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Everything posted by Ramius

  1. Same reason why FSU had 4 defensive players taken in round 1 and we onyl went 8-4. Our offense sucked. horribly. couldnt block. couldnt run.
  2. What, that there are ignorant a$$holes on carolina's board as well as ours?
  3. you forgot...The players selected 1-7 will be the only players in the draft worth selecting at #8. If we trade down to say 11, then the top 10 selected will be the only ones worth selecting at #11. And in general, in any draft, there are (the bills pick # - 1) number of cant miss blue chip prospects.
  4. It may have something to do with the 40 or 50 concussions hes had. the guys brain is mush.
  5. Except that he'll be gone at #3 to the titans. take THAT to the bank.
  6. thanks. i was going to boycott your birthday until you posted some BoTD's mmmmm. good job. and Happy Birthday.
  7. Taking into account salaries and bonuses and such, woodson's deal is essentially a 3 yr deal for 18 million. Also, his 10.5 mil "bonus" was not signing bonus, so its not prorated. Essentially then can cut him almost scot free after 3 seasons if hes not playing up to par.
  8. the same flyer fan was at BW3's last night as he was for game 2. in game 2 he didnt say a peep to anyone and left with the sabres up 6-1. Yesterday he was runnin his mouth the entire 3rd period...until the sabres scored to make it 3-2, then he shut up until the empty netter. Best conversation bits from him: cryers fan:woohoo, !@#$ you sabres fans, 4-2 philly! me: what about 8-2 the other night? cryers fan: what about 4-2 tonite? me: we're still up 2-1 in the series dipshit cryers fan: who the !@#$ cares, who won tonite? 4-2 baby! then he says to the unassuming devils fan watching their game and talking us the whole night... cryers fan: !@#$ you and !@#$ the devils, they !@#$in suck, we're gonna kick their ass gotta love philly fans
  9. Actually, prior to senior bowl week, most draftniks had cutler going in the mid to late 1st round. then with his performance there, he vaulted into possibly the top 10. But, good to know theres doom and gloom everywhere, and if we dont get AJ hawk, we're screwed.
  10. Ahhh yes. "he plays the same position at the same school as a previous bust, so he's going to be a bust" logic. Brilliant!
  11. exactly. these so-called "tweeners" give a defense flexibility. Can play OLB in a 3-4 and be a pass rusher from there, but since he playd DE, it isnt out of the realm of possibility to line him up at DE a few plays if you swich to a 4-man front for a series/play, etc. It gives the defense flexibility.
  12. I see. they are planning on drafting favre another excuse? It makes sense tho. Its much easier for favre to blame davis for an interception than it is AJ Hawk.
  13. so now we can go through all this bull sh-- next offseason too? Have fun tacking 30 more INT's onto that career total brett...
  14. Sure flyers fans are babies and whiners and idiots, but at least they are loyal babies whiners and idiots. At least in 5 years when the flyers suck completely, they wont all of a sudden be capitals or rangers fans, ala the patsie fans. Patsie fans are the scum of the earth because their complete lack of loyalty. In a few years, shockey and eli jerseys will be dominating NE, and everyone will be like tom who?
  15. I think who the bills draft will have a lot to do with the 7 teams ahead of them.
  16. Yup, Richmond webb should have oened more holes for that phenomenal dolphins running game in the 80's and 90's. If he played better, all those great backs the fins had would have been able to run all over everyone. Rest easy Marino and Co, it was webb's fault you guys choked every year. I cant believe that webb gave up 62 points against the jags either.
  17. Ngat..., ngat...Ngatachancehesgonnabedrafted, thats for sure
  18. I've seen those, but they are just the half hour hilite show of the super bowl(s) that ESPN airs every january. I'd liek to see the complete games.
  19. oh, you mean like what TBD should have done to your account after your very first brilliant post?
  20. faster than holcomb but not as good as losman...
  21. I dont see why the NFL doesnt release DVD's of old games, or old team seasons. Plenty of people would buy them. What really shocks me is that the NFL doesnt release the Super Bowls, (full complete games, w/commercials and everything on DVD. I guarantee you they could make some serious cash releasing the SB's in a few box sets.
  22. I hate ESPN, because they are the only media source that still *loves* Bar-roid Bonds. Everyone else agrees he's a roided up !@#$ and his "breaking" of ruth's record doesnt mean sh--, except them. They keep pimping his "chase for ruth" like anyone outside of barry cares. Also, i hate the way they constantly deep throat the NBA. get a clue espn, the NBA (otherwise known as the national three point and dunk association) sucks.
  23. Ahh, i see, kinda like top 5 OT's, huh? they all will be busts. Oh, i meant to add, D'Brick knows how and likes ot play piano, so he's obviously going to be a bust who doesnt have the desire to play football. Why the hell would we want a well rounded player thats made the most of an opportunity in getting free college education. I onyl want o-linmen that eat raw steak, frighten little children, and run head first into walls in their spare time.
  24. How can he get away woth giving away free heath shuler jerseys for any campaign donations? Oh wait, i know, because the jerseys have no monetary value.
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