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Everything posted by Ramius

  1. I think the only difference is whether you use the pictures for $$$ or use them with a kleexex and vaseline.
  2. agreed. i'd have felt a lot better if we didnt fold on that last PP and give up the weak SH goal. i know it was tipped, and nothing could be done, but we shouldnt have played like sh-- in our own end on a PP. If the 2nd period sabres team shows up, that would be ideal.
  3. you are so wrong its unbelieveable. Had we drafted 10 o-linemen, and signed hutch and bentley,the NFL would have looked at our o-line and just awarded us the super bowl. Because there are obviously no good teams that dont have all 1st round picks on their o-line. I have an idea! lets start 11 o-linemen on offense. we'll have such a good line and we'll be unstoppable!
  5. Hearing the "Let's Go Buffalo" chants in raleigh just warms the heart.
  6. Damn, this game could easily be 5-1 sabres.
  7. SCCCCCCOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRREEEEEESSSSSSS! Jay McKee shorthanded!!!!!! hell of a rush!
  8. fuggin rory! take a look and pass or clear the puck, dont just blindly slap it up the boards when theres no one on you! almost cost us a goal!
  9. ooooooooohhh jocen!!!! crosbar!
  10. ooooohhh dumont!!!
  11. I've come to accept the fact that the sabres will be called for a penalty within 2-3 minutes after every goal they score. No teppo isnt good. i hope its nothing serious. dont know how many more injuries we can keep batling through.
  12. Holy sh--! Briere says...anything you can do brindamour, i can do better! Gotta give credit to the passes to set the play up as well. Beautiful play all around!
  13. does the sound on the NBC feed suck for anyone else? it gets quieter and louder at times. I also hate how they tend to lower the crowd noise.
  14. If this first period is any indication of how this series is going to go, i really need to get some blood pressure medication. The series against ottawa took 5 years off my life, and this one is starting that way.
  15. My exact reaction. i saw that and there was no way to not be amazed by that shot.
  16. Holla "We want prenup, we want prenup"... Its something you gotta have, cause when she leave your ass, she gonna leave with half.
  17. agreed. Willis is a punk ass thug. But ya know what? As long as he continues to bring it on fall sundays, i could care less what he does (provided its not criminal), and i'll wear his jersey week in and week out (ok, every other week, as i rotate it with my TKO throwback). Go willis, you da man, take us to the promised land!
  18. then i hope to God that JP wins the starting job. Because if Nall wins it in camp, i think i'd get sick just thinking that we'd be on the SAME side of a Bills QB issue.
  19. Well, if bryzagloviqyvzyqzjyov, or however you spell the goalies name keeps playing hot, they have a hell of a chance.
  20. Right after moulds went to dallas
  21. I know that as well, and being at FSU, i make fun of miami with the best of them. But what criminal act has willis done? Or is it that he comes from miami makes him somehow "more likely" to be a criminal in the future?
  22. People hate willis because he's from "The U" and the culture surrounding those guys is completely different that what most of posters here have ever experienced. My guess is that everything being exactly the same, if willis cam from michigan, ohio st, or some other northern school, no one would give him crap. to 90% of posters here, different = scary
  23. Have you SEEN the Jills? That would answer why the bills DONT do this and why no one would attend.
  24. I'm still waiting for a round of golf and a 'Noles game
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