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Everything posted by ajzepp

  1. Two of the greatest ever.....looking like a couple of tards....too damn funny!
  2. Damn right....and even though our soccer team was actually very good, and I'm a huge soccer fan, it never mattered that we sucked and they won everything cause we always knew we could whoop their asses When you can't win a game, you have to find other ways to build yourselves up
  3. I remember that Pirates cap well cause I was a big Dave Parker fan back in the day....but those Sox hats....I totally forgot how embarrassingly bad those were.....wow!
  4. You have a point, lol. (It's so hard for me to not throw in a Meazza joke at times like this, but he's a bud of mine, so I try to resist )
  5. No clue....I don't see enough Sixers games to even know what they wear on the road, but I'm pretty sure it's the white ones. Their home black jerseys are way cool, though....IMO. I just know it really felt cool to walk around the school on Fridays in our black home jerseys before the game, so that's always stuck with me. We pretty much sucked durign the actual game, so being able to feel somewhat cool during school hours was nice
  6. I hate the friggin yanks, but I agree....they're unis are classy. I'm just glad that MLB as a whole went away from those ridiculous jumpsuit unis they were sporting back in the 80s....some of those were just embarrassing. The Astros come to mind as some of the worst examples....WOW were those bad.
  7. She's of age, too
  8. Those were like the most boring jerseys in history! I love the new ones cause they're actually pretty 'busy', but somehow it works. I'm also partial to black jerseys since they remind me of my HS football days. You can't beat black home jerseys.
  9. I think you're looking for the ball shaving thread
  10. I actually like the Mets jerseys too, even though I'm a Braves fan And I'm a proud homer!
  11. This chick reminds me a lot of Mandy Moore.... http://www.imdb.com/gallery/granitz/3631/E...?hint=nm0444223
  12. How about the coolest looking unis in sports? I'd have to go with our throwbacks (or even our SB era unis) and the Sixers home jerseys.
  13. How cool is that! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackwater_USA
  14. Wow, Jack in Syracuse and Cablelady? you go jack!
  15. I work for a hospital, yep, but I just took a supervisor position at one of their long term care facilities to be closer to home. I had been driving about 45 min to work 12 hr shifts 3x per week, but now I am working 11p-7a and only have to drive 3mi to get there. I almost feel spoiled workign this close to home, lol.
  16. I didn't say I wouldn't HIT it, just not touch it
  17. I'm not touching this one!
  18. would have made for a good story if you had been!
  19. Been doing it in some form or another for over ten years now....hard to do anything else, lol.
  20. currently sitting at the computer in my underwear watching sportscenter, thinking about what to have for breakfast (what other people commonly refer to as "dinner" at this hour), and going in to work at 1045p.
  21. No, but I could tell that Clayton was feeling squeamish having to say something positive about the Bills
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