Well, we are attempting to determine a metabolic profile for the stem cells (human mesenchymal stem cells) as they differentiate into cardiomyocytes. We're using a perfusion culture system (media flows over the cells similar to blood flow, its not just sitting there in a culture dish) and the cells are grown in a 3-D matrix as opposed to a normal culture plate/flask. So we developed this new system and are using 31-P NMR to monitor the levels of phosphate metabolites. Based on the levels, we are attempting to determine how active the cells are as they progress along the differentiation pathway. So tom, we use NMR to acquire phosphate peaks and determine the metabolite levels.
As for papers, still working on research. The system is new and theres not a lot out there on using NMR in relation to cardiomyocytes, so we at the front line of the field of research. With any luck, i should have a paper by the summer. ( i have 1 other paper from my work as an undergrad, and i should be a co-author on another paper when the kid in my old lab finally publishes one.)