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Everything posted by Ramius

  1. if you want a lard ass who needs to be motivated to play hard, then Ngata's your man. Frankly, i would have kept sam adams if thats what were looking for...
  2. I'd liek to see them add reyes. But far and away the most inspiring comment for 2006 in that article was this...
  3. if we go DT early, we go Bunkley...
  4. Does it go to 11?
  5. About the lease, all it says is if you do not pay the pet fee within 1 week of them finding out about it, they will have the human society take the pet away. Now with their little flyer, they are claiming that if they find out, you are subject to fines and possible eviction. Note that the fines and eviction penalties are NOT in the lease that we signed. They apparently think their little flyer is enough grounds to punish someone on.
  6. i understand that they have a right to inspect or come inside with notice. They give notice before maitenence, and before pest control. But what i dont like is the whole "random inspection" sometime this week. I mean in the end it doesnt matter in a whole lot, prolly moving to another place when the lease is up in august, i just dont like their idea to inspect and come in my apartment for no good reason.
  7. I'll one up you... People who wear the same hats that dont take the tags off of them. it makes me want to walk up and hit them.
  8. Heres the deal. First some background. Our apartment complex allows pets, but you must pay a $300 non-refundable pet fee. I checked the lease, and all it says regarding pets is that if you are found with a pet (and havent paid the fee) you have 1 week to pay the pet fee or the human society will take your pet away. Thats all it says for pets. I do not own a pet. Get home yesterday to my apartment, and theres a little paper in the door. It says that the apartment complex has decided to crack down on the number of illegal pets around the complex, so they are going to be doing random searches of apartments for pets this week. Furthermore, they state on their little flyer that if they find a pet and you dont pay the fee within a week, you are subject to severe penalties including fines and eviction. Can anyone tell me the legality of this? I dont see how a landlord can just search apartments just to check and make sure that you dont have an unpaid pet. Sure this situation doesnt apply to me, but frankly i dont want anyone just coming in my apartment when i am not there so they can "check around". Also, how they hell can they legally change the terms of the lease with just some little flyer? The lease also says that if changes occur to the lease you will be notified and then subsequently given the option to walk away from your lease for free (30 days notice). Checked into the florida laws, and what it saysis that they can only enter your apartment FOR REPAIRS OR MAITENENCE (with a 12-hr notice to you). Didnt come across aynthing allowing them to randomly search an apartment for infractions. Hell, the damn cops cant search my apartment for illegal firearms/drugs etc, so why can my landlord. Any lawyers on here who could help out?
  9. There ya go. Thats the correct attitude
  10. No, the real problem with JP wasnt his "dude" comments, but his haircut.
  11. Doug, you're going about this all wrong. You are supposed to make a big LAMP whereby you claim martyr like status and give up your season tickets because <insert here... marv sucks, ralph is cheap, the bills suck>. Please follow this correct outline when posting in the future. thanks. Remember there's no room for your optimism here. The Bills will be going 0-16 next season.
  12. suuuure, copy my post from 3 pages back...
  13. Hooray for 30 INT's for Buffalo!
  14. Does this mean we got willis mcgahee for free then?
  15. why is there an airplane above the dolphin stadium text?
  16. Holcomb was checking down on his passes in friggin mini-camp fer chrissakes! No way that pathetic rag arm starts for us.
  17. I agree there are a lot of DT's in this draft. I wouldnt mind seeing McCargo in a bills uni next seaosn, or a trade down for bunkley. or just bunkley at #8 would make me happy as well. Say NO to Ngata. IF we wanted a lard ass with motivation problems on the d-line, we would have kept sam adams.
  18. Whats so wrong with the signing? Its not like MArv came out and said PP would be our #1 WR. We signed a FA who has some skills, and are giving him a chance to compete for a position on the team. He performs, he makes it. Christ people, half of you need prozac. And i love it how VAdrawf thinks hes cool because he can make up names for JP.
  19. Ahh the true mark of a good fan...the times get tough, so jump off the bandwagon!
  20. He's just pissed cuz gates outbid him on ebay for some vintage hulk hogan VHS tapes.
  21. We had drinking problems in college. How to get to the store to get more beer when everyone is drunk is a very serious drinking problem...
  22. Suspended once, but this is his 4th failed drug test according to the league. he should and deserves to get suspended for a year.
  23. I agree. if one of the 3 QB's is on the board when we are picking, we need ot definitely explore a trade down.
  24. Sep 10 @New England - loss Sep 17 @Miami - loss Sep 24 N.Y. Jets - win Oct 1 Minnesota - win Oct 8 @Chicago - loss Oct 15 @Detroit - win Oct 22 New England - loss Nov 5 Green Bay - win Nov 12 @Indianapolis - loss Nov 19 @Houston - win Nov 26 Jacksonville - loss Dec 3 San Diego - loss Dec 10 @N.Y. Jets - loss Dec 17 Miami - win Dec 24 Tennessee - win Dec 31 @Baltimore - loss Bills 2006 record: 7-9
  25. I know the talk is irritating, but the pirates are still in pittsburgh, no? So he gave up on a team that never moved, but hit on hard times. Sounds like a fairweather fan more than a jaded one.
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