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Everything posted by Ramius

  1. 1. The players agreed (in the new CBA) that they could not pursue any litigation involving the previous CBA. Their claim will likely get thrown out on these grounds. 2. Again, you seem to have a lot of trouble understanding this. There was no collusion for a secret HARD CAP. The collusion was to not structure contracts so that teams could take advantage of the uncapped year to help themselves gain an advantage in the capped years after a new CBA was agreed upon. This was more about accounting and cooking the books as opposed to out and out spending. The NFL didn't want teams to shuffle huge cap hits (be it from cuts or new contracts) into the uncapped year so they coudl take less of a cap hit in the following capped years.
  2. The cowboys and redskins weren't compelled NOT to spend money. They were being compelled to not skirt the system in regards to HOW they spent their money. The league wouldn't have cared if the skins and cowpokes paid out tons of money in normal contracts. It simply would have bit them in the ass when the new cap was agreed upon. Instead, both of those teams tried to spend money and not get bit in the ass.
  3. Rumors are now floating that there have been informal talks between the Big XII(-2) and FSU, Miami, Clemson, and VT. The Big XII(-2) could possibly go from also-ran to super conference in one fell swoop. However, i doubt anything that big happens. If anything, i'd bet that they simply poach 2 of the 4 in this first round, with FSU and Clemson being the most likely. Miami said they aren't going anywhere, and there's always talk of the virginia legislature not allowing 1 Virginia school to move without the other. It sure does seem as if we're on the way to 16 team conferences, and the best (and funniest part) is that as much as the commissioners are against an 8-team playoff, you'd essentially have a de facto 8-team playoff, with the 4 super-conference title games acting as the 1st round.
  4. The Steelers, Ravens, and Bengals all will beat on each other throughout the year. no way do all 3 teams in that division finish with 10 wins.
  5. There's nothing to "familiarize" with. Both those cheating scuymbag owners purposely gamed the system when they were specifically told not to. They tried to create a competitive advantage over other teams. 28 teams had no problems working within the system. 2 had minor issues. These two were the only ones that deliberately tried to screw everyone else.
  6. WRT as and ad revenue, you're looking at two different groups when comparing Fb to something like google. If you're using google, theres a pretty good chance that whatever you're looking for you are either interested in buying, or is something you might buy or use (service) in the future. In that sense, ads are much more useful and will generate much more revenue for the company paying. If you're on FB, the most likely reason is just to check on some friends/family, or post whatever mindless inane thing you're currently doing. you're not logging on FB with the intention of buying something, so ads are going to have a very little effect on you.
  7. I agree. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that facebook provides nothing tangible. Now don't get me wrong, that method can make you a ton of money, as it has for zuckerberg. But going public is a completely different ballgame that operating privately. I just don't see anything that not tangible making it in the long run.
  8. So Koonce's opinions and struggles don't matter for no other reason than you're jealous that he has more money than you?
  9. No he wasn't. Potter was drafted. Powell was signed as a UDFA.
  10. Offhand, i don't remember him flubbing any snaps, and i watch most FSU games.
  11. With the new playoff system coming in 2014, there will be no more "AQ" conferences, hence no more reason for Boise to move to the Big East.
  12. This thread has made it very clear (again) as to where WEO's fan allegiances lie. He's been an unabashed pats* lover since he started on the board, so he's not going to change now.
  13. Yes, he's been the holder for FGs and XPs for the past 2 seasons.
  14. He did it regularly at FSU. As the article stated, anytime Powell was within range of the endzone, he was directionally punting for the sidelines inside the 20. And he was very successful at it. If he continues this during camp, its going to be tough to keep Moorman on board. Then the report is flat out wrong. He was great at directional punting during his time at FSU. He will have to learn the winds however.
  15. Tanney was never "with" the Bills. He tried out for the team, and they didn't extend him an offer. It was an interview, and nothing more.
  16. Nice. So tebow is claiming that he's actually Jesus, and/or that he's the only one with rights to using the name Jesus on anything.
  17. Wasn't Cavanaugh like the jets 3rd or 4th option as jets QB coach? I know our coach, David Lee, turned them down. So how much credence do give to a guy, who was basically the toothless divorced 40 year old with 6 kids left at last call that the jets decided to go home with?
  18. I've never been to a camp site (and we camped all the time growing up, tent/pop-up/RV, and still do, most of the time with electricity), that DIDN'T have your standard 110 outlet below the larger outlets. When they list the big outlets, they are listing the max load for the plug. There'll be al electric box with a couple of big RV hookups and a couple of 110 outlets. We always run the extension cord and plug things in like the electric griddle, radio, etc. Never have run the cord into the tent because there's never any reason to, but i don't see what the problem would be. It's like running a cord from an outlet in your house. Of course you could just call the campsite and ask about the outlet, but you probably already did that.
  19. You know if that was a naked dude, he'd be in the slammer with half a dozen felony charges against him.
  20. No one in the NFL projects Russell Wilson as a franchise QB, not just the talking heads. If anyone thought he'd be a franchise QB, he'd have been taken in the top half of round 1.
  21. Get over yourself. And get some raid to kill that bug lodged in your colon.
  22. You've filled this role quite nicely.
  23. I doubt there will be any "surprises" at the QB position. I'd bet almost anything that (barring injury) when the final roster comes out, Fitzy is obviously #1, VY is #2, thigpen is cut, and a guy like Corp will be on the practice squad. Brad Smith will be the #3 QB on the roster when the season starts.
  24. Wow. Kim was one of the worst winners in the history of the game. Yes, technically she played the best game on her specific season, but overall it was crap. Kim's ability rates somewhere on the 3-4 range out of 10 scale. If she had been with anyone with some type of firing synapses, she wouldn't have made it very far past the merge. She didn't win the game so much as the guys completely imploded this season (from going to tribal after a win to them falling apart after the merger to tarzan being a complete tool). Also, it seemed as if none of the top 6 were playing to win. Tarzan was playing to be the last guy left, and the girls were all playing to get to eliminate the guys, and then seemingly had no idea what to do when there were no more guys to vote out. I just can't respect anyone of them. Basically, no effort was required to win this season because everyone just laid down. I'll give Kim props for winning challenges, but that's it. Alicia is an absolute scumbag, and is nothing more than a legend in her own mind. She never had control of the game, and never had power over anyone. The single chance she had to take control of the game she squandered by voting Tarzan out. As AJ said, i hope they get some real players next season. Enough of these single 20-somethings. Get a good mix of players from all backgrounds and ages. I think the real problem started when they began recruiting and casting players instead of sifting through applications. EDIT: (regarding the medical redshirts for next fall) I dont particularly like bringing back old contestants anymore, because it seems as if they just run the show and everyone else follows them. That being said, some people who got evacuated that could be coming back: Colton - i bet anything he's coming back Kourtney - the first out this season James - he did get evac'ed but has played the game what 2-3 times now? Johnathan Penner - the snarky writer, but he's also played multiple times. Russell Swan - The guy from a few seasons back who passed out during the labryinth challenge in Samoa. IIRC, his tribe was strong until he left and then they fell apart http://www.realitytvworld.com/news/russell-swan-gets-medically-evacuated-from-survivor-samoa-9806.php
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