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Everything posted by Ramius

  1. We're also losing because players tweet. As a caveat, our losses are caused mainly by Stevie's tweets. No one cares that FJ or George Wilson (and 75% of the team) tweet just as much.
  2. You are seriously unbalanced. Please seek professional help asap.
  3. Lots of good discussion here. But one question...who ponies up for Peyton? (I'm assuming that he'd be traded. No way in hell does polian simply let him walk as a FA) Peyton isn't going to go to a re-building team, he's going to go somewhere that they have a legit shot to win the super bowl in the next 3 years before he retires. But, he's also going to go to a team where they need a QB and are willing to ditch who they've got. The list of teams that fit this criteria is a short one. You've got the Jets as a possibility, but they'd have to cut bait with dirty sanchez. They just might do it because it would put them over the top. There's the titans, but they're not exactly a super bowl contender, and i don't think Peyton alone would make them one. Danny Snider would probably ante up for Peyton, but the skins aren't going anywhere in a hurry. That team needs a lot of help. Plus, there's no room for Peyton with the Shanny & Son egos filled up the entire stadium. Chicago has Cutler. The seahawks aren't close to contending. That leaves 2 teams. There's the 49ers, who have the defense and running game. Peyton would put them right up there with the Pack as the team to beat in the NFC. The other destination: Baltimore. Flacco has been more like Flaccid in his play, and his contract is up at year's end. They've still got the D and running game, they've got some good WRs and TEs. Seems like a perfect place for Peyton to step in and lead them to the Super Bowl. If Peyton goes anywhere, i'm betting that Baltimore gets revenge and steals something back from Indy, and we see Peyton wearing Ravens purple next fall.
  4. It has nothing to with Easterbrook being/not being a hack writer, nor does it have anything to do with the Bills. It has everything to do with him playing captain hindsight. He bashed them for drafting a crappy Maybin, and now bashes them for releasing Maybin, a move that not a single person questioned at the time. He does deserved to be called out for that.
  5. He forgets to mention that the jets (and the NFL) thought so highly of Maybin that not only was he cut at the end of the preseason, not a single team put a waiver claim in for him.
  6. Rumors are still flying that Navy is going to join the Big Least. The conference is still garbage. With their losses, all they've done is spin their wheels. Not to mention i'm sure this will have a negative recruiting impact on Boise.
  7. The reason you pay fitz is because your decision to offer him a contract is based on his entire body of work. You don't take a look at what he's done and then decide that the next 2 or 3 games wil make or break the deal compared to his previous 2-3 years of work. That type of business operation is asinine.
  8. Stevie's waddle and ball hand-off to the ref was hilarious and extremely well-played. Everyone wanted him to nto celebrate, so all he did was hand the ball to the ref. It was nothing more than a dig at all you guys that got their panties in a wad over the previous celebration. And judging by this thread, Stevie wins.
  9. Should be Ok St vs LSU, but alas, we're stuck with what is likely to be another boring crap-fest. However, over on the college football forum, i posted my 2 playoff alternatives and how things would have lined up. Feell free to go check it out. [/shameless plug for the college forum]
  10. Apparently there actually has to be penetration during an on field gang-style prison rape before the whistle is blown.
  11. The fact that you can't even give Spiller any props when he actually has a good game basically discredits any and all of your opinions on him. He's nothing more than your latest axe to grind.
  12. Ramius


    #2 and preferred solution) 16 team playoff: The rules are the same as the 8 team playoff, with some minor tweaks. Non-BCS conference champs receive an auto-bid, provided the champ is ranked in the top 25, along with the remaining at-large selections. At-large teams are selected under the same rules as the 8-team, including the non-BCS bids. The higher seed team hosts the 1st round matchup, and from the second round on, the same rules as the 8-team game locations apply. Teams that lose in the 1st round are minor bowl eligible. Here are my teams: LSU (SEC champ), Clemson (ACC champ), Oregon (Pac-12 champ), Oklahoma St (Big XII champ), and Wisconsin (B1g 10 champ). Non-BCS champs receiving bids are: WVU (Big least champ), TCU (Mountain West champ), and Southern Miss (Conference USA champ). 8 at large bids are awarded to, in this order: Alabama (their record and season speaks for itself), Stanford (same reasons as 'bama), Boise St (due to auto-bid from non-BCS), Arkansas (record), Houston (12-1 with the only loss in a conf. champ game), Kansas St. (record), Michigan (record), and VT (record). Just missing the cut was South Carolina. Southern Cal would have received an at-large had they been post-season eligible. The choice between the final 2 and the 1st out was difficult. Finally, here are the seedings and brackets: 1 LSU vs 16 WVU 8 Boise St. vs 9 Kansas St. 4 Stanford vs 13 Virginia Tech 5 Oregon vs 12 TCU 3 Alabama vs 14 Michigan 6 Arkansas vs 11 Clemson 2 Oklahoma St. vs 15 Southern Miss 7 Wisconsin vs 10 Houston
  13. Ramius


    Since i pointed a problem, i'll post 2 potential solutions to the problem. #1) 8 team playoff: Rules are that BCS conference winners get an automatic bid (minus the big least). At least 1 automatic non-BCS bid will be awarded to a team, provided they finish in the top 15. The 4 major bowl games host the 1st round matchups, and then those locations host the semi-finals and final on a rotating basis. So each season, 3 of the "bowls" get 2 games, and only 1 location gets left out. This actually makes more money that the current setup. AP rankings are used, mainly because the coaches have no right voting in a poll since most coaches don't actually watch any games and are heavily biased in their voting. For the at-large selections, preference is given to the teams with the fewest number of losses. Seeding is determined more based on ranking, and less on winning the conference. There are no limit on the number of teams a particular conference can send to the playoff. Here are my teams: LSU (SEC champ), Clemson (ACC champ), Oregon (Pac-12 champ), Oklahoma St (Big XII champ), and Wisconsin (B1g 10 champ). I awarded the 3 at-large bids to Alabama (their record and season speaks for itself), Stanford (same reasons as 'bama), and Boise St (due to auto-bid from non-BCS) Finally, here are the seedings and brackets for the games: 1 LSU vs 8 Clemson (Sugar) 4 Stanford vs 5 Oregon (Rose) 2 Oklahoma St vs 7 Boise St (Fiesta) 3 Alabama vs 6 Wisconsin (Orange)
  14. Sopme food for thought (per Jason LaCanfora)...in each of the past 5 or 6 years there has been a team that has been under .500 at week 13 that has made the playoffs.
  15. Collegiate QB wins/losses have very little to do with how well they are rated by NFL scouts.
  16. Fitz is better than Andy Dalton. Unless you think Dalton would be doing a ton better without cincy's very good defense.
  17. And in 2007, you were freaking out that the Bills might pick Darelle Revis and that it would "destroy" the franchise. How'd that turn out?
  18. Ramius


    Doesn't college football pride themselves on "the entire season is a playoff" and "every game matters"? How does that apply to today, where apparently LSU is going to the national championship game no matter what? A 1-loss LSU team that loses to UGA is no better than a potentially 1-loss Oklahoma St, or a 1-loss VT, or a 1-loss stanford. !@#$ the BCS. I guess my biggest problem with the entire sham of a system is that they make it a moving target to get to the championship game. Rematches aren't ok, until they are. We can't take a team that doesn't win their conference until we decide we can. just get it over already and at least do a plus 1 system.
  19. He's at 54 ctaches, and his numbers were skewed a bit by the few weeks the bills got blown out. You honestly think its out of the realm of possibility that stevie averages 5 catches a game for the remaining games? Especially after he just caught 8?
  20. Muschamp's gotta be pissed.
  21. There were legit to get rid of any one in the Henry-McGahee-Lynch-etc. train. Had we made any single 1 of those trades i'd have been ok. The problem comes in when a franchise continually spins its wheels, like we've been doing at the RB position. We made all of those deals, and subsequently "wasted" 3 1st round picks in the last 9 drafts. As much as people like to gripe about drafting DBs, its the continuous train of RBs that has really hurt the bills.
  22. Sounds like my post definitely hit home with you.
  23. The funniest past is that some of the posters lamenting the Lynch trade were the exact same ones running him out of town last season.
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