pros if they could then go back and actually get a real education, not one in basket weaving.
  24. Tell the coaches that the athletes first priority is education when they are pulled from class for games and are expected to attend how many countless hours of workouts/practices, etc. The big money D-I sports are shamateurism. And for the record, there are lots of D-1 sports where the players don't get scholarships. Take D-1 baseball for instance. Each team is allowed 11.75 scholarships. Teams usually carry 25-40 players. You do the math.
  25. Salaries are going up. The top WRs are going to be topping $10 million per year in their next deals, as we've seen with Fitz. 8 mil per season for stevie is a no-brainer.
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