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Everything posted by Ramius

  1. I am not playing cornhole with any of the bengals...Ed might be interested tho.
  2. well, carolina just pwned us the last 3-4 minutes, this is a wild game. buffalo needs to sh-- the momentum back in their favor.
  3. good post, Gandy is a decent LT. Perhaps he'll LOOK much better when he doesnt have a waste of space bennie andersen next to him.
  4. And exactly what small wideouts, and injured TE's did Marv select. Oh thats right, none. Dont lump marv in with TD. Also, was Everett injured when TD drafted him? No. So thats a lame ass arguement. What we got out of this draft was 4 potential starters by the beginning of 2007, and 2 this season. Not too shabby if you ask me. If we had taken your preferred draft and selected 4 o-linemen with our 1st 4 picks, we would have 1 maybe starter and 3 backups. But we would have drafted o-line and that would have made you happy. unfortunately it wouldnt have helped the team win. We adressed the o-line through free agency, and almost replaced our entire interior line, which was the problem. perhaps we shoudl try some conistency on the lines, instead of using 6 draft picks every year on linemen as some of you want.
  5. Grillin gator is always good. Billy Donovan or Urban Cryer? Either way it cant beat last years Memorial Day zook out.
  6. You're killin me man! BARTMAN!
  7. You'll be missed paul. When i catch up on the other side, we'll have a brew and i'll finally be able tp explain to you what i do in the lab.
  8. http://www.realfootball365.com/nfl/article...ense300506.html on the front page of TBD
  9. I have this feeling about Max. His non-scoring woes are all in his head. cant put the puck in the net and it messes with you and you try too hard. anyone who has played forward long enough knows this. But he knocks one in, and it opens the floodgates. I'm thinking that if max is able to net one either tonite or in game 7, we could be looking at at least 6 goals from him against edmonton.
  10. You and your damn asparagus. For us yesterday, it was beer-bioled then charred brats, and pork chops in ialian dressing. Along with baked beans and cheesecake. As for the beans, the lab is definitely paying for it today.
  11. What part of the Tampa-2 defense dont you understand? i may be able to help out a bit? The link gave a decent overview tho.
  12. The main problem with the whole bledsoe ordeal is that TD didnt surround him with the appropriate players. He knew he had a statue coming in as QB and should have seriously beefed up the line. He took the track of desigining an offense around a mobile QB. Is Drew Bledose good? Of course. Was i glad the Bills picked him up for 3 years? yes. Should the Bills have cut drew last offseason? yes, should have cut him after 2004. Shoudl have the bills cut drew and just handed the job to JP? No. Bledsoe has amazing talent, but he seems to lack heart. Not as in he doesnt want to play, but as in he fails to come up big when the money is on the table, and just rolls with it. Anyone who has played a team sport knows what its like to have a player who just elevates him game and manages to elevate the game of everyone else. A true leader inspires his team to kick it in high gear. Unfortunately, drew never did that. If you are picking a QB to make your team good, cant go wrong with drew. But if you need a QB who can get the job done in the clutch, you dont want drew. He just doesnt find ways to win when it matters.
  13. "i dont want anyone thinking they've scored until they've put the ball in the net. You dont score, until you score. 'UNTIL YOU SCORE!'"
  14. happy birthday 'zepp
  15. We were cheering like crazy for Marco. Just couldnt hold off hornish. Hornish had the better car tho. If he didnt lodge his head in his rectum, he'd have passed marco with 2 laps left, not with 1/4 miles left. Theres something with the andretti name, since mario.
  16. Yup. Switching gaolies that often may work for a game or 2, but in the long run it will bite you in the ass. So Ward goes into game 6 knowing if he allows a couple of goals he's gonna be pulled? shows no faith in your tender.
  17. The sabres played a hell fo a game. we're in for a good one tuesday night. go Sabres!!!
  18. ypu, this mirrors my post a little bit ago. When they get a lead, they need to step on the throat of their opponent. Too many times they have just relaxed and allowed the 'canes/sens/flyers back in the game. It'll come with experience. But i have faith in them. Miller can swipe a game at any time. And i think lindy and drury will rally the troops. Go Sabres!!!
  19. I love this team. But this happened in the ottawa series, and now in this one as well. I wish the sabres would stop giving up goals right after scoring one themselves. Its almost like when they score and gain a 1 goal or more lead, then suffer a bit of a let down. I suppose you can chalk that up to inexperience.
  20. Hell of a shot by Roy. Think lindy will be telling the team ot shoot stick side? (if they havent figured it out already...)
  21. quit whining about miller. if we had some decent defensemen, it wouldnt be a problem. EDIT: it would be nice if we could win more than 1 faceoff per peroid tho.
  22. wtf? THAT was a trip? dont tell me here we go again w/ the penalties...
  23. You still dont get it, do you? Losing our top 3 D-men isnt what has killed us. Obviuosly, losing them just exposed miller for the fraud he is.
  24. sum B word. time to nut up in game 5 boys. problem is, i dont know how much longer we can keep chugging with all these injuries. And dammit, all these sh-- goals by carovagina piss me off.
  25. right after i posted it i read it again and saw it sounded really bad. It was meant along the lines of alcohol clouding overall judgement, not the attractiveness of rod brindamour. As in, when i have a few drink, my poker game goes down hill, my ps2 madden skills go down hill, i get more loud and obnoxious, i refuse to shut my mouth, but rod brindamour is still fugly. Its like a fundamental truth.
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