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Everything posted by Ramius

  1. Thank you sabres for the great season!!!! This year was a hell of a ride, and next year should be even better, imagine what we could do in the playoffs with some healthy NHL defensemen, not half the amerks (not a knock against jillson, janik and paetsch, they played good). Rory cost us the game by playing with his rooster in front of our net instead of finding a player or puck to hit.
  2. Take your pick, rochester still has defensemen Sylvain Dufresne, Brad Smith, Dan Focht, or David Cullen. Or, if someone gets a plane, i'll play some D for the sabres, i got 18 yrs of hockey under my belt.
  3. oh i know. i wasnt even upset when i saw mckee was out for tonite. i basically laughed at it, because thats been our injury luck this offseason.
  4. Its one thing to have a good deflection in front, but to make a good shot block, then have a horseshoe in the ass deflection in the net just plain sucks.
  5. how many !@#$in lucky ass goals can they score?
  6. You struck a nerve by accusing me as a doom and gloomer, something i have never been in my almost 3 years on the board. I took offense to the irrational criticizm of the sabres by the douchebag writer. I am pumped about the sabres and the sabres chances tonite. And its going to be a hell of a game.
  7. you rest your case? where the !@#$ did i doom and gloom and say the sabres suck and are goign to lose? Is it not a fact that buffalo has been on the sh-- end of the stick before? No where did i say that it would continue. But you obviously were too busy jumping to conclusions to read the entire post.
  8. I'm not out on the ledge, not by a longshot. never have been, so i dunno where the hell that shot came from. Sure Buffalo has been on the sh-- end of the stick more times than not, but i got a really good feeling about tonite. If anything, you should call me overly optimistic. Regardless of what happens tonite, i'll applaud the sabres on this amazing season, and hell of a playoff run. its energized the fan base like never before. I take offense to him belittling the sabres team talent and skill. As much as i despise the canes, they DO have a lot of talent.
  9. http://www.buffalonews.com/editorial/20060601/1057762.asp this guy is the biggest faggot reporter outside of ESPN. He spends the entire article basically stating the sabres arent as good as carolina and they are "lucky" to push it to game 7, and claims we are a bunch of divers. Shows a complete lack of respect for the sabres. He also says the 'canes should handily take game 7.
  10. I thought playoffs, probably as a 6 seed or so.
  11. When the way is darkest, the chance for Heroes is greatest.
  12. That video was morally offensive.
  13. I agree. Between the all-night gaming and frequent masterbation breaks, its amazing ANY of these guys have time to sleep or eat properly.
  14. ITs like someone, somewhere doesnt want the sabres ot win. Or they are just testing the patience and heart of the sabres, ala the 2004 sox.
  15. Should make the TSW opener tailgate REAL interesting...
  16. well, at least this signing will help clayton and galloway out and bolster the buccs WR corps.
  17. Why isnt he at OBD working out? He obviously has no desire to be a Bill. Cut him.
  18. The 'canes are whining about the ice in buffalo, too Thats from our good buddy ned barnett. what a homo. last time i checked, both teams played on the same ice surface.
  19. I'll throw in a $20 as well. I have no clue what the hell you guys are talking about, but it be worth $20 to see some guy get destroyed across the knees with a baseball bat.
  20. great stuff! Go Sabres!!! Man i love playoff hockey!
  21. Yup, the 2 biggest qualms i've had with the sabres this post season is lack of a killer instinct to finish a team off, and giving up goals not long after we have scored. I swear, there have been a dozen goals we've scored that we've let the opponent score within the next 2 minutes. I doubt its injuries. this stuff was happening even before our rash of defensive injuries.
  22. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cornhole Also known as "bean bag" Come to think of it, i dont want anything to do with Carson Palmer's cornhole or his bean bag.
  23. agreed. but this has been going on all playoffs. i dont know where, but the sabres need to find a killer instinct. I hate sitting back defensively in the 3rd.
  24. sum B word. LETS GO BUFFALO!
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