And exactly what small wideouts, and injured TE's did Marv select. Oh thats right, none. Dont lump marv in with TD. Also, was Everett injured when TD drafted him? No. So thats a lame ass arguement.
What we got out of this draft was 4 potential starters by the beginning of 2007, and 2 this season. Not too shabby if you ask me. If we had taken your preferred draft and selected 4 o-linemen with our 1st 4 picks, we would have 1 maybe starter and 3 backups. But we would have drafted o-line and that would have made you happy. unfortunately it wouldnt have helped the team win.
We adressed the o-line through free agency, and almost replaced our entire interior line, which was the problem. perhaps we shoudl try some conistency on the lines, instead of using 6 draft picks every year on linemen as some of you want.