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Everything posted by Ramius

  1. Exactly. No one here seems to consider the fact that maybe pickett didnt want to come here, or really wanted to go to GB for whatever reason and was playing teams against one another for offers. Just because a player signed elsewhere doesnt mean we didnt go all out for him. But that logic is beyond comprehension on 90% of posters here.
  2. PM me your address and i'll mail you some midol.
  3. ...I predict JDG will have a coronary...
  4. Right now i am being paid to sit on my computer watching march madness on demand...
  5. And jake delhomme couldnt beat out aaron brooks in NO, hence the reason he was dealt to carolina. He sure sucks, doesnt he?
  6. I'd say take bunkley over ngata. But being at FSU, there may be a bit of homerism involved.
  7. Yup, put them in the general population, tell the other prisoners what they are in for, and dont give them any special protection. things will take care of themselves.
  8. Dean i completely agree with you. This thread was to make fun of everyone hoping/wanting the Bills to draft a QB at #8, becaue "they've heard of him" We have much bigger holes to fill.
  9. Are we going to give him 8 games before declaring him a bust like you did with Losman, or does he get the benefit of the doubt and get 9?
  10. No way in hell i would have wanted McNown. Now Josh McCown, i wouldnt have minded at all if he came to buffalo.
  11. I'm in...Tijuana Donkey Show
  12. The super bowl would end about 10pm...I'd give it until 11:30 before someone on the board bitched about something.
  13. I know, we just cant compete. I was this close to almost getting into tulane, but ended up getting wait listed. Alas, i didnt almost get into tulane, and my life has been a mess ever since.
  14. In honor of vertically challenged posters, the first 10,000 people to blame McNally and declare losman a bust after 8 games get lawn gnomes.
  15. Heres a tip for my fellow bills bretheren. If you almost go to Tulane, and blow out a knee, your football knowledge will increase exponentially.
  16. "Buy season tickets or you will look the type of whiny pathetic loser that comprises over 50% of the stadium wall posters."
  17. Bunkley was a terror down here at FSU. The guy was always in the backfield, always around the ball. The thing about it was that he was kinda quiet. All the others on our D got recognition, but bunkley was there, play in and play out. dropping the RB for a 3 yard loss isnt a game breaking play, but do it 3 times a game like Bunkley did, and it becomes a big factor. But DT isnt a flash position, so the media doesnt pick up on it. Also, anyone else notice how Kiwi has fallen. Possible 2nd round pick for the Bills?
  18. but...but...but...but you dont understand! Buffalo should have spent $85 million on a guard and center! the rest of the team be damned! I swear some of the posters would field a team of 11 o-linemen if hey could.
  19. I like your goals, they seem realistic, except for everett having 5 TD's. If JP is only going to toss 18-20 TD's, i say close to half will go to evans, leaving 10-12 TD's for everyone else.
  20. Ah, the old Bills draft rule of thumb... There are (buffalo's pick # - 1) number of cant miss draft studs, and we will always miss out.
  21. If being gay like Garcia means you are/were dating a playboy playmate of the month, (Carmela DeCesare i believe) then call me a fag...
  22. Well, they wanted ot keep favre's games started streak intact. But there was no reason why Aaron Rogers shouldnt have been playing the 2nd half of most of those stretch games. Apparently, sherman went to the mike mularkey school of QB decisions. SF let go of montana, GB needs to do the same with favre.
  23. I've never seen a team so controlled by 1 single player who is on the downslide of a great career. The pack should go about rebuilding the way they see fit, not the way brett sees fit. If he doesnt like it, they shoudl tell him to take a hike or retire. But they dont have the cojones to do that in green bay.
  24. Wow, what an interesting concept. How come no one around here has ever brought this up before? And dont lie in the title, that just makes you a dick. Man they are really coming out of the woodwork.
  25. Yup, people seem to forget that he basically has a knee that went through a blender. I cant see him being terribly effective this year. Also, culpepper has been a poor decision maker his entire career, but normally had moss to bail him out. Everyone's covered? chuck one up for grabs and moss withh catch it. Moss left, look what happend to daunte last year. Sure the guy has talent, but its not like the fins signed a top 5 qb.
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