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Everything posted by Ramius

  1. I see we are going to repeatedly ask this question on a daily basis now, instead of weekly? And yes i am trying to be an ass.
  2. I'll hold steady and say i'd give up EM and 1 of our thirds for Walker. the guy is a game breaker. With him at even 80% of what he was pre-injury, and Lee, we'd have a hell of a wideout tandem for the next 10 years.
  3. Lets see if i understand. Losman had roughly the same rating as orton (not counting orton's horrendous start) So because orton's team wins 10 games for him, and losmans team blows, that makes orton really good and losman suck. God, you're dense.
  4. no, rosensleaze was. And if i remember, walker got rid of him as his agent. Sure he hurt his knee, but the kid has talent. Also has 1 yr left on his deal. Give him a 2-3 yr incentive laden deal and then you can sign him long term after that if he proves his knee is back to normal.
  5. There arent many thing that DONT go over VA's head, figuratively AND literally. To say that orton won the games, and not chicago's D reaches a level of assinine achieved before only by BF.
  6. Moulds and our 3rd rounder for Javon Walker...DO IT MARV!
  7. Its illegal to throw away old oil filters? oops.
  8. Well, at least the 'hawks have zero liability.
  9. that turn you on?
  10. I was amused I think sun's hotness is highly underrated.
  11. Either that or hurley didnt care. Beggars cant be choosers. But he has stayed remarkably rotund for being on the island 50 days or so with not a ton of food.
  12. Last year when i lost my dad, his favorite song in those final few months was Andy Griggs, "If Heaven" I still tear up every time i hear it.
  13. Props to matt and trey. thats episode was absolutely great. it was so funny, it had my girlfriend laughing at all the shots at scientology. The more criuse and those wackos fight it, the more trey and matt are going to make fun of it.
  14. I still think henry gale is an other. Also, when they (sayid/charlie/ana lucia) walked into the clearing looking for the balloon, a trap was the first thing i thought of. Next week's episode shoudl be good tho. This week's was ok, but the show is starting to drag. I think its a combination of a few sub-par episodes combined with all the time off. Also, the south park episode right afetr LOST was hilarious, so that may have overshadowed it a bit.
  15. C'mon, Hartford made the playoffs a few times too. Every year they locked horns with Quebec with the winner getting the rights to get their ass kicked by Montreal in the first round of the Adams division playoffs. Man i miss those days. Of course i dont miss Boston toying with the sabres for 6 or 7 playoff games every year before beating us. Ahh, but the 4-0 sweep in '93 was oh so sweet!
  16. Expaning the playoffs by 1 team per conference would be stupid IMO. That would most likely mean 1 bye and 3 wildcard games per conference. Sure thats more TV games, but the 1 team with the bye would have such an advantage over the other 6 teams in the playoffs. The bye teams now have a huge advantage, but at least theres 2 teams. If you are going to expand the playoffs, do it right and expand to 8 teams per conference.
  17. I'd would have agreed with you until i read the anti-losman thread started by JDG. Its a anti-losman circle jerk between him, vabills and holcombs arm.
  18. Apparently Darwin missed one.
  19. Denver now has the #15 and the #22 in the 1st as a result fo the abraham trade. I see nothing wrong with send the #8 and EM to denver for the #15 and #22.
  20. I see through it...but i dont care...
  21. I not sold on the winston pick at all. A converted TE with a knee injury? Remember, TD is gone now. As for Cromartie, the guy was an absolute down here. He was all over the field, and extremely dangerous on returns. I think he would have easily been a top 10 pick had he stayed here next season to prove he's healthy. That being said, he'd be a good pick with a 2nd second rounder. *If cromarite didnt get hurt last augusst, you'd be looking at him as easily a top 5 pick.
  22. So we'll get a new one tonite where notihing of interest will be revealed, then have to wait 6 more weeks for another?
  23. I believe you are right. Their #1 this year got traded to denver during last years draft. They then just traded 3rd and 4th rounders to SF for brandon lloyd. So unless they have extra picks from somewhere or get a comp pick (no way in hell) their 2nd rounder is the only pick they have until the 5th round.
  24. Ditka
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