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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. That's really awesome, man...I often think about the fact that if LOTS of people would make an effort to do something helpful for another one in need, imagine what an effect that could have. It honestly wasn't until these last three years that I fully realized (to the degree that I'm capable of realizing this, since I wasn't there myself) that the vietnam guys in particular don't ever get to escape the aftereffects, no matter how badly they want to or how hard they try. And then you add on top of that that so many of them never signed up for it in the first place and they're just overflowing with resentment...the feeling of helplessness when you're on the other side of that - the side I'm on, trying to figure out SOMETHING to do or say to help - is truly overwhelming. I'm certain that this is why I have become more sensitive to the issue of respect for our military than I ever was before. The vietnam vets really have my heart. And yeah, I often wonder if people do the "thank you for your service" thing because it makes them feel better more than they do it as a gesture of respect. I dont mean to be cynical about it, cause I"m sure many are very sincere in what they say...but your point is a good one - we can and should do something that has more do to with verbs. When I happen to see someone showing that video now, what crosses my mind is that he's happy that he finally found someone young and smitten enough with him that he can control her in ways he never imagined. Sounds like Katie Holmes has taken her "self" back since they split, but I think Tommy's version of "love and happiness" are a bit different than many of ours.
  2. LOL, nice tie in!
  3. Good point...I think it'll work out great for them, it's just more of a tradition thing with me. I've seen every SW film either opening day or within a few days of opening day, and there is just that nostalgia of seeing it just as the summer is about to get under way. As long as he does a great job with it, I'll be cool...I never thought I'd get to see Han Solo on the big screen again...Seeing Harrison Ford slip into character on Kimmel a few months ago made me feel like a kid again...I know the trilogy won't be based on him, but JJ would be crazy not to give Han plenty of screen time and make him an integral part of the story.
  4. Watch until at least the 1:45 mark....gets better as it goes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfztR238tDA
  5. Thanks Jack lol
  6. It sure is...I can't believe the list of films slated for that year....unbelievable.
  7. Hopefully Chef Jim wont' see me admit this, but there is this website called Chat Roulette where you basically flip from webcam to webcam of people all around the world looking to interact with others. Well, on youtube they have these clips of the best "reactions" from others....sometimes people will play pranks, or try to scare others, and sometimes there are celebs who will cam up and participate. There are people who will fire up a video clip of Bieber, and then when someone else connects with them, they freak out and think it's Bieber they're talking to. The way some of these folks completely go apeshiit is just RIDICULOUS! Never in my life have I ever felt the need to react to riciculously to another human being....never have I been "starstruck" or gone gaga over anyone....ever. I really dont' get it... it's just absurd how people react to this kid...
  8. Ugh, it's absolutely sickening, I completely agree...people take SO MUCH for granted in this country nowadays...it make me feel embarrassed to be among it. So many people have lost perspective, and there is such an incredible lack of appreciation for people such as our military...and that's often compounded by the attitude that so many of these celebs have that they are of greater value or importance than others are. Some think it's sour grapes to have this sort of viewpoint, but it's absolutely NOT. I worked exclusively with Medicare members at my job for the past few years, and with so many of the Vietnam vets hitting age 65, I often found myself working to help them locate and obtain resources for their medical needs. Two main issues that are very prevalent with them are PTSD and the effects of Agent Orange exposure. I don't know if people understand just how much these soldiers have suffered...it did't end when they came home from Vietnam, and for many of them that was when it STARTED. So many of them can barely stay above water with their health, their finances, their relationships, etc, etc...it truly breaks my heart to think of all they have gone through and continue to endure every single day. We help them find ways to cope as best they can, but their discomfort and struggle NEVER FUKKING ENDS! yeah, Tom...our men and women who serve have it super easy compared to you, tough guy....what a douchebag I have caught up to you for sure after this comment...I feel like my blood is boiling the more I think about this
  9. I'm with you 100%. The older I get, the less tolerance I have for them. The degree to which they are out of touch is mind boggling. I have several friends who are active military...and I know there are fellow TBD'ers who are, as well....I hope the next time they come across Tom, they kick him square in his sack. I just find this incredibly disrespectful.
  10. We're raising a nation of fuggin idiots...
  11. I admit it...I've always liked Tom Cruise films. From Risky Business, Days of Thunder, War of the Worlds and Jerry Maguire to Tropic Thunder and Jack Reaper...he's always done a great job of entertaining me for a two hour stretch playing one of his many characters over the years. When his Scientology video was leaked and he was acting crazy, I let it slide...seemed harmless enough. Even the anti-depressant thing...whatever you say, Tom....not that big of a deal. But I'm sorry, when you start saying things that minimize the risks and sacrifices that our military is faced with every minute of every day, that's where I just need to say STFU, Tom... http://www.tmz.com/2013/11/08/tom-cruise-suri-lawsuit-deposition-afghanistan-war-olympics/
  12. Yeah...I just have a particular bias toward this little twat bag.
  13. Gaming is a larger industry that movies now...GTA V was released a month or two ago and it grossed like a billion dollars in the first 24 hrs...it's ridiculous
  14. WTF? SW films are supposed to be released in May dammit!
  15. Wow, you live in London?? That's amazing!
  16. That's very refreshing....if my daughter acted nuts over this guy like so many do, I would honestly be embarrassed and even a little ashamed.
  17. I agree with you guys...it's not creative whatsoever. There's nothing inherently funny about making a list of stereotypes and then confronting a particular ethnicity about said stereotypes. I feel like he's trying to be Sacha Baron-Cohen but he's clueless about how to pull it off. So instead, he just confronts people to go for shock value, which only comes off as annoying and insensitive. SBC makes me howl with laughter (and yeah, I know there are those who hate SBC too), but this guy just makes me want to punch him in the face.
  18. I'm trying to figure out if this is a Borat type prank where the reactions are legit, or if it's staged...there are several videos like this and if they're actors then they're VERY authentic...I honestly cannot believe what I'm watching with some of this.
  19. This is NSFW d/t language. I have heard of this comedian but never seen any of his stuff. I have to say, it's not often that something shocks me, but this guy just did it. he is literally going to get himself killed doing this!!
  20. Big Brother Australia 2013 was the single greatest sesaon of reality TV I've ever seen... What a Finale tonight! And how awesome was it that I was able to watch it live! What a wild, fun ride... I won't ruin it by saying who won just in case even one person decides to start watching...and if anyone does want to watch, let me know and I'll post a couple links of youtube channels where you can see every episode in its entirety. What a great season!!!
  21. Heck yeah! Can't wait
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