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Everything posted by Ramius

  1. So what now? Any QB completing less than 40% of his passes now must pay tebow royalties?
  2. Maybe Harbaugh had Seattle and the points? He should make his wagering a bit less obvious.
  3. That article was stupidly inaccurate. Almost as inaccurate as the movies. First off, in Armageddon, the premise is that a comet shoots through the asteroid belt, sending chunks of rocks towards Earth. This could happen, and we wouldn't notice until they were hurtling towards us. The problem is that it'd take about 5-6 months for the asteroid to get here, not 18 days. (Based on the approximate speed of the asteroid in the movie) My biggest beef with Armageddon isn't that they only have to drill 800 feet to hit the fault line. Its the fact that they drill 50 feet in 2 hours, lose the Armadillo, and when Ben Affleck shows up, they're all of a sudden at 750 feet depth. That's what really bothers me. Otherwise, its one of my favorite movies. And in outbreak, it IS perfectly feasible to whip up an anti-viral inoculation in a few days. It won't be mass produced, and it won't necessarily be safe for those taking it, but it is feasible. Virii are simple. Pieces of DNA or RNA in a protein coat. Nothing more. Mass producing a safe inoculation for the virus is what would take months to years. But this does remind me of a peeve with asteroid movies. You wouldn't see a streaking rock through the sky if a big one hit Earth. The dot would get brighter and brighter and there'd be a split second flash right before impact. No trails or anything.
  4. I love Freddie, but the touches need to be 2/3 CJ and 1/3 Freddie at this point. CJ should be the main back, with Freddie spelling him every couple of drives. Or put them both on the field at the same time. But CJs earned the right to be the #1 over Freddie.
  5. Maybe when reading Castillo's resume, the chicken grease on reid's fingers smudged the O so he thought it said "D-Line coach"
  6. I wasn't terribly impressed by Geno yesterday. He finally faced a decent pass defense and looked utterly lost at times. He definitely dropped a notch in my book. EJ Manuel had a good bounce back game, but some of his issues are still there. He threw an awful INT where he just floated the ball and overthrew an open TE. He's got the physical skills, but needs to improve his passing consistency.
  7. Fitz might be able to throw 40 yards down field too.
  8. Looks like ibanez's roid dealer from his Philly days has resurfaced in NY.
  9. I'm glad to see the nationals lose for no other reason than their decision to shut down strasburg. That arrogance deserves to be punished and it was. Enjoy the fan backlash morons.
  10. This thread simply proves that there are quite a few trash scumbags that infest this board. It's disgusting.
  11. A typical 7 game series will cover 9 days. A pitcher can't go 3 times in 9 days on normal rest. You can pitch 3 times if you go both times on 3 days rest. My point was that in the A's-Tigers series, Verlander was able to go on full rest for game 5. My point was that when you have a single dominating pitcher, he can win you 2/5 games, leaving no room for error for the opposing team. In a 7 game series, he can win you 2/7 games, meaning you still need to have the rest of the rotation do something. An ace could go again in game 7, but that's a complete dice roll.
  12. 4 series, 4 game 5s. Can't ask for much more. (Well, i'd like to see it expanded to a 7 game series, so one dominating pitcher doesn't have such a huge effect on a series) Sucks my A's lost, but i never expected them to get where they got to and win the division. It was a hell of a ride.
  13. Verlander is great and scares me, but strange things have been happening at the coliseum this year. The A's literally feel like they cant lose at home.
  14. @PeytonsHead is hilarious, especially during NFL games. @the_ironsheik is a riot too, especially if you watched wrestling when he was in the WWF back in the 80s. For the sabres fans out there, @FakeDarcy and @LindyRuffsTie are great follows.
  15. On the plus side, if we draft Geno Smith, he'll be perfectly comfortable with the type of defense we run.
  16. But it doesn't. Chances are you're not going to get to set your rotation and purposely schedule your ace for the 1 game playoff. You're going to have whoever was next inline after the game 162 pitcher. And if you do, then you lose the ability to throw him twice in the 5 game ALDS, benefitting the division winner.
  17. Once again, we can let kids watch blood, gore, bodies being mangled and ripped apart on the news, yet if you show some female skin, or God forbid, a nipple then all hell breaks loose. The sexual repression in 'merica at times is ridiculous.
  18. Yup, and winning your division has become that much more important again. However, have i ever mentioned how much i hate the stupid "first 2 at the low seed" format? Ridiculous. Put the higher seed in a hole for what reason?
  19. A one game sudden death is far from foreign to the game. MLB is littered with 1 game playoff scenarios for teams that tied for the division lead, etc.
  20. Not to hijack this baseball thread, but i think a reason for WC teams having more success if you've got teams like the packers last year where they had everything wrapped up, and their starters got too much rest. With the bye, they went almost a month between real football games. With the WCs, you're seeing teams get hot at the right time (much like in baseball).
  21. I rescind everything I said about EJ Manuel. I loved the kid but he's proven that despite the physical abilities, he's effectively braindead as a QB.
  22. Drew Brees was a huge jackass all offseason and a completely selfish prick when it came to the contract negotiations. His reputation definitely took a hit after all of his douchebaggery. He became extremely unlikeable. However, he's not at fault for the 0-4 start. That's on the defense.
  23. Yup, the Rangers deserve no sympathies. They blew a 5 game lead with 9 to go, and a 4 game lead with 6 to go. My A's won 5/7 from Texas over the final 10 games of the season. The Rangers finished the season 2-8 in their final 10, and 1-6 in their final 7. They simply choked. As for the distance on the infield fly, that's a judgement call. I definitely see why many people have an issue with it, at the same time, after watching the breakdown, you can see why the call was made. The funny thing is, if there was no miscommunication between Holliday and the SS, no one is arguing this. The SS could have easily made the catch. (the reason why the infield fly was called)
  24. At first i thought the call was horrific, but i just watched the MLB Network and Harold Reynolds had an excellent breakdown of the call. He showed some film from earlier this year where the infield fly was called in basically the same spot. He said the umps look for when the ball is at its highest point, then check to see if the infielder is "under control" before calling the infield fly. Both of these cases were true in last nights game. Now the depth of the call was an issue, but Reynolds breakdown really changed my mind. As for the wildcard, i don't mind it. Baseball has a long storied history of a single game playoff to break a tie, so why not for a wildcard spot? To the traditionalists, this actually makes the winning your division more important, since you avoid the playoff. Furthermore, (and i think this is important), this prevents a wildcard from setting their rotation for the ALDS. lots of times the WC team with strong pitching had an advantage in a short series. With the play-in, you've gotta be all hands on deck, which benefits the teams that have already won their division. I do however, hate the new format, where the lower seed gets the first 2 at home before the final 3 at the higher seed's park. This gives too much of an early advantage to the lower seed.
  25. Whitner was hated here mainly because a large segment of fans were butt-hurt that we didn't draft Ngata. They held this against Whitner, instead of "rooting for the laundry." I hated the pick as much as anyone, but once he was taken, you root for a player on your team to succeed. Many here rooted for his failure so they could prove they were right. As for dickless jauron, at no point ever in his entire coaching career has he ever put anyone in a position to succeed. He jerked around and got the absolute least out of a decent amount of talent on this team. I honestly don't understand how this worthless coach still has an NFL job. Its baffling. It's sort of like government jobs. dickless simply has an NFL job because he's always had one, not because he's actually any good or has any coaching talent.
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