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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. Too bad it wasn't glass...
  2. LOL! Brazil has become one of the most interesting countries on earth to me...economy has grown like a weed...a culture that is robust and passionate...but such a dark side!
  3. bbb: One thing to consider is that over the past decade or so, MLS has transitioned from renting out larger venues to building soccer-only stadiums for the majority of their teams. Most of them have about a 12-18k capacity, I believe. So you're not going to see MLS games having an average attendance much higher than that, simply because they can't pack anyone else in there once a game sells out. I can't really speak to the polls since I haven't seen one either. MDH: Seems like it's been forever since I've seen you, man! You been playing poker anywhere? I hadn't been, but then I saw that a site I used to play on for years was open to US customers, so I've been playing some small stakes the past few weeks.
  4. Did Pettine bring anyone from the Jets with him who could feasibly be learning the DC role? It's so nice having a DC with firing neurons...I'd hate to see him leave after a year. Make him asst head coach or something...
  5. haha, when I was doing my daily 30min google search of all things Bieber today, I came across a TMZ video of him getting pelted with a bottle in Brazil.
  6. bbb, you really wouldn't say that soccer is bigger now than it has ever been during our lifetimes? Back in the 80s and 90s I can't imagine a major network seeking out a contract with the English Premiership, and I'm guessing here, but I find it hard to believe that we were selling out our international friendlies in stadiums all over the country like we do currently. When the USMNT is in town, tens of thousands of people show up and it's a crazy scene. I don't know many people who ever seriously believed it would be anything like the NFL in this country, but it's pretty clear to me that it's never been as popular as it is now. There was a period of time in the 70s when the NASL was hot, but that fizzled out when the inmates took over the asylum. MLS has learned from those lessons and been very smart in the way they've grown the league. But to echo 122s point, why is it that people get so up in arms about this sport? I don't get it. I can see getting annoyed by fans, and there are certain aspects of the game that it's easy to be critical of, but it's almost like there's this venom toward the sport in general...I'm not sure I get that.
  7. I didnt' mean to refer to him as a juicer...I was referring to the 3-way race for the HR record that year. Early on it was the three of them, then Griff started to fade away a bit...prob cause he wasn't juicing
  8. The defense needs to call a team only meeting...each time an offensive player walks through the door, Kyle Williams should grab them and hold them while Kiko kicks them clean in the nutsack.
  9. It's like this game is actually the Bills vs the Chiefs vs the Tuel...and we're kicking the crap out of one and losing to the other.
  10. I'm so sick of hearing about this little twat. He's on the news. He's on the home page of my email account. He's talked about on some of the shows I watch. ENOUGH already. I hope this kid gets the super herps and goes into seclusion somewhere in Canada.
  11. I just used the baseball example to compare and contrast...I still follow the Braves very closely, but my overall interest in the sport has not recovered since the McGwire/Griffey/Sosa thing. And it's not like I made a conscious choice to turn away from baseball...this is just the natural effect that it had on me as a fan. I am a sports fan in general and don't really look at it like sport X vs sport Y...I love it all and I don't want to see any of them suffer or fade away. I don't watch much NBA, but I'm glad it's there. It's part of our sports landscape in this country and even though I don't watch many regular season games, I love the NBA playoffs. And I still get excited come October when the MLB playoffs crank up. It doesn't compare to my love of the NFL or soccer, but I want every league to succeed and I don't see that the success of one has to be at the detriment of another.
  12. People still play audio CDs?
  13. I think I saw something on youtube about that
  14. My sleep is really crazy these last few days, and I happened to be awake around 5am. I started playing some poker at an online site I had no idea was still operating, and Austin Powers International Man of Mystery came on tv. As I began to watch, I had the thought, "what the hell ever happened to Mike Myers?" Seems like it's been forever since I've seen him in anything or even heard his name mentioned. So I googled that exact phrase and much to my surprise there was a very interesting blog that asks...and answers...this very question. It's not written/proofread very well, but it's interesting....and I know have a better idea where the hell Mike Myers is. This blog looks to have been around for quite a while, because there are similar write-ups on all sorts of other actors, too. I read a few of the other ones and really enjoyed it. Even Jim Carrey, whom I felt I knew quite a lot about, had a history that I had no idea about. Thought maybe some of you guys may have someone in mind that you'd like to know what the hell happened to them, as well. Enjoy! http://lebeauleblog.com/category/movies/what-the-hell-happened/
  15. I was extremely athletic all the way from age 3 up through to college, and I had an opportunity to continue on at a division I level had a chose to do so...so sports have been an absolutely HUGE part of my life. When I moved to Atlanta for the first time as a kid back in 1980, it was the first time I fell completely in love with a sports team - the Atlanta Braves. To this day I can tell you details long forgotten about those Braves teams. I still remember being in a hotel room with my parents - a Knight's Inn - when the news came on and showed the Braves had beaten the Dodgers, putting them one step closer to the pennant in the NL West (Braves used to play in that division). I jumped out of my bed and yelled, and my Dad just SCOLDED the hell out of me, lol. (My Dad has passion for zippo.) Anyway, the point is that I LOVED the Braves and enjoyed watching the Cubs on the Chicago channel on cable and the Mets on the NYC channel. Baseball had me locked in from an early age, but they have repeatedly driven me from the sport over the last 15 years or so. Uneven competitive landscape, steroid scandal, tainted record breaking performances, etc, etc. They Failed with a capital "F" to transition me from my childhood love into my adulthood, and I think it all started with the McGwire/Sosa/Griffey thing that took me (and everyone else) on a huge high, only to watch it fizzle out like a stuck balloon. If the younger generation is starting to turn away from MLB, as well, that bodes poorly for the sports future. The interesting thing about soccer, for me, is that the more integrated we become with cultures abroad, and the more access we have to international broadcasts and events, the more aware people will become that there is an entire world of soccer out there to enjoy. And the difference between soccer and other sports is that with soccer that undiscovered world contains the BEST the sport has to offer, which for many will pique their interest. Next thing you know, you have a Lionel Messi breaking into the top ten of popular sports figures among American fans. Pretty cool!
  16. HBD to one of my long time TBD favorites!!! You are a class act, Mead! Cheers!!
  17. Ah, good catch...I didn't even see that!
  18. I miss Bill Hader the most...he was one of the most talented people the show has ever had, IMO.
  19. I hate to break the news to them, but antibiotics won't have any effect on a flu bug.
  20. Okay, well that makes sense then, cause they were showing it on IFC last night and I thought it was one of the dumbest things I've ever seen. And I'm the sort of moviegoer who will laugh hysterically at fart jokes and toilet humor, so it's not like I'm some highbrow film snob. I'm not really sure I'm feeling compelled to attend the live experience, but I guess don't knock it til I try it... But wow, the movie is stupid. See you nailed it with that comment about feeling obligated. I know so many people who rave about it, when I saw it was on I started watching and DID feel like something was wrong with me that I wasn't entertained. It definitely was sort of a sense of obligation that I should find a way to appreciate it...but just wasn't happening.
  21. Can someone please explain to me why this is so popular? I'm watching it for the first time and I haven't been this annoyed in a long time. It's like a freak porno. Is it just me?
  22. We are NOT going to get blown out...our secondary is getting healthier, Super Mario is off to a great start, Dareus has been warming up, Kiko is a friggin MONSTER, and the coaching staff will have them prepared to compete. I"m not saying we'll win, but we're not goign to get blown out.
  23. Heck yeah, the whole idea of binge-watching shows is a blast...I'ts really only been the last few years that I've been watching more TV, so I had the chance to binge on 24, Sopranos, Dexter, Breaking Bad, Lost, and of course House of Cards when Netflix released it all at once. I find it exponentially more enjoyable to have entire seasons to feast on at my own pace. There are times when I almost consider not watching a show I'm interested in when it comes on each week, just so I can delay my gratification and enjoy it all at once when it's over. Binge marathons are the best!
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