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Everything posted by Ramius

  1. so lemme get this strsaight...the team will have the same logo as now, but the STADIUM will have a different? gay as hell. The only way you could make that situation more gay would be to move the stadium to foxboro and make the players wear #12 jerseys.
  2. What about 2106 and 2206 and 2306, etc?
  3. he also didnt look too good, and has refused to run the 40. Didnt run it at the combine or at the pro day. Also some teams were put off by his piss poor attitude of, and his words were, "i'm the best/only big back so if teams want a big back they have to take me, no matter what"
  4. The keith urban songs did him a terrible injustice. Me and the girl saw him in concert last month, and he was phenomenal (shes got as big a crush on him as i do on carrie underwood). The guy is an absolute rocker, and a hell of a guitarist. At the end of his show(it was the last tour stop), he played some classic rock songs for almost an hour, and he did a superb job on the guitar. I was amazed at his talent, because you dont see that too often anymore. He's a true musician. What those losers did to his songs tonite didnt do him any justice. Pickler tried to come off as miss innocent country girl, like underwood, but kellie just seems to me like shes a trailer trash ho who made it big. That being said, i'd still do her nasty.
  5. I see your point VA, but my point is that its being broadcasted. I wouldnt be hacking into my neighbors network, hes left it open. If he wants it closed, then secure it. I liken it to my neighbor blasting his XM radio (which he would be paying for) in his apartment, then charging me with a felony for listening to it in my apartment, because i'm not paying for XM. If he doesnt want me listening, he can secure his transmission by turning the volume down.
  6. Well, i'm not trying to get into a moral debate about whether its right or not, just a legal one. 2 things to consider. 1. They receive their internet service via a some type of cable, and then choose to broadcast it all over their apartment. Its not like the ISP designates a wireless signal just for them. 2. kind of a crazy analogy, but its the same type of situation. My neighbor goes to the bank and takes money out. The bank hands him the cash and he walks out. (this is him buying internet service) He goes home and places the pile of cash in his backyard, and doesnt have his yard fenced in, knowing that it tends to get windy. (the wireless broadcast) The next day i find a few $20's in my yard. Is it theft for me to pick them up as my own? No, it isnt. (note again, not the morality, but the legality) I found money in my yard, therefore i have a rightful claim to it. (me picking up the wireless broadcast) Now, look at the situation: i didnt go into his open yard and take the cash, that would be theft. Thats what it appears the guy in the article did. He was actively looking for an internet signal to swipe. The cash blew into my yard, effectively making it mine. All the neighbor had to do was to put a fence up to keep his cash in his yard. (put a login/password on his network) My arguement is that i didnt steal anything, i was using what was at my disposal. And its the neighbor's fault for not protecting himself. Something similar happend to me with comcast. I signed up for cable, and i started getting HBO and some premium channels, when i just had the basic cable plan. no it wasnt a free promotion, they messed up and were routing the wrong cable package to my apt. Did they charge me for theft? No, they saw they frigged up, and i was simply using what was being piped into my apt. They found the mistake after a bit and corrected it. My point is, they fugged up, and i was simply using what was given to me, accidentally or not.
  7. Draft Leon Washington, HB from FSU. I think he'll emerge as a decent player in the NFL.
  8. Hell, you can find a TKO throwback for $3? Where are these gas stations? I've got a bunch of family that would love them.
  9. Hell, if they'd trade YOU to the texans message board along with moulds, i'd be happy with a 6th.
  10. This brings up an interesting point. I dont have a wireless router, but the apt either below or next to me has one. I can easily pick up their signal with my laptop. Its not secured, and theres no password/login. So if i were to connect my laptop to that network, they could charge me with a felony? As Fez said, i can hear their radio, thats not illegal. I can go on the outside stairs and see their TV, thus seeing the broadcast, thats not illegal. So why is using their internet any different? From the article, the guy was in his vehicle parked in front of the house, and then he tried to hide the fact that he was using the internet, like he was actively trying to swipe a connection. Thats a completely different situation from someone's network that broadcasts into my place of residence.
  11. Because thats the logical reason. And we all know that logic has no place on a board like this. Do you know how many hugely successful rants have been done in by logic and facts? Therefore its best to ignore them.
  12. Traded him to NO? wtf? i thought he was going to houston?
  13. I really hope its the 4th, but i got the same gut reaction as you when they didnt mention what the pick was.
  14. Congrats man! I thought LA told you specifically NOT to look over the curtain...
  15. Why is smelly foreigners insulting you? Are you a smelly foreigner? If so, then go take a shower. and for the record - americans smell/dont shower too, but 90% of the stank-asses here at work are NOT from the states.
  16. the first thing that came to mind in the past 15 minutes... Smelly ass foreigners who dont shower or wear deodorant and thus force me to smell their foulness when i am trying to get some work done.
  17. Ahh, thats right, because JP had long hair and tried to pump his teammates up, hes a bust. Especially now, because he didnt act perfectly at a telethon. I swear, some of you would be all over losman if he used the wrong fork during dinner at a fancy restaurant.
  18. thats priceless...
  19. If they wear those hideous orange unis, he will look like a giant pumpkin.
  20. I agree with you and pooj. When we had the memorial service for my dad last year just after his passing, it really wasnt about what people donated or how they looked. It was just the act that they were there. family friends we hadnt seen in years showed up and that made all the difference in the world. Showing up is what matters. Both honor the deceased, but make sure you support the living.
  21. Exactly! By trading down, we can acquire most of the league's picks in the 6th and 7th round! Then we wont have to worry about drafting a possible first round bust!
  22. It throws the ball to Eric Moulds or it gets the hose again!
  23. I'm not surprised at all. I know people here knock video games and Madden football and all, but look at JP's madden ratings and they DO tell the story... J.P. Losman, #7 QB Bills arm strength - 91 pass accuracy - 84 running speed - 72 awareness - 68 telethon appearance - 14
  24. rock and brick?
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