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Everything posted by Ramius

  1. the funniest thing will be when he hits 5 million visitors, and she says "you ACTUALLY thought i'd sleep with you?"
  2. For the most part, i think your roster looks good. A few minor changes tho: 1. QB1 is Losman and QB2 is Nall. I think JP steps up and outplays nall in camp. i think they both leave holcomb in the dust. 2. I think andre davis gets cut and PP is on the team in his place as the starting #2 WR. I also think that Josh Reed in the #2 statistical WR this season behind Evans. I also think the bills will keep 6 WR's 3. We'll finally find out if Joe Burns had naked pictures of TD, or has them of Ralph wilson, based on if he makes the final squad.
  3. but...but...but... Jp had a surfer haircut...that means he has a terrible attitude!
  4. how does that change your respect for her? if she was my teacher, i'd have been thinking about banging her and staring at her juggs all day anyway. the pictures would just give me a better mental image to have during class.
  5. good. i'm glad the little dwarf prick is out of the league. I guess we'll hafta see him on ESPN now standing on a phonebook to do his reporting. But as someone said, he'll fit in there perfectly.
  6. i considered OJ, but even tho he's a murderer, he's still loyal to the Bills. now freddie smerlASS on the other hand... bye bye freddie.
  7. why? do possum eat hamsters?
  8. knock one out before you go so you dont spend the entire interview thinking about banging the hot secretary/worker/interviewer...
  9. what did you do to deserve the punishment of having to listen to that !@#$'s show?
  10. If you want to sh-- a new color, just drink a sonic blue coconut slurpee. Trust me, it works.
  11. yes it was. the entire series was played with the game either tied or a 1 goal difference except for 1 minute and 40 seconds of game time.
  12. Ok, on both drury's and pominville's goals, OLN continues to blame emery for not getting cross the net. But, what i saw was both times there were 2 or 3 senators watching the sabre skate with the puck right to the net. Those goals are the defensemen's fault for not putting a body on the skater, not emery.
  13. i assumed it weas old by the sges of the actors. but that doesnt make it any less of a travesty to the game of hockey.
  14. has anyone ever heard of that movie they just previewed on OLN? There is something inherently wrong and disturbing about rob lowe, keanu reeves, and friggin patrick swaze in a hockey movie. Lord Stanley must have flipped in his grave.
  15. I said it in the other thread...if max could finish, he'd score 50-60 goals per season.
  16. Are you just here to piss in the soup of the sabres fans?
  17. OH HELL YEAH DRURY!!! That was sick.
  18. Quick question about what just happend...i dont want to keep bitching about officiating, but can someone answer me this... Kotalik chips the puck around chara off the boards, and then tries to skate around him. Chara simply hooks him and impedes him from skating by. How is that not a hold or a hook or some type of obstruction?
  19. a bad penalty call in 1 thing., but a bad call that puts you 2 men down in like a death warrant. especially when 3 minutes later the sens roughed up the sabre in the crease, and there was no call.
  20. fuggin BS call on fitzpatrick...i hope the sabres dont hafta fight the refs in this game as well as the sens...
  21. The cows put the warning labels on silica gel. They know that the only way us humans will be able to defeat their future uprising is to make ourselves stronger with silica gel. But, by putting the warning labels on, the cows keep us weak until their day comes.
  22. Duh...Duh...Duh duh duh...Lets go Buff-a-lo...
  23. Arm and JDG sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G... you 2 are so cute together.
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