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Everything posted by Ramius

  1. I thought debbie did jacksonville.
  2. Emery also gives up a ton of rebounds. Last night, we didnt get a lot of screens in front of him, and for once he decided to hang on to a lot of shots. As you said, we did beat him a few times and couldnt hit the net tho. About finishing, i cant remember the last time i watched a sabres game and didnt say..."damn, if max could actually finish, he'd score 50-60 goals every season."
  3. Why do you contradict yourself and your own opinions in the same thread just to bash someone? You say if a guy did nothing in college, and nothing in the pros, why be patient? Well, Nall did nothing in college, and frankly hasnt done much in the pros either. So why should be get so much more of a chance over losman? and dont give me that lame ass passer rating arguement. he's thrown what, 30 career passes? theres this little thing called statistical significance. if this is what you are pursuing, i would advise you NOT to quit your day job.
  4. Also, a sweep is so tough, considering we were asking the sabres to win 4 straight games against the top team in the conference. Chances were, ottawa was gonna win 1 or 2 games. Also, a sweep was asking ottawa to LOSE 4 straight games. How many times did that happen to them in the regular season? i'm guessing not many.
  5. ESPN is deep throating emery today.I'll give him credit, the guy played well. stepped up his game when needed. But c'mon, he wasnt a world beater.
  6. Which is why their attack will be so effective.
  7. No, the cow is the unforseen enemy . You must have missed Ieatcrayonz's thread on cows and global warming a month or so ago.
  8. so, arm, how bad does it hurt to make 2 posts without bashing losman?
  9. You messed up slightly... 1st down ??? 2nd down ??? 3rd down pull willis for shaud, then ??? 4th down punt
  10. Ahh, so he gets 9 then. just checking.
  11. Well, regardless of anything off the court, and flagrant fouls, the biggest difference between kobe and MJ is that with MJ the Lakers would have won about 10 titles in a row. With shaq down low, if jordan didnt score 30 points, he'd have roughly 50 assists per game from feeding shaq underneath. He wouldnt have whined and bitched like kobe did. And i do like your bills posts John. most of THOSE i agree with. We just severly differ here.
  12. So does he get 8 games or 9 before he's declared a bust?
  13. I'm sure that NBC gave a little phone call over to the commish's office and requested some help with the officiating in the remaining games. If all the series hold out, we are looking at Buffalo, Carolina, Anaheim, and San Jose as the final 4 teams. No canadian team, and more importantly, NO big market team. NBC is probably shitting a brick over the outcome last nights games. And i'm loving it! The only question is, who are the announcers going to ball wash?
  14. Based on previous drafts, i am guessing whitner will get something like 6 years for about 20 mil, with 7-8 mil in guarantees (SB or other). McCargo will probably get 5 years 10 mil, 3 mil in guarantees. Youboty will get 3 years 3 mil.
  15. you and me both. the LA Lakers "therapist" #8. But "therapist" is changing his number. Kobe is nothing but a whiny punk B word who scores so much because he porks up 40 shots a game. Remember his little 40 point streak he had going. it was pathetic watching him pork shot after shot, and causing his team to lose, just so he could keep his little streak going. You would have never seen MJ do anything of the sort.
  16. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=2440198 Looks like miami needed some more criminals. I'm surprised saban actually traded AWAY someone from the SEC tho. Shocking.
  17. whew, shes safe from meazza now.
  18. HAAHAHAHAHAHAHA. this is the biggest line of sh-- i have ever heard in my life. putting "therapist"'s name anywhere near MJ is an insult to the fans, to the game, and to the dead body of Dr. James Naismith. Kobe misundersood? I guess he misunderstood what NO meant.
  19. You shoudl have seen it back then. JP Sousa was only halfway through music lessons, his teacher had been fired for doing a shoddy job, and just because his first 2 pieces werent spectacular, a ton of people kept calling him a bust as a composer!
  20. I dont care about criticism about losman. hes not my best friend. all along, i have been of the opinion that he should be given a chance. if he fails, then move on. So far he has yet to be given a chance. that stance is quite different than yours, seeing how you have roughly spent 99% of your entire post total bashing jp with illogical reasoning. my God man, you make ICE look reasonable.
  21. In other words...you are saying..."my assinine logic regarding the bills qb situation and my utter refusal to even consider the possibility that JP has talent and will win the job has caused me to post random pointless crap with no sense of anything even resembling a logical view of the situation. Furthermore, every single one of my attempts to continue my crusade against JP Losman has been shot down. I have spanked like a little B word in this arguement, so i am not going to continue spewing this crap for fear i may get spanked again."
  22. Your assinine logic and anti-jp crusade have left me completely speechless. I didnt think it was possible for a human to fit their head THAT far up their rectum. As for mr 1-game wonder nall...sounds an awful lot like rob johnson.
  23. But...but...but...but... Nall has a 132 career passer rating! He's the next montana! Or so says holcomb/Nall's arm Edit: i dont know why he doesnt change his name to "anyone but JP's" arm
  24. well, technically, this time of year is a really boring time to do stargazing. All of the amazing winter constellations are setting or have set by the time it gets dark, and the summer constellations arent up in full force yet. But, there is still stuff to be seen. a great stargazing book is 365 starry nights by chet raymo. it goes every day from jan 1 to dec 31, and gives about a half page write up about the night sky. not only do you get interesting things to look for, but it gives you history, mythology, and other space facts and information. Also, the book is written so it can be understood by a 12 year old. great book for someone wanting to get into astronomy or just to learn a little bit more.
  25. Of course, it could be because there are over 200 different viruses that cause the common cold
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