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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. I have my DVR set to record Raw and TNA each week, but usually I spend all of about five or ten mins checking out what happened. One of the people who usually got me to lay off the fast forward was Angle. I have a ton of respect for the guy, and I was disgusted when I heard that Vince told him his gold medal didn't mean sh--. What an !@#$! As far as I can tell, Angle punked McMahon pretty good. He used his (apparent) marital issues and poor health as the basis for why he wanted out of his contract. VM seems to have been trying to do the right thing by letting him out, and then Angle goes and signs with TNA a month later, lol. Pretty cool
  2. Basically they want VM to get all hot and bothered, and then make some sort of response on WWE tv. The the fans say, "hmmm...guess we should tune into this TNA stuff to see what else is going to happen!" That's what Vince did to WCW 8 years ago....it was brilliant. But he's not stupid enough to fall for this crap. And sure, it's all fake....but I'm talking about from a business perspective only. VM is a billionaire now. He's a genius when it comes to the world of pro wrestling.....you can't beat him at his own game.
  3. Ironically enough, I'm sitting here websurfing (pulling my hair out trying to learn more about projector screens....what a pain in the ass!) and happened to flip on TNA. The James gang happen to be calling out DX and Vinnie Mac. I bet you any money you won't see any sort of response at all from the WWE side. I think it's funny they're trying to do the exact same thing I posted about above, lol.
  4. I see some puppies in that pic, but not the sort that grow up to become dogs
  5. If you think TNA would allow Vince to post images of Monte Brown during his time in TNA, you're nuts. And why would Vince acknowledge TNA? I think Vince McMahon is one of the biggest A-holes walking the earth, but there are few businessmen in the world who are more savvy. Giving your competition any sort of publicity when it's not necessary would be foolish. That's exactly why it was stupid for WCW and Bischoff to take the bait that the WWE put out back in the late 90s. WCW was winning the ratings war on Mondays every week, so what did Vince do? He put Degeneration X on a friggin TANK and placed it outside of where the WCW show was going on. If Bischoff was smart, he'd have completely ignored it. But instead he thought he could outsmart Vince, so he started doing things like revealing match results and challenging Vince to a fight. That was the DUMBEST thing he could have done. Not long after that, you had Shane McMahon on TNT during the NITRO broadcast talkign about how they'd bought the company. I guarantee you you'll never see a single mention of TNA during a WWE broadcast until and unless TNA starts winning in the ratings....and that's pretty unlikely.
  6. LOL!! How cool would it have been if, when he was busy doing all his touch-ups and additions to the first three films, Lucas would have had that guy with a hot dog in one hand and a beer in the other.
  7. Why does it seem like ESPN always screws up pictures of our players?? Didn't Jonas Jennings turn into a while guy a couple years ago?
  8. Most notably the Bourne films. Also, "Run Lola Run", which was a relatively popular indy film. Another was "The Princess and the Warrior", which is a German film that is pretty good. She's also done a few German horror/slasher flicks...."Creep" and "Anatomy" come to mind, though I've yet to see either. I like her cause she doesn't need a lot of makeup to look pretty, as (IMO) evidenced by pic number drei
  9. Right on....that fight sequence had everything you could possibly want (with the exception of having naked women dancing in the background).
  10. I love my Triumph DVD....might be the best ten bucks I ever spent!
  11. Didn't that kid sue over the release of that tape? That was some funny sh--....
  12. One of my favorite actresses.....Franka Potente. Anyone else like her? eins zwei drei
  13. Never heard of her....but I certainly wont' forget her now
  14. I was living in Philly when my Sixers drafted him...he's been my favorite player ever since. Iverson is a problem child in a lot of ways, but I don't think he's nearly as bad as he's made out to be. He treats his daughter like a princess and, last I knew, still loved his lady (i.e. he's not off raping strange women in various cities around the country). He's incredibly talented and wants nothing more than to win. Iverson rules!
  15. I think what bothered me with regard to the prequels is the fact that a lot of people were so busy hacking on JarJar that they missed the entire point of what was going on....particularly in Ep. I. When someone starts crapping on that film, the first thing I ask them is, "what do you think the film was about?". They'll say it was about some stupid trade federation dispute, or about training Anakin or whatever....they totally miss the big picture that Lucas had very quietly constructed. The main development of that film, and the WHOLE point to all that trade federation stuff, was the way Palpatine/Sidious pulled strings behind the scenes in order land himself in position to become Chancellor. The trade federation stuff was nothing but a cover up where EVERYONE was in the dark except for Sidious and Maul. NOBODY takes the time to think about that. I'll be the first to admit that I love the OT more than the prequels....and I'll never watch the prequels as much as I have, or will, the OT. But there was a lot more going on in these last three films than people acknowledge. As for Lucas as a director, I saw American Graffitti for the first time about a year ago. I was very impressed with the film.
  16. Oh, man....any fan of this franchise will no doubt recognize how pivotal and meaningful many of those fights are. If I HAD to pick one, I'd have to go with Luke v. Vader from ROTJ. When you think about how intense the emotions are, and how things just come completely full circle from start to finish, it's just awesome. That's part of the reason why I won't ever consider ROTJ a weak film. Sure, the ewoks were tacky. But 60-70% of that movie is just awesome. Think about all that Luke had taken on his shoulders....freely exposing himself to Vader with so little to go on as far as what, if anything, was left of Anakin. Then to basically stop the fight and all out refuse to continue, only to end up in a rage when Vader threatens to go after his sister. When you ponder this fight in light of what happened in Ep.III, it just makes it all the more intense. In both Ep.III and in ROTJ, you have Anakin and Luke dealing with intense love and intense rage. The contrast between the two is very dramatic - the jealous love of Anakin leading to hatred, and then the selfless love of Luke leading to a passion to do what's right. I don't think people give Lucas enough credit for the amount of depth and the artistry that can be found among these films.
  17. lol, I saw that a week or two ago....good stuff Martha is brave for coming on with the guy!
  18. I'm glad their raising the stakes and letting JP do this thing. Hell, maybe this whole thing about making him stay in the pocket every game this year was nothing more than "wax on, wax off" and "paint the fence". Now he'll be able to put together what he's learned with his own natural ability to make things happen. Let's face it, the kid didn't get picked in the first round for no reason. C'mon JP!!!!
  19. My favorite book is "A Grief Observed" by C.S. Lewis. Pretty deep, emotional stuff. Fiction wise, I enjoy John LesCroarts. Very talented guy....also a musician. He writes mostly legal thrillers.
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