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Everything posted by Ramius

  1. Or he could have made roughly 10-15 million more in guarantees and still have been hitting co-eds left and right. Alex Smith, taken #1 overall: 6 years, 51 million, $24 million guaranteed Since Leinart was taken 10, his contrace will be comparable to Big Ben's from 2 years ago (big ben was taken at 11) Ben roethlisberger: 6 years, 14 million, $8 million guaranteed I'd say thats a bit of a difference in contract size for being too much of a pansy to go pro.
  2. the guy in your old avatar but i'll correct myself...fat and lazy people piss me off. Everyone doesnt need to be rail thin. If you are fat and not a nuisance, and productive, then fine. But overweight slovenly lazyasses piss me off and need their asses kicked. As do canadians that use myspace to pick up 14 year old girls.
  3. I'm all for kicking the sh-- out of lazyasses who cant walk up or down a flight or stairs, so they'll walk across the bulding to use the elevator. Fat and lazy people piss me off. ot all lazy people are fat, but just about all fat people are lazy.
  4. 682820[/snapback] I've tried a similar line of reasoning wiht most people lori. maybe they'll listen to you. Bentley wanted to go to cleveland, and wasnt going to accept an offer anywhere else.
  5. I am with you. Fatasses piss me off. If you cant see that you are fat and cant make a decision to not drink pop, then you deserve an ass beating.
  6. Vince young wants non-diet pop in public schools.
  7. Nah, he'd use the thread as an excuse to miss mini camp for "personal reasons".
  8. I guess it depends on what would give you more personal satisfaction: being someone with half a billion dollars, or being someone who has nailed paris hilton. Its not a matter of being elite, because both of those groups contain roughly the same number of people.
  9. i think the penguin is trying to touch himself.
  10. Paris Hilton, or the 90-yr old guy and 474 million?
  11. I hope you are kidding. i really do. You see the title, and see that this is an 8 page thread. you dont think someone MAY HAVE, just MAYBE mentioned it?
  12. NO. seems liek the cool thing to say in this thread.
  13. yet they project us as #2 overall in the 2007 mock draft.
  14. Mine didnt get answered either. "Mort, if you answer a question and no one is in the chat room to see your answer, is it still wrong?"
  15. Holy sh-- coach, you play 2B for the A's?
  16. check the profile bud. i'm 24, been 7 years since i was in high school. i'm not arguing about removing pop machines from schools. we didnt have one at my school and no oen cares. we had a juice mahcine and a powerade machine. And yes, we needed hall passes and bathroom passes in you werent in class. My point is, why only remove non-diet pop from schools? Either keep it all or get rid of it all. If you are going to give students access to pop, why should the school tell them they can only drink diet?
  17. you dont think that is completely ridiculous? Whats next, because people are fat, mcdonals will only be allowed ot serve salads?
  18. No, that was screech from saved by the bell.
  19. You can tag the same players 2 years in a row with the same rules as used to be (120% of previous salary, or top 5 avg, what is higher) If you tag the player for a 3rd year in a row, he gets the QB franchise tender.
  20. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/12604166/ So because a bunch of fatasses cant keep their weight under control, everyone has to suffer. Now a person cant make a decision on what kind of pop they want at a school or a school sponsored event, you must drink ass-tasting diet. what a crock of sh--! If schools want to replace soda with healthier options for drinks, thats fine, but just to remove non-diet pop is assinine. Because its obviously non-diet pop thats making kids fat.
  21. well, look for round 2 of hockey pick em to be out tomorrow morning, after the flames-ducks finish tonite.
  22. Theres seems to be something about game 6 against the flyers when buffalo is up 3-2. Kepp on pounding buffalo, i wanna see double digits.
  23. Great look back by lydman. The skating penalty made up for his tripping call.
  24. The burger King? Doesnt surprise me MW is hanging with him. Williams probably enjoys waking up next to the king.
  25. what does it matter? He'll be like 99% of the previously tagged franchise players and sign the offer sheet 2 days before the season starts, and play the season as a Bill.
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